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Healthy Ice Cream?

Everybody stop and reread the title. “Healthy Ice Cream” sounds like an oxymoron. Surely ice cream can’t be healthy. It’s sweet, delicious, and there’s never enough of it; the unofficial definition of unhealthy foods. There’s no way someone actually made ice cream healthy without destroying it or turning it into the still-good-but-not-as-good-as-ice-cream frozen yogurt. Well hold the phone, because someone did.

See the source imageJustin Woolverton, the founder and CEO of Halo Top, likes ice cream. A lot. He faced the same dilemma as we did, but unlike us, he decided to do something about it. He reinvented the recipe of ice cream in a way that would reduce calories and unhealthy stuff like sugar, increase proteins, all while still maintaining the texture and flavor of ice cream. Since that revolutionary breakthrough, he created the company Halo Top with over 17 flavors. Some of the fan favorites are flavors like Chocolate Mocha Chip, Peanut Butter Cup, Red Velvet, Oatmeal Cookie and Vanilla Bean, with more on the way.

Woolverton maintains Halo Top’s trademark low calorie count by using fruit based sugar alcohols that have way less calories than sugar does. The most used sweetener is called Stevia, a plant native to Paraguay that’s been used to sweeten foods for 200 years. They also use Erythritol, a natural sweetener in pears and grapes. This allows the ice cream to stay sweet and delicious without resorting to cancer-giving chemicals or processed grained sugar. See the source image

Now before you start eating only Halo Top ice cream for dinner, Halo Top isn’t nutritionally building or a good substitute for annoying things like vegetables. It’s designed for “the diet conscious consumers, giving them the option to eat ice cream again,” Woolverton says. But still, stacked up against the competition, it sure looks like a nutritious choice. With 180 less calories, 15 less grams of fat, and 14 less grams of sugar per serving than brands like Ben & Jerry’s and Haagan Dazs, Halo Top is rising to the top of go-to ice creams for those break-up binge pints. It’s beat out those two popular brands for best selling brand in America last year.

So be healthy while you’re treating yourself to this innovative new ice cream. Go ahead, eat the whole pint.

Causing a Scene is Their Specialty

Many people go to Nashville, TN in search of an illustrious career in music. It’s many people’s dream, so they end up in the heart of the music industry playing in bars and basements in a desperate attempt to make it big in the music world. Some succeed. Many more don’t. They spend most of their lives trying to achieve a dream in a cutthroat profession where chances are few and far between.

1A8A9869Larry Kloess saw this and decided he could do something about it. Could he make every single person who came to Nashville seeking glory find it? No, but he could give as many people as he could a chance. In 2012, Kloess and a long list of supporters started their business called “Cause a Scene” based in his hometown of Nashville, TN. His business was set right in a liquid network for music, the heartbeat of songs.

Cause a Scene is a blogging/booking agency for up-and-coming artists who are looking for their big break. It all began with a blog giving tips and tricks to success in the music industry, as well as exploring the wonders of music. “There is an inherent joy in music, and we plan on celebrating that joy with every post,” Kloess says, describing how he approaches each blog post. However, the blog grew from there. They started selling new music and content from their readers, promoting artists. Kloess hoped that people would come to his site in order to find new music that they wouldn’t have found otherwise.

From there, this online business grew even bigger. They began hosting, curating, promoted, and sold concerts for the same musicians selling music on the site. They’ve booked large traditional venues, but when those weren’t available, they got creative. Kloess began booking concerts in people’s houses, or the basements of homes and warehouses. No place was too strange. Kloess just hoped to give these musicians a chance, the chance they’ve always wanted.

In the first four years of Cause a Scene’s existence, they’ve hosted over 200 concerts in a large variety of venues. Over 700 musicians from around the nation have performed in these concerts all over the greater Nashville area. Kloess is causing a scene in the music industry by giving people a shot. Once they get that shot, now talent shines through.

Luv AJ Leading in Social Media Marketing

Most people think innovation as a quality only new businesses or new products require. However, one entrepreneur showed that innovation is important of all areas of business. Amanda Thomas, founder of the Luv AJ Jewelry Line, demonstrated innovation not only in her product but in how she marketed it.

