Author Archive for millerjr23

Nic Bianchi: Bianchi Candle Co.


When Nic Bianchi was 12 years old, he had a passion develop that he never would have anticipated. His mom gifted him a candle-making kit, and as soon as he began experimenting with it, he quickly realized that he enjoyed learning all the important processes and materials needed to make a good candle. He soon was making candles constantly and fell in love with all the math and science he was using to create. Nic was incredibly creative, and his parents even noticed his entrepreneurial skills from a young age when he developed his own logo on paper at 7 and hung it on his bedroom door.

At 15, Nic officially launched his business “Bianchi Candle Co.” and he has been running it since. He has many different types of candles and has loved coming up with ways to use them in encouraging ways, such as having a candle line called “Heros” to support first responders and nurses, etc. Right now, Nic plans to keep the business going but he would love to continue growing and adding more employees. It will be incredible to see where Nic goes with this passion, and I think he is going to do incredible things, whether it’s with his candle business or starting a second business later on.

Ryan Hickman: A Kid with a Passion for Trash

Ryan Hickman of Ryan's Recycling


Ryan Hickman was only three years old when he developed a love for recycling. From that young age until he was 12, his love developed and turned into a passion. When Ryan heard that he could make money by bringing recyclables to a plant, he decided to bring his own things and collect recyclables from people in his neighborhood. Not long after he started collecting from others, he began getting requests from more and more people in his community to take their recycling to the plant, and Ryan was making incredible sums of money. Soon after, Ryan’s dad helped him turn his hobby into a full-blown operating business, “Ryan’s Recycling.” The trash Ryan was once able to collect using his bike, he had to do in a car, and even expanded outside his neighborhood. As of now, Ryan’s business had collected over 1.6 million cans and bottles, which was truly an incredible feat and a powerful statistic when considering the environmental impact. Ryan is an incredible entrepreneur, and I love that his parents helped him turn his seemingly silly passion into a business and job.

To top that all off, Ryan didn’t stop there and was able to start an additional business called Project 3R, which is a non-profit solely built upon donations. It is all focused on raising awareness for the environment and the need to recycle and Ryan has been incredibly success with it. He is truly incredible and continues to make a positive impact on the world and environment every day, on bottle and can at a time.

Stephanee Beggs – An Unexpected Entrepreneur

Stephanee Beggs is a what many would call an accidental entrepreneur. As a college nursing student during the pandemic, Stephanee decided to get creative with the way she would study for exams. She found that the best way for her to study was to teach the information back to hersef as if she was a teacher. She often took videos when she was teaching material and never planned on sharing them with anyone. One day, she decided to post the video on Tiktok and the response was incredible. Stephanee got thousands of views on the video within a few hours and that is when she realized the opportunity she had on her hands to share her studying materials with others. She began posting more of her videos which ultimately led her to start selling some of her study sheets on Etsy under her new business name of RNExplained!

I made nearly $2 million in 2 years selling my nursing-school study ...

Stephanee made more than 2 million dollars in the first 2 years of business, and she is still the CEO today. The business sells many products such as study sheets, t-shirts, stickers, and flashcards and Stephanee also runs a very successful YouTube channel as well. Through her business, Stephanee has been able to help nursing students across the country study and she is truly an entrepreneur making a difference in society. She is also still working full time as a nurse while running her business which is an incredible amount of commitment showing just how much she cares about continuing to make content. What an incredible testament to the power of social media… Who knows what other entrepreneurs will be born because of small TikTok videos.

Website: RNExplained – Nursing Made Simple!

Youtube Channel: RNExplained – YouTube

Etsy: RNExplained – Etsy

Julianne Goldmark: Co-Founder of Emi-Jay

Meet The 25-Year-Old Founder Of Emi Jay, Who Launched The Hair ...

