Author Archive for mccommonsme21

Reforming the System: Clementine Jacoby

“I left Stanford thinking that I would be a professional circus performer,” says Clementine Jacoby, who graduated from Stanford in 2015 with a degree in software engineering. Interestingly, Jacoby spent her first year after graduation teaching acrobatics in a Brazilian gang diversion program. During that time, Jacoby witnessed the flaws of the criminal justice system in Brazil, which disproportionately targeted citizens of lower socioeconomic status and often imprisoned those who committed petty crimes with excessive sentences. At the time, Jacoby did not realize that her experience would become the foundation needed for a company that advocates for criminal justice reform here in the United States.

More than 2 million people remain incarcerated in the United States, and among those in prison, experts say thousands of them don’t pose a public-safety threat. The problem? The data that allows them to be released is backlogged because it is spread out among different departments.

That’s why in 2019, Jacoby created Recidiviz, a nonprofit that works with more than 30 states to consolidate key data points of prisons around the country, such as whether an incarcerated person has shown progress by completing a treatment plan or how well equipped a correction facility can handle a COVID-19 outbreak.

Although no algorithm is perfect and there is not one solution that can solve the criminal-justice system problem alone, Recidiviz demonstrates early signs of success. To date, Recidiviz has released nearly 44,000 inmates in 34 states. Despite her young age of 29, Clementine Jacoby is changing the way our country views the criminal justice system. It’s giving those who deserve another chance, a second chance beyond the bars.


To read Clementine’s feature in Forbes 30 Under 30

click on the link below!

Clementine Jacoby (


Trisha Prabhu: ReThink-ing Online Hate

Trisha Prabhu is a 21-year-old social entrepreneur and the founder of ReThink, a patented technology that detects and stops online hate. In the fall of 2013, Trisha, then only 13 years old, read the shocking story of Rebecca Sedwick’s suicide. Rebecca, after being cyberbullied for over a year and a half, took her own life at only 12 years old. As a victim of bullying herself, Trisha felt heartbroken and horrified. In that moment, she decided to no longer be a bystander and created ReThink, which detects online hate at the source before bullying occurs.

Trisha has received worldwide acclaim for her endeavors. In 2016, former President Barack Obama invited to Trisha to the Global Entrepreneurship Summit to share her story with other entrepreneurs. ReThink also made an appearance on Shark Tank, and not long after, Trisha received the prestigious Elevate Prize, as well as an Adrian Cheng Fellowship at Harvard. Trisha is the youngest honoree named to this year’s Forbes’ 30 Under 30 Social Impact list.

To date, Trisha has spread the message of ReThink to over 30 cities in 3 languages. Trisha is also an avid supporter of empowering women in the entrepreneurial community. Whether volunteering her time to teach young women how to code or finding ways to bridge the diversity gap in entrepreneurship, Trisha is inspiring a generation of fierce young women to tackle the world’s most important issues.

Check out Trisha’s TED Talk below!

Hannah Grace: A Bubbly Visionary

At only eleven months old, Hannah Grace’s parents rushed her to the hospital. Doctors soon diagnosed Hannah with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) and her parents’ fear instantly turned to shock, disbelief, and worry for their young daughter. What they didn’t realize at the time, however, was that Hannah’s resilience and strength would allow her to thrive in the world of entrepreneurship.

Flash forward to nearly a decade later on New Year’s Day 2016. As Hannah’s family traveled to her favorite beauty store, her father left the budding entrepreneur with a challenge: make the same products and sell them herself.

Hannah took on the challenge full force. On the same day as the conversation with her father, Hannah began researching the necessary ingredients to make her first bath bomb. Hannah not only wanted to incorporate all-natural ingredients but also send positive messages to other young female entrepreneurs. Her solution? A bath-bomb that includes an uplifting message inside.

Since the debut of BeYOUtiful, Hannah has been featured on “The Today Show”, Teen Boss Magazine, and Snapchat’s “Our Money” series. Hannah’s heart, nonetheless, is what makes her stand out from the typical entrepreneur. BeYOUtiful donates a portion of its funds to JDRF, an organization dedicated to the research and advocacy of Type 1 Diabetes. With each bath bomb, Hannah is revolutionizing the beauty industry for young girls.

Click the link below to check out Hannah’s YouTube channel!

Hannah Grace BeYOUtiful – YouTube



Let’s Talk Trash: Trashbots

After teaching at orphanages in India, two brothers, Rohit and Sidharth Srinivasan, noticed that the lack of educational resources available prevented children from learning the latest skills in technology.

Their solution? Trashbots, a company that takes an innovative approach to providing low-cost, effective tools to teach 21st-century computer science, robotics, math, and science to underprivileged children.

The Srinivasans designed Trashbots to work with open-source platforms, thus making the kits accessible to kids in rural and remote areas. Another advantage of the Trashbots platform is the scalability for children of all ages; kindergarteners can learn the basics of building without electronics, or older children can begin coding with “block programming” (synced with the Trashbots app) to program the robot to do anything (like dancing to music!)

A typical kit includes gears, pucks, axels, and starting “trash” (often rubber bands and popsicle sticks) as well as the Trashbots engine and USB cable. From there, Trashbots encourages young inventors to use anything from their local environment to add to the robot.

What further differentiates Trashbots’ kits is their ability to meet the needs of school districts, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. During the pandemic, Trashbots began working with school districts to ship the kits directly to students’ homes.

The Srinivasans are revolutionizing the world of STEM, making coding and engineering available to children of all ages, regardless of background. With each kit, Trashbots takes one man’s trash and makes it another child’s treasure.


One Sweet Idea: Cory Nieves

Whereas most ten-year-old’s are playing video games and hanging out with friends, Cory Nieves found himself running his own million dollar business: Mr. Cory’s Cookies. At six years old, Cory decided that he wanted to help his mom buy a new car, so he started selling hot chocolate in his hometown of Englewood, New Jersey. Cory’s mom, realizing that he had an entrepreneurial spirit and a knack for business, encouraged him to continue selling hot chocolate to save money for college. Cory not only continued selling hot chocolate, but he also began selling chocolate chip cookies too.

Although Cory started off by “googling” cookie recipes, he’s since developed his own recipe that provides a sweet treat with a healthy component. Over 75% of the ingredients in Cory’s cookies are organic, and he’s even expanded his line to include more all-natural options for health-conscious customers, such as double dark chocolate and oatmeal raisin cookies.

Cory is not only a master in the kitchen but in fashion as well.  A quick scroll through Cory’s Instagram reveals his collaborations with some of the nation’s leading corporations, such as J. Crew, Macy’s, Pottery Barn, TOMS, and Ralph Lauren. Cory has also been featured in articles from The Huffington Post and even made an appearance on “The Ellen Show”.

The defining quality of Mr. Cory’s Cookies, however, is their mission to give back to the community. A portion of the profits fund organizations of Cory’s choosing, such as Bergen’s Promise and Children’s Aid Society. With each cookie, Cory is changing the name of entrepreneurship— and that’s just the way the cookie crumbles.

From Cremation to Creation: Adelle Archer

Urns, caskets, and funeral homes—they all felt uninspiring and morose to Adelle Archer, especially after she lost her close friend and mentor to pancreatic cancer in 2015. Although cremation rates are skyrocketing (over 50% of the US chooses to cremate their loved ones), the ashes are usually thrown out after a generation. From the ashes of her own grieving process, Archer created Eterneva, a company that honors the lives of pets and people by turning their cremated ashes into diamonds.

In layman’s terms, Eterneva uses the carbon content found within cremated remains to create a diamond. Interestingly, there is more than enough carbon to grow a diamond from human remains. Typical human remains contain approximately 1-4% of carbon, which yields about 2.5 to 8.5 mg of carbon. This is more than enough for Eterneva, which only needs about 1 gram of carbon for the diamond-making process!

Prior to founding Eterneva, Archer received her MBA in Entrepreneurship at the Acton School of Business, graduating as valedictorian of her class at twenty-three.

Since then, Archer appeared on “Shark Tank”, receiving an investment from Mark Cuban; she has also been featured on Forbes “30 under 30” list.

Perhaps the greatest legacy of Eterneva, however, is their efforts in reducing the stigma that surrounds grief. Too often, those in the grieving process feel misunderstood and isolated due to the lack of conversation surrounding the grieving process in society. With each diamond, Eterneva bridges the emotional void of pain and celebration for those left behind.