Image result for amanda thomas luv ajThomas created her jewelry line in 2005 when she was 16 years old, her after school obsession becoming a profitable business with unique accessories. While at Fred Segal, she randomly met a buyer who wanted her jewelry in all of their stores around the country. That was the first step for Luv AJ on the road of becoming a global empire. A student under famous designers such as Rachel Pally, Christina Ehrlich, and Estee Stanley, Thomas learned how to best create unique jewelry that appeals to lots of different crowds. Now, Luv AJ has boutiques all over the country and the jewelry is popular with a lot of celebrities. People like Beyoncé, Bella Hadid, Kylie Jenner, Emily Ratajkowski, and Emma Roberts all praise Luv AJ and the unique heavy chains and spikes unique to that line.

While Luv AJ demonstrates tons of unique innovation, it’s Thomas’ intense marketing work Image result for amanda thomas luv ajthat really shows an entrepreneurial mind. Forbes describes Thomas as a “digital native”, manipulating social media trends to bring her designs and products to the forefront of the market. From the start, Thomas used Instagram to immerse her brand in the world. She uses her talent for design to create an amazing Instagram page for her products that visual appealing. “Our Instagram grid is a mix of close up shots of ears, necks, and hands, lookbook and campaign imagery, photos of influencers and celebrities wearing the jewelry, and flat lays,” she says.

Thomas knows what an amazing platform social media is for marketing. Her unique photos and advertisements have vastly increased Luv AJ’s marketing reach. However, Thomas doesn’t stop there. She has worked hard to use different influential people to promote her product online, like models, singers, actresses, and so on. To best describe her innovative method of advertisement, she says, “Each season, we work with over 200 girls with a wide range of followers, and we gift them jewelry in exchange for a post and tag. With their tags, we get our product in front of new audiences with every single post.” Thomas isn’t picky about the number of followers or how popular the influencer is. She believes that someone with 50k followers opens up markets the same amount as one with 500k followers.

Image result for luv aj beyonceThomas’ innovation with social media marketing and networking has paid off, big time. Yet she doesn’t rest on her success. She continues to build new relationships to increase her reach. Sometimes she directly messages influences to build a relationship, sometimes she gets referrals from others she’s worked with. Either way, she strives to create partnerships with new people to open up new markets. With products at $100 or lower, her line is spiking in popularity.

Thomas continues to innovate with her online presence to make buying even easier. “First, every single image we post is tagged to a product that is directly synced to our Shopify store. You can click-to-buy on a post and checkout on your mobile device. The second way is through the “Link in Bio” which leads you to our SHOP ALL collection. The third way you is through the app Four Sixty which makes our Instagram feed shoppable on our e-commerce store. Other tools we use that add efficiency are PlanolyVSCO, and Repost,” she says. Clearly these tools are working, as Luv AJ’s global empire expands and Thomas brings her unique jewelry to more markets. That’s true innovation: not only creating a new product but new ways of selling it.

Iris Automation: Seeing the Future

It’s ironic that a pilot would be the one to come up with an idea to put pilots out of business. Alexander Harmsen laughs at that irony, as his business is growing and doing exactly that. Harmsen always loved flying, wanting to be a pilot. He started pursuing his pilot’s license at the age of 17, even before he started college. “I got my pilot’s license before I got my driver’s license,” he says. However, his path went a different direction than he originally thought.Image result for iris automation

In college, Harmsen met James Howard, and they both became drone pilots. Right away, they noticed problems with drones. In addition, they also saw the many benefits drones could have should these problems be solved. The problems were rather large, so they set about solving them. Drones can’t pilot themselves, they rely on a human operator. This imposes many limits and regulations on what drones can do. A drone can only do so much as its handler knows how, and its range and motion is limited to a remote control. In a business or military system, this is inefficient and has a much higher cost.

So HarmseImage result for iris automationn and Howard asked, “What if drones could pilot themselves?” They thus created the business Iris Automation. It utilizes the same technology used to create driver-less cars, and they are in the process of testing just how much this innovation can accomplish. They use cameras to asses the different environments, then focused on creating a collision-avoidance program. Making an algorithm to detect foreign aircrafts and objects and thus react accordingly, Iris Automation is revolutionizing the drone industry.

