Author Archive for Augustus Minotto

Dave Rubin, “The Rubin Report”

YouTube has increasingly become a substantial output for political commentators, comedians anything in this new, “long form online discussion.” Dave Rubin has had many different jobs ranging from comedian, political commentator, creator of a podcast but has now combined his specialties into his biggest success: The Rubin Report. The Rubin Report is a YouTube channel that has reached over 300 million views. In 2013 he joined a leftist group that had their own YouTube called the “Young Turks”. Where he initially started his segment, “The Rubin Report” but in 2015 he severed his connection with the Young Turks. The reason for this was because of a political conversion which birthed a moveImage result for dave rubin ment that he started called, “why I left the left.” While Rubin left the Young Turks and went independent and kept his segment “the Rubin Report”. In a short period of time the Rubin Report blew Young Turks out of the water in reference to viewership.

The Rubin Report segment is simply a 40min to 1-hour conversation with experts or well-known individuals about really anything. The most common topics are politics and religion. Dave Rubin also did a video for a world renown conservative YouTube channel that produced 11 million views. Dave Rubin is constantly improving the quality and expanding the content of his videos. Dave Rubin has accomplished so much with no signs of stopping. He traveled with one of the most famous modern-day philosophers in 2019 Jordan Peterson. Were they have visited over 1,000 cities in a little over a year, with anywhere from 3,000- 6,000, packed stadium. I have personally attended one of these lectures. Jordan Peterson does an hour-long lecture then Dave Rubin does a Q&A with Jordan Peterson.


Van McCann

Van McCann, the founder, lead singer and rhythm guitarist for the Band Catfish and the Bottlemen. Van was born in Cheshire, England on Saturday, August 1, 1992 and in a little over a decade form the, “best emerging band in Britain”. Van McCann grew up in a small motel his parents owned, were he could hardly play guitar because it would wake up the guests. The bands fame really took off after the BBC had them on one of their programs. Vans networking attempts landed him a spot on the David Lettermen show. Vans realized alternative rock moving more and more far-fetched, so he capitalized against that trend and attempted to produce more conventual songs. This entrepreneur intuition has brought their band immense popularity. Van is a great example to the point that entrepreneurship is not always thinking outside the box its about understanding what people want. So many bands have to now make statement in their music, Catfish rather titles themselves just as a “brain dead British band that like smokin cigarettes and drinking tea”. This simplistic aesthetic has landed them with several significant awards such as, The album charted at number 10 on the Uk Album list  in the week ending 27 September 2014, was certified Silver in the UK on 9 January 2015, was certified Gold on 20 March 2015 and reached Platinum sales on 30 December 2016. Van McCann calculative plan and dedication makes him a true entrepreneur.



Hart Main was 14 years old, performing his civic duty of teasing his older sister. Harts sister had to make candles for a school fundraiser. Of which Hart unrelentingly mocked how quote, “girly” all the candles were. While using the term, “girly” with a negative connotation could probably get an adult fired from a job, it made a job appear out of this air for Hart. When he pointed out how feminine all the candles were a moment of genius struck him. One silly comment struck an idea that turned an instigative little brother into a entrepreneur.

Hart pitched his idea of manly candles to two people he knew that had bottomless pockets…. mom and dad. The family worked together and invented ManCans. ManCans creates manly scented candles; such as campfire, bacon, sawdust, fresh cut grass… ect. ManCans are now sold in over 60 stores and counting!

The moral of this story is… brothers keep teasing your sisters it could make you some money one day. That was a joke; but a serious point Hart Main underlines for all who know his story is, that ideas can be birthed randomly at any time and the odds only increase if one begins looking for them.

Charlie Kirk- Turning Point USA

Charlie Kirk is the sole creator of the one of the largest political movements in history called, Turning Point USA. Charlie did not attend college. With zero connections, degrees and finds, straight out of high school at 18 years old, Charlie committed fully to an idea that took the nation by storm.

Charlie’s saw a problem in America, that young people never hear basic conservative principles. He was well read on this information because of his peculiar interest as a kid. Which consisted of reading Milton Friedman and Thomas Sowell in just 6th grade. Obsessing over these ideas led him to constantly argue respectfully with his teachers. Charlie crafted his knowledge into clear concepts he would present too his peers who claimed to be liberal. He quickly realized the idea that inspired his life changing plan. It wasn’t that students were liberal because they believe the ideas it was merely because they never hear the other side.

