Author Archive for masonaj22

4Ocean – Andrew Cooper and Alex Schulze

While on a surfing trip to Bali, Indonesia Andrew Cooper and Alex Schulze were struck by the amount of plastic waste filling the oceans. Having grown up in Florida themselves, they feel a deep connection to the sea and all it provides and protects. Cooper and Schulze discussed this issue with local fisherman to get an idea of the ramifications this has on their livelihoods. After their conversations they decided to start an organization that staffs full time crews to rid the ocean of this unwanted waste.

Wanting to have a product to make from the recovered plastic, Cooper and Schulze decided to create bracelets as a “wearable symbol of their mission that would spark conversations about plastic pollution and it would act as a physical reminder to people to make ocean-minded choices like refusing single-use plastics.”

4Ocean has recovered 26,326,650 pounds of trash since 2017. Their unique approach as one of the few organizations that solely targets ocean clean-up has made a huge impact in communities and the world as a whole. Working in twelve locations, with seventeen vessels, 4Ocean employs 185 crew members who clean our waters.

This image comes from 4Ocean’s Osbourne Reef Tire Cleanup, where they work to remove hundreds of thousands of tires that have found their way to the ocean floor.

Dressember Foundation – Blythe Hill

What started out as a personal fashion challenge to wear a dress every day the month of December, turned into an international organization and effort to combat human trafficking. Blythe Hill was deeply troubled by the rising problem of human trafficking but felt lost about how she could help without some kind of legal or social work background. Her passions included fashion, trends, and blogging, and she could not see how these skills would aide in the fight to end human trafficking. As she was asked about her fashion challenge, she began to realize the impact such choices could have. What we wear is an expression to the world and Blythe realized she could harness this to do good. Friends began to join her in the challenge and Blythe decided this was how she would get involved. Dressember was born with the goal of starting conversations to raise awareness and funds to fight human trafficking. Soon there were participants from all over the world wearing a dress every day the month of December to raise awareness about human trafficking. The organization has now raised 16 million dollars and as over a million donors and advocates.

The Dressember Foundation partners with other organizations around the world, such International Justice Mission, who use the money raised by Dressember. Blythe saw a problem in the world and used her unique interests and skill set to make a difference through a new and unconventional way.

BANGS shoes, Hannah Davis

BANGS shoes, getting its name from the Mandarin word help, is a shoe company who dedicates 20% of their profit toward helping entrepreneurs around the world. In 2010, recent college grad Hannah Davis had the idea to take the simple work boots worn by farmers in China where she was teaching English, and market them to the western world in the hopes that she could then invest into other entrepreneurs from the profits. Initially hitting roadblocks with contracts and manufacturing falling through, Davis would eventually hit a stroke of “luck” when she unknowingly met a retired manufacturing executive while working as a bartender. Rightfully a bit skeptical when this man asked question after question about her business plan, she would later discover who he was and partner with him to sign a deal and finally see her idea become a reality.

Now a thriving company, BANGS has helped countless entrepreneurs in countries all around the world.  “We have cultivated a company culture and community united around everyday adventure, positivity, encouragement, and a passion to do good.” Starting an ambassador program has grown this community exponentially with hundreds of students from universities partnering with BANGS in just the first two years of the program. BANGS has helped over 5,000 entrepreneurs in 74 countries. Having a 96% loan repayment, BANGS is able to reinvest the money into more and more entrepreneurs as their and other’s businesses thrive and grow.

Sunrise Mountain High TopLegacy High TopPacific Crest High Top

Stuart and Lisa Harrison – Sojourn Well Jewelry

2018-08-03_10-17-34_266 (2019-07-16T14_28_44.665).jpegStuart and Lisa Harrison are a husband and wife entrepreneur team who handcraft unique jewelry from their cabin in the mountains of Colorado. They also happen to be great family friends that grew up in my small town of Berryville Virginia. Originally starting in Virginia, Lisa used jewelry making as a way to fundraise for a missions trip. Though she was always passionate about art Lisa never thought it could be a viable career option. However, after her fundraiser, she started to change her mind. While attending business school she grew the business and eventually married with Stuart Harrison who became her business partner. Stuart had experience with woodworking and building which transferred nicely into the business. The two have worked together for many years now and have seem their business grow through many seasons.

They spent nearly two years traveling the country in their trailer while maintaining their business. They did this by custom building their trailer with a workstation to keep up with their thousands of Etsy orders. The Harrisons are avid explorers, hikers, and climbers, and have used this unconventional method to pursue those passions while running a successful business. Incorporating many nature focused elements such as ferns, suns, stars, moons, mountains and more, you see their love of the outdoors shine through their work.

Herkimer diamond earrings, Herkimer earrings, Raw stud earrings Raw stone earrings, Crystal earrings, Raw diamond earrings, April birthstone

Another unique aspect to their business is the materials they use. While the Harrisons were exploring various parts of the western United States they dug and mined for their own gems and stones to be used in their jewelry. They spend hours sorting and organizing the stones they find to ensure the highest quality products.

Stuart and Lisa Harrison have turned a passion they thought would never be anything more than a hobby and have used it to find not only business success but their ideal lifestyle.


The Keeping Company – Caleb Voskamp

Caleb Voskamp is a young entrepreneur who started a woodworking business as a teenager to go along with his moms work as a Christian author and speaker. His mom, Ann Voskamp, seeks to reach people with truth about the Lord through books and devotionals. Her work opened a unique opportunity for Caleb to create and sell wares to her readers. Initially selling through her website, Caleb created beautiful wooden advent calendars with candle holders to count down the days to the birth of Jesus. He even made a cutout of  a donkey carrying Mary to Jerusalem. After a visit to Haiti with his family, Caleb decided that for his work to further glorify God he wanted to use his profits to sponsor twelve children through Compassion International.

- Cradle-to-Cross Wreath -

Seeing the success of his pieces, Caleb expanded this advent calendar to include a lent version with a cutout of of Jesus carrying his cross so that the calendar could be used at both Christmas and Easter. Since starting the business as a teenager, he has now expanded his company to include many more products including a nativity set, ornaments, garlands, and cutting boards. Many of which come with a Bible verse carved into the wood.

- Bread Board - "I Am The Bread of Life" -

Now working with his wife and family, they continue their business to supply unique and meaningful ways to keep the holidays centered on Christ. They have also shifted to donating a portion of their profits to stable supplies so that people in poverty have the resources they need to “change their circumstances by harvesting eggs and milk, growing herds, and supplying their own food sustainably.”



Lila Rose founder of Live Action

With the purpose of revealing the truth about abortion and what it does to a pre-born child, Lila Rose founded the pro-life organization called Live Action at just fifteen years old. A few years later, while in school at UCLA, Lila began doing undercover investigations at abortion facilities. These investigations exposed illegal and unsafe practices. Some such practices included allowing underaged girls to seek and obtain abortions without their parents knowledge, and defying mandatory reporter laws when there was clear abuse and potential trafficking taking place as well as statutory rape. With the help of her friends Lila published these groundbreaking videos (the first of their kind to be nationally televised) to shed a light on the corrupt nature of the abortion industry. Though putting herself in harms way, this approach allowed for hundreds of thousands of people to understand the gravity of the problem of abortion and the abortion industry.

As she continued in her work, Lila sought to innovate and use new and different ways to try to reach people with the truth. Live Action continues to conduct research as well as focus some of their resources on education about what abortion procedures are. With the help of a former abortionist, Live Action created videos with medical animation to show what abortion really is. By using this approach to show people with their own eyes the facts about abortion, countless minds have been changed on the issue.

Lila’s organization uses creativity to reach people in a way no other pro-life organization has. At a rally put on by Live Action a few years ago they hired and airplane to fly overhead and write out the number 2,363, which is the number of children killed by abortion each day in the United States. Live Action has bought advertisements in Times Square in New York City to share their website 2, Through her organization Lila Rose has drastically changed how many and in what ways people can be reached with the truth about abortion.