This technology continues to expand as the folks at Iris Automation explore it more. They’re developing a system that allows the computer to learn and adapt to different situations. Harmsen also made certain that this technology could be utilized in non-professional drones. However, Iris Automation isn’t satisfied with what they’ve accomplished, and they continue to push the boundaries of smart Image result for iris automationtransportation technology.

Three years after being founded, Iris Automation is gaining momentum. It’s still a small business, with only 19 employees and $50,000 in revenue in 2017. They’ve raised $10 million, continuing to find funds to expand their business. The world is watching Harmsen and Howard as they push a new perspective on seeing the future in drones and transportation.

Hacking On Up

When someone says the word “hacker,” we often get an image of a guy sitting in his mom’s basement typing away at a computer with an evil grin on his face. In today’s culture, hacking is extremely prevalent, whether we like it or not.  However, two young entrepreneurs are looking to change the way the world views hackers.

Jobert Abma and Michiel Prins were born in Drachten, Netherlands and have been friends since childhood. Growing up with video games and the rapidly expanding internet, these self-taught hackers turned their hobby into multi-million dollar business called HackerOne. This revolutionary industry continues to change the way businesses approach their cyber security. And to think it all started with a high school prank.Image result for hackerone founder

In their senior year, Abma and Prins proceeded to hack into their school’s TV station as a prank. Obviously the prank worked rather well, for they continued this unusual hobby into college. However, one day their hobby went from merely entertaining to incredibly profitable. At Hanze University in the Netherlands, Prins and Abma came across a major bug in the school’s grading system that was leaking student’s personal information. They immediately reported their find to the software company in charge of security, and though they weren’t paid for their discovery, it sparked a whole new idea. Maybe there were companies out there who would pay them to find major holes in their systems.

The two friends began a small consulting company in the Netherlands, but were inspired by a friend to move to Silicon Valley in San Francisco. They emailed big time companies, like Google and Facebook, asking if the companies would be interested in their services. Unfortunately, many weren’t. However, the head of security of Facebook said if they found any security breaches to contact him. Prins and Abma accepted the invitation to do some digging and managed to find a fairly large hole in Facebook Messenger. They contacted the head of security, Alex Rice, and HackerOne was born.

“We’re like a talent agency that matches trusted hackers with specific skills with companies,” says Abma in description of HackerOne. They connect hackers and companies, making it easy to do business with these massive money savers. It’s true, these hackers can save companies millions of dollars by finding breaches before malicious hackers. They’ve worked with over 1,000 companies, and each job can get anything from a couple hundred dollars to $10,000.

HackerOne employs freeImage result for hackerone-lance hackers, and in exchange for backing and clearance, they receive a percentage of each bounty. Most hackers don’t mind this deal, as they continue to earn significant money from HackerOne’s reputation and connections. Jack Cable, an 18 year-old senior, says, “When you’re hunting for a bug on HackerOne, you know you’ll get paid. HackerOne holds companies to their word.”

That being said, hacking can be hazardous for business as many companies are against this kind of vigilante security. HackerOne has run into trouble with Uber, as they accused on of the hackers of stealing information. While HackerOne received no blame, it still raises questions about the difference between good and bad hackers. Prins and Abma, however, remain confident in their company’s goal. “One of HackerOne’s biggest missions is to change the perception of hackers as good guys,” Prins says. And it seems to be working as they continue to bring in revenue and $74 million worth of funding. Maybe it’s time for our perception of hacking to change. Prins and Abma definitely think so.


Simply Sold and Moving On

When people think of multi- millionaire estate tycoons, most don’t picture a 19 year old. However,  most people aren’t Akshay Ruparelia. This young man has redefined the housing industry, owning the 14th largest estate industry in the UK. His company,, makes selling your house easier than selling your car. Furthermore, they take away the steep prices of real-estate agents and help you sell your house from the comfort of your own home.

Ruparelia is the son of two deaf parents and currently is their main caregiver. When he was young, he saw first-hand many business practices that he deemed unfair. He especially saw this in the housing industry. Shocked by the high commissions estate agents charged for such a menial task, Ruparelia decided to do something about it. In December of 2016, he launched his online website This site created a network of quality estate agents that could guide customers through the process of selling their house without the steep prices of normal agents. It cuts away the massive overhead pricings, and allows the buyers to be more involved in the process.