That is why he created Turning Point USA. It is a conservative political group that’s ethos is to inform college students with conservative values and views. Turning point rapidly spread through the nation. It became so popular In 2017, Charlie created the student chapter handbook, so that students can lead official Turing Point groups themselves on their colleges. There are now 300 student run chapters on college campuses in America. Charlie Kirk turned the ideas in his head into a political entity that employs thousands, continues to grow recently became present in the United Kingdom. Turning Point holds dozens of conferences for young adults around the nation. These conferences provide the opportunity to listen and meet famous cultural influencers, for next to nothing prices. He continually pivots and innovates Turning Point because it is solely his because he took the risk and full responsibility too his vision.

Charlie is the prime example of an entrepreneur in the 21st century. His nation transforming idea was created by himself without a 4-year degree, finances or prior connections. His journey cannot be applied to every entrepreneur, but his accomplishments force every entrepreneur to ask if their passion requires a college degree.

Mr. Corey’s Cookies

Who do you picture when you hear of a successful business owner that is known as Mr. Corey? Most likely, you would think, someone who graduated college or at least high school? Surely someone who is old enough to get their driving license. How about someone who still has most of their baby teeth? Meet 6-year-old Corey Nieves. Image result for corey nieves

One day 6-year-old Corey was tired of having to ride the bus to school every day. He told his mom they should get a car, so he doesn’t have to ride the bus. His mom simply did not have the budget to make that happen. So, Corey plotted and planned a way to generate money to aid his goal. He started by selling hot chocolate in his local town. After his mother Lisa witnessed Corey’s dedication, she encouraged him to continue this venture, as it proved to be very profitable.

Corey continually explored new avenues in order to increase profits and keep loyal customers coming back. So, he began selling lemonade, and testing out cookie recipes with only quality ingredients to offer a variety of selection. Until he and his mom stumbled upon a knock-out, chocolate chip cookie recipe. The feedback from customers was so positive Cookies became their new focus instantly. Eventually providing the unique service of shipping cookies through the mail, directly to customers doorsteps.
By the end of 2010, ‘Mr. Corey’s Cookies was official. The business quickly got traction, because of Corey’s adorable disposition and quality products. The dynamic, mother son duo has done a great job, branding themselves; now having several thousand followers on four social media outlets. Corey does not remain satisfied for long; he is constantly innovating and adding to the business. Mr. Corey’s Cookies is now selling their own merchandise like, T-shirts and phone cases.
Corey Nieves went on to team up with dozens of giant corporations such as, Mercedes-Benz, Whole Foods and Pottery Barn. Several multi-million-dollar industries all wanting to support Corey’s venture. His devotion to creating a self-image along with his company scored him an invitation on Ellen. Corey has drive, ingenuity, and most important, results. Corey Nieves is the without a doubt a born entrepreneur.




Meet Shubham Banerjeer, an entrepreneur unlike any other. One innocent question that he asked his parents when he was 12, “how do blind people read?”, would be the catalyst that changed his life forever. He closed his eyes and imagined all the things he would miss and all things that would be unimaginably difficult. His curiosity and sympathy caused him to stumble upon a seemingly random fact, that the average braille printer costed around 2,000 dollars. That fact sparked off an unavoidable passion that would consume his free time for several months.

Shubham had a structural mind that lead him to have a hobby in constructing plastic model intricate electrical Lego model kits. His in-depth skill of electronics and model configuration gave him the ability to create a working braille printer himself by combining a printer a Lego structure. As soon as he made braille letters come out of his printer, he said “I felt like I could actually have an impact”. He entered the invention in a county science fair where he won $500 and opened many doors.

Shubham became very busy, going on talk show broadcasts, meeting investors and carefully figuring out his next steps to take with his invention. He and his parents started, and official corporation called Braigo Lab. Briago Lab got an undisclosed backing, report say the amount was a few hundred thousand dollars by Intel Capital. Intel Capital had their annual summit where they invited Shubham and showcased his invention.

Shubham is an open evangelist who has a heart to serve and help people. The best advice he ever received was this, “Be humble, and innovate for the right reasons—money is not one of them.” Here is a look at his first and second prototype. Shubham inspires  all to think of others needs instead of our own

<First Prototype

Second Prototype>