As a teenager, Julianne Goldmark attended a private school where she had to wear a uniform daily. Because she couldn’t get creative with her outfits, she resorted to being creative with her hairstyles. At the time, many of her friends were buying expensive hair ties to use in their hair, but Julianne knew she could make some just like them for much cheaper. Along with her good friend Emily, she got to work on her own affordable accessories.

One of the major influences in her life that sparked the idea for creating accessories was the magazine Gossip Girl. As a young impressionable girl, Julianne wanted to create things just like she saw in the magazine and that is where her aspirations began.

At age 14, Julianne and her best friend launched their business, Emi Jay. The business is still up and running to this day and has partnered with a few major brands such as Nordstrom and Spanx.

It is crazy how such a small idea evolved into a major business and that just goes to show that any business idea, no matter how small, could turn into something incredible.

Meet the Young CEOs of Emi-Jay – Glam Salad

Carina Chaz: Changing the World One Fragrance at a Time

Carina Chaz

Carina Chaz is a young girl who invented perfume line called DedCool. Growing up, Carina was not a typical girl who loved floral and girly perfumes. She always enjoyed the smell of colognes more and wondered if there was a way to create a perfume with a more masculine scent that both women and men could use. As she began developing her product, Carina realized that not only did she want to create a unisex perfume, but one that was sustainable as well.

She came up with a recyclable, biodegradable, layerable, cruelty-free, vegan, and waterless perfume for men and women to both enjoy. Carina launched her business, DedCool, in 2016 at 21 years-old and has been extremely successful ever since. She has even expanded her business to now sell not only perfume but detergent, lotion, and air freshener as well.

dedcool milk layering fragrance -            Dedcool Room & Linen Spray By Dedcool At Free People In Blonde         Dedcool Dedtergent 01 "Taunt"        

What started out as a simple inconvenience in Carina’s life has now turned into a full-time job which should inspire all young entrepreneurs. She took a commonly purchased and well-known item such as perfume and put her own twist on it which has made her so successful.

If there is one thing to learn from Carina, it is that there is always an opportunity to innovate whether it’s by coming up with a new idea or taking an old idea and revamping it. We often get stuck in the mindset that all new products need to be completely unheard of and brand new, but she showed that statement is not true. Carina revolutionized the perfume industry, and that is incredible.

Lily Born – A Girl with a Big Heart and Big Imagination




          “If I can do it, other people can do it, too.” – Lily Born

When she was in 1st grade, Lily Born was taking care of her elderly grandfather, who had Parkinson’s disease. Because of his condition, every time he would try and pick up a cup of water to drink, it would spill because of his shaky hands. This struggle with an everyday task caused Lily to think outside the box. She wanted to create a cup that would be easier for her grandpa to use.

Because his greatest struggle was setting the cup back down, Lily knew that she needed to design something that would be stable. After sketching out a few options, she decided that a cup with legs coming off would be a fun and simple cup for her grandpa, and she got to work on a physical model of what she was envisioning. Lily creatively took an ordinary cup from her kitchen and used moldable plastic to make her first prototype. She took it to her grandpa, and he loved it! He used it for many months and Lily was overjoyed at what she created and the way it was making a difference in his life.

When Lily’s dad saw the impact her cup had on her grandfather, he brought to her attention the idea of turning it into an actual product. She decided to give it a shot and traveled all the way to China to find someone who would create a ceramic form of her cup. Not long after Lily came back with her product, she was able to launch her website, Imagiroo, to sell her “Kangaroo Cups” and tell of her business journey.

To this day, plastic Kangaroo cups are being sold online in many colors, and Lily is inspiring young people across the country. She has spoken on many stages to inspire other entrepreneurs, made it into the White House science fair, and was recognized as a CNN Hero.

Lily is an inspiration to all, and she hopes kids believe they can invent things that will make a difference in the world just as she did. She even said in an interview, “I want teenagers and kids to know they can have the experience I did,” and that is incredibly encouraging as someone who is curious about innovating myself. Who knows what she will go on to invent next and who she will inspire like me!