Author Archive for morrownx18

Something New In Fashion

Growing up, everyone is trying to fit in. From middle school up through adulthood, all everyone is trying to do is fit in and get on top of ever changing new styles. The fashion industry is never lacking with new inspiration. It is hard to stay on top of new trends, clothes, styles that different friends, family, athletes, and celebrities wear. However, as the designer it is difficult to create a style that someone hasn’t seen already. It has to be new, unique, and never seen before.

This young Entrepreneur does exactly that in the fashion industry, and has beenfor the better part of the last two years. Since graduating high school, Demetrius Mackey has started up working on his dream: designing new clothes, fashion, and style for people to wear. Traveling the world, from PA to California, to New York, and even Paris, he has had his product walk the runway in major fashion areas. It has even graced music videos by the likes of Lil Mosey, 6ix9ine, and many more.

Its a new style unique to him. He takes the time to ask people what they want to see on their clothes, rather than just give them something. He then incorporates new trends, and everyday things into his work. He paints, stencils, screen prints, and even draws all on the clothes he produces for people to wear. And they are taking the market by storm, and flying off the shelf.

Getting his product out was hard at first, but then came the word of mouth advertising and he was off and making products for anyone and everyone. He didn’t let the many challenges (bullying, being told no, saying its a women’s industry) to stop him. He kept his head down and worked. Published in many major magazines, in music videos, and gracing runways, this young Pittsburgh artist and stylist has being succeeding and opening new doors.


New Idea – New Oppurtunity

Everyday, someone somewhere has a new idea they want to share. However, very few make it to market, or even make money for you. Getting your idea out there is hard, so hard in fact it is what separates entrepreneurs from dreamers.

Gerard Adams, CEO and founder of FOWNders social-impact accelerator in Newark, NJ to speak at TEDx September 28, 2016. (PRNewsFoto/FOWNders, Inc.)

It is hard. Ask Gerard Adams, an entrepreneur himself and founder of Elite Daily, how hard it is. He logged many hours into coming up and laying the ground work. He thought this would be the hardest, most time consuming part; however he was wrong, way wrong. His hardest part was taking that idea and publishing it and getting it noticed. It took time, time that he wishes went faster. So after a lot of thought, time, and