Author Archive for MillerHS23

Blog Post 6 – Are you Kidding

In a world full of innovation and entrepreneurs, young business owners are everywhere, though businesses operated by young kids that achieve a certain level of success are a bit fewer and further between. Well, here is a story of one such business, called Are You Kidding:

It all started when two brothers, Brandon and Sebastian Martinez from Miami Florida decided to turn their passion for socks into a business. When they were little, the brothers grew up loving socks and making their own fun designs, so when their mom one day asked them about making their very own sock business, they did not hesitate to get things running! Sebastian immediately started creating design ideas for their socks, and the brothers began planning logistics to get the party started.

With help from their mom Rachel, the Martinez brothers soon began designing and manufacturing their socks through a company in Guatemala. They began shipping products to their house, but soon moved to a warehouse to better accommodate their extensive inventory in 2014. That was when the new sock company Are You Kidding was born.

Are You Kidding stands out in more ways than just one. Besides the fact that it was operated by young kids, the sock company also gives back to the community by donating 30% of each sale of charity stock to various charities they support, such as Special Olympics, Big Brother Big Sister, Make A Wish Foundation, and Live Like Bella.

The brother owned company also established the Kids Helping Kids Initiative which enabled them to partner with schools to provide tools, socks, and hosting fundraisers for charities affiliated with each school.

Are You Kidding had a humble start, making $15,000 in sales the first year, but soon rocketed to $150,000 the next year, $250,000 the following year, and over $500,000 the year after that. With such a study growth rate, the Martinez brothers can look forward to a promising future in the sock industry.

Robert Felder

This is a story about a man named Robert Felder, who brought some much needed innovation to an outdated production process. One day when he was in high school, he went on a trip to South Asia and discovered the harsh realities of clothing production, and decided to make a change…

Born in Hong Kong and moved to the US as a baby, Felder grew up in a family that travelled a lot. The Felder family lived in Tampa, Florida, and Robert’s father was in the apparel industry, which meant he was exposed to a lot of industry practices and learned a lot about clothing at a young age. When he was in high school, Felder had the opportunity to travel to Bangladesh, one of the top clothing producing countries in the world. During his time there, he was inspired by the culture and learned a lot about the vastness of the clothing industry, but learned that the country was greatly lacking in jobs, and for a country that produced so much clothing, few people had much of their own.

When he returned home, he decided to create his own apparel company at a time when ecommerce was just beginning to emerge into the industry. He established a Buy-One-Give-One policy, donating a pair of shorts for everyone he sold in order to give back to the people in need in Bangladesh. Felder started his apparel company which he eventually named Bearbottom Clothing. The new clothing brand has found outstanding success by focusing on ethical sourcing and sustainable materials, and by giving back to the community.

The company also focuses on giving the customers what they want. By evaluating customer feedback, Bearbottom clothes can focus on providing customers with clothes styled the way they like.

At the end of the day, Robert Felder’s story reminds us that with a little innovation, anyone can change the world.

Hart Main of Man Cans

Candles are great; everybody loves them, but that has not always been the case for everyone. For the longest time, candles have been something considered only to be enjoyed by girls. However, when a young man named Hart Main made fun of his sister for liking “girly candles”, something changed in his mind that would change his life forever…

When he was just 13 years old, Hart started his own business in an effort to save up for a $1,200 bike, but the business became so much more than he could have ever imagined. After poking fun at his sister, saying that candles were meant for girls only, he came up with the idea to create his own scents that would appeal to a more masculine audience. So, Hart created his own candles with scents such as campfire, bacon, fresh-cut grass, grandpa’s pipe, and more. With a little help from his parents, he created his candles using soup cans, and decided to name his business ManCans, a rather clever play on words that perfectly conveys the company message. Although things started small, with most of the customer base being friends and family, Main began to see some rapid growth in his business endeavor. He began distributing to local stores in Ohio, and now sells his candles in over 150 stores across the country.

The business now grosses over $200,000 annually, and Hart went off to college to study economics at Kent State. Mr. Main also gives back to the community by donating a portion of his profits to local soup kitchens. He even donates soup cans to the local kitchens as well, which interestingly ties into his business model quite nicely!