Ruparelia found the niche in the stagnant industry by changing the way his company approaches customer service. “Why, oh why, do we give away £20,000 worth of bricks and mortar in our properties to estate agents? For doing what exactly? Putting the house on the internet?” he asked. Instead, he envisioned estate agencies that put their customers first and charged dues that reflected that mindset. Thus, he charges an upfront price and doesn’t get any commission on the actual sale of the house. Ruparelia leads the charge of agents, selling his first house in the middle of his exams, and ensures that customers receive the service he envisioned.

This site is simple to use, and allows people to sell their houses without ever needing to leave their couches. People simply fill out an online survey or call the 24 hour customer service hotline, and they are connected with an experienced, self-employed estate agent. The agent speaks with them and helps them determine the best package that fits their needs. After the package is approved and  the listing is official, the agent posts the sale on different online sites. People sit back and watch their dedicated agent sell their house, all for less than one hundred pounds. ‘

As the teenager continues to take the industry by storm, he doesn’t forget his goals of a customer centered company. It seems this mindset is paying off, as his company is ranked in the top five for customer service. The press has described his company as the “Uber of the property world.” In an extremely competitive market, Ruparelia’s company has already taken 0.5% of the UK market and is valued at over 12 million pounds. With all of this success, Ruparelia shows no signs of slowing down as he continues to pursue simple selling so his customers can move on.


Stepping Up Her Game: The Story Behind Gladiator Lacrosse

Lots of 13 year old’s in the United States love playing sports, but very few create major changes their respective sport. Perhaps that’s because there’s only one Rachel Zietz, founder and CEO of Gladiator Lacrosse. Back in 2012, this young athlete found herself in a rather difficult position of wanting to improve her skills in lacrosse but lacking quality equipment to do so. The high quality equipment was far too expensive and the more reasonably priced equipment was shabby at best. With no way to improve her skills, Zietz began searching for a way to solve this problem.

The Zietz family can certainly be called an entrepreneurial family. Rachel’s father Sam is the CEO of Touchsuite, her mom Shelia is a cooperate attorney, and even her little brother Jorden is the founder and CEO of GameReef . Enrolled in an entrepreneurial program called YEA!, Rachel never expected to follow in her father’s footsteps and create a legitimate business. However, all that changed when she won the elevator pitch competition. She then ran full speed ahead with her new business plan: Gladiator Lacrosse.

Many people would think twice about investing in and contributing to a 13 year old girl’s company, but Rachel refused to let her age stop her from success. She wrote business plans, collaborated with professional sports designers and lacrosse players to create designs for her products, figured out ways to make high quality equipment at an affordable price, and began the first shipment process. By the time she completed the YEA! program, she was ready to go and armed with a 45 ft box of Gladiator Lacrosse goals and rebounders.

Since then, the business has continued to grow and Rachel became one of the most prominent teenage entrepreneurs in the world. Gladiator Lacrosse is a multi-million dollar business with distribution points both online and in major retail stores such as DICK’S Sporting Goods. It has garnered a lot of attention from business tycoons and professional athletes alike. Casey Powell, Rachel’s lacrosse idol, has partnered with her to create the “Casey Powell Signature Edition” line. The company has continued to produce more and more products with their founding goal constantly in mind: high quality equipment for an affordable price.

Rachel has also gained a lot of publicity and interest thanks to her game-changing business idea. She was recognized by TIME Magazine as one of the Most Influential Teens in 2016, in the company of people like Laurie Hernadez and former President Barack Obama’s two daughters. She’s appeared on season seven of ABC’s Shark Tank, was recognized on multiple occasions by Florida’s Governor Rick Scott in 2016, and even won the Governor’s Young Entrepreneur Award.  She’s been featured in many publications, including the New York Times, USA Today, Forbes Magazine, TIME Magazine, and many more. Furthermore, her equipment earned the bid as the goal provider for the 2018 FIL’s Men’s World Lacrosse Championships.

Today, Rachel continues to produce new products that revolutionize the game of lacrosse. She wants players to have the opportunity to improve their skills with the best equipment possible. She is personally involved in the design and creation of her products, ensuring that they live up to her very high expectations. She continues to step up her game so that other athlete’s and young entrepreneurs can too.

You can hear more about Rachel’s story and Gladiator Lacrosse on her website

See her new developments alongside other young entrepreneurs online at