Author Archive for mawhinneykf22

Kamaria Warren: Inclusive Party Supplies

10 Successful Young Entrepreneurs (

Kamaria Warren was like any other kid when she went shopping for party supplies, such as innovations, for her birthday party. Yet, she realized that there was a big issue when she was shopping. There was not a lot of representation for black and brown children on the designs on the various party supplies. She now has multiple employees in her business and various products that she has developed and sold. She becomes motivated and inspired by seeing how her products positively affect other girls like her. She teaches me that even though no one has done something yet, or no one has addressed an issue yet, does not mean that you can’t. Her unique take on inclusivity and seeing it in a unique, but important area shows how each person has an important perspective. Her perspective may have been overlooked by many, but once fixed it has changed the game for many children just wanting simple inclusive party supplies. She inspires me to always see how I can improve things and to consider how small things to me, could mean the world to others. While her business creates profit, she gives back by creating priceless value of joy when kids like her use her products and feel included.

Hart Main: Scented Candles

10 Successful Young Entrepreneurs (

What started out as a joke with his sister about girly candle scents, turned into an idea, and thus a business out of it. Hart Main had the unique idea of making “ManCans” that are candles with more manly scents. His business has since grown and creates a lot of profit. Hart also gives back to his community by donating some of this big profit to soup kitchens. What may seem like a simple idea to others, became a reality to Hart and created a very popular business that sells candles in every state. He was impressively able to reach more people than just in his immediate area. With some help from his parents, he was able to create a business that creates value to those looking for candles with unique “man” scents and give back to those in need. He is not a selfish business owner and seems very humble with the successful business that he has created. This is inspirational because not every successful business owner is like this, and it is hard to teach humility. His parents did a great job at encouraging him while teaching him the importance of giving back. He is unlike other candle businesses out there because he has a good, simple story behind the business and has innovated many ways on how to equally grow the business and help society.

Vinusha MK: Baking

This 10-year-old chef-entrepreneur wants to be No. 1 in the desserts business (

With understanding her interest in baking at just 9 years old after simply baking a cake, Vinusha MK had an ambition to flourish her new hobby and share it with others in some way. As her parents took her to events that inspired her mind, she eventually created the business “Four Seasons Pastry”. With baking items, each inspired by the four seasons, she created a business unlike many baking businesses. Not only did she create a business, but she had a very impressive and educational internship. During covid she even saw an opportunity to create baking kits. With mentors like her mother and professional bakers. She is inspiring because she is very ambitious and determined at a young age. From her story, I’ve learned that people in your life and their encouragements and inspiration greatly impact how your ambition and belief in yourself is. Her parents raised her to be confident and a goal getter and that is exactly how she turned out. Her goal is to be a #1 business in baking and set herself apart from the competition, with such big goals at such a young age, it reminds us to never give up. It also reminds us that no goal is ever too big.

Mikey Wren: Vending Machines

Meet Mikey Wren: 10-year-old business owner and best-selling author |

Mikey Wren is a business owner that started his own business while still in elementary school. He saw a need through his hunger and sweet tooth and created his own vending machine business. With such a simple, kid-like desire, that people never grow out of, he accidentally stumbled upon a business idea that had worth in it. Even though it’s simple, it’s an idea that creates value, especially to him in his life. While creating this business, he had to make small sacrifices along the way, but sacrifices that may seem big to a child his age. These sacrifices included not getting gifts for Christmas one year and instead asking for money toward his business. There were many steps to creating his business, but slowly but surely, he finally did it and started making a profit. Every sacrifice and time put in by him and his parents turned out to be worth it. His determination right after he got the business idea to actually create it, especially at his age, is very unique and inspiring. He had a simple idea in mind where he just wanted to eat his favorite snacks, but he chose to share that simple joy in life with other people and be a role model. He has even written his own book, when he was just 10, where he inspires others to do as he did and follow their passions into a business.

Ryan Hickman: Recycling

Ryan Hickman is a young entrepreneur that is driven by promoting a cause that saves the earth. At just 12 years old, he is a unique boy that saw a need and created a business to meet that need. We all learn about recycling in elementary school and how we should participate it, but he is different minded in the sense that he took initiative and took his care for it to the next level. At only about 3 years old, he knew how important recycling was. His experience with recycling with his dad helped him create his business called “Ryan’s Recycling”. His business, unlike some recycling businesses, is a trustworthy business where you know your bottles are going to actually be recycled. With the attention of even celebrities, he has grown his business and is still going strong. He has even created his own non-profit. What started as a motivation for money from recycling since he was 3, ended up as a redeeming business that has recycled about 1.6 million cans and bottles. Ryan inspires me in the sense that he had a hobby and a cause he cared about and grew it. It makes me realize that even a small thing that I care about could possibly be a business or organization that I can use to impact the world. Childhood hobbies and interests are not wasted or random, but they are glimpses of the possibilities that you can do at any point in your life. With a simple elementary idea like recycling, Ryan has been able to make a business that is unlike any other one and will impact the world for generations.

Ryan’s Recycling Has Recycled 1.6 Million Bottles, With 12-Year-Old CEO (