Hart Main says he is grateful for everything he has learned in this entrepreneurial endeavor, and is excited to see how he can apply it to his life in the future.

Stephen Sanchez – The Pop Sensation

Music is a prominent part of modern society, and many rising artists enter the scene every year, each providing their own unique takes on the culture of music. With such a heavily saturated market of music, many bands and single artists in the industry struggle to make themselves relevant, and often get lost in the crowd. Such is not the case for Stephen Sanchez, the young pop sensation who is continuing to climb his way up to the top of the music billboard.

Born in Sacramento, CA in 2002, Stephan grew up listening to 50’s music on vinyl records, which inevitably influenced his music production in later years. He had a normal childhood, but after graduating from Oak Ridge High school, Stephen went on to pursue his passion for music. He released his first album in 2016, but gained very little traction. He later moved to Nashville in 2021 where he later released the overnight hit single Until I Found You, which reached the Hot 100 billboard and stayed there for some time. Stephen heavily utilized social media platforms to trend his audio bits and reach out to his primarily Gen Z audience. Later that year, the musician released his first EP album, Easy On My Eyes which reached outstanding success as well.

Stephen continues to build off of his success by collaborating with other artists to create new singles, as well as going on tours to more closely connect with his audience. He has provided innovation to the musical industry by creating music that stands out from the rest. His music brings an old-fashioned charm back onto the radios, which attracts Gen Z’ers with something different and older audiences with something nostalgic.

Stephen is an incredible young artist with a bright future ahead. His numbers of loyal fans keep wildly increasing, and he shows no signs of stopping!

Daymond John

“Don’t focus on you, focus on what you can give others”. Have you ever heard that quote? That was said by Daymond John, a powerful entrepreneurial mind who’s story has inspired many people to rise up from nothing and find success in their own lives. Born in Queens NY in February 23, 1969, Daymond didn’t have much growing up. He always had a mind for business though, and started working at the age of 10 by selling pencils and $2 flyers in the streets. When he was in high school, he worked in a program that allowed him to work full-time and be in school simultaneously.

He started out like everyone else, working a standard job at Red Lobster after graduating in 1986, but things started to change once his mother taught him how to sew. After selling hundreds of dollars worth of merchandise at shopping malls in Queens, Daymond and some friends started a clothing brand called For Us, By Us, otherwise known as FuBu.

Daymond got married and continued to expand his business, partnering with Samsung fashion and grossing over $200 million in sales. He then gave back to the people by establishing the Fubu Foundation that donates $1 million annually to support local urban communities. FuBu became the authorized clothing of the GlobeTrotters basketball team, and things only went up from there.

As his business continued to thrive, Daymond was eventually invited to join the ABC show SharkTank in 2009. For anyone who watches SharkTank,  Daymond John is probably best known as being arguably the coolest shark on the show.

There can be a lot learned from Daymond John. He has an inspiring story that serves as an example for many entrepreneurs to come, and as he once said himself, “Entrepreneurship brings us hope”.

Tilak Mehta’s Success Story

One day, Tilak Mehta accidentally left his school books at his uncle’s house and couldn’t get them back with same-day shipping. He had exams the next day and was frustrated with his predicament, but that sparked an idea. Introducing: Paper n’ parcels, a same-day book delivery service that operates within the city. With a little help from his father and collaboration with a local shipping provider, Tilak got his business up and running in 2018, and the profits starting rolling in! He continued to expand his business and by 2021, he transformed his business into a multimillion dollar success.

The resilience and creativity of a 13 year old boy from India shows that with a little effort and innovation, anyone can accomplish their entrepreneurial dreams. Tilak’s Story serves as an example and an inspiration to young entrepreneurs. He saw a need, and he found a new way to fill it. That is how to do good business.

The thing that makes me curious about this story is the business concept itself. Amazon had already reached India by the time of this business startup, so Tilak was facing a worthy competitor. I haven’t found much more information about this business either, which makes the whole thing much more interesting. I’m curios what you guys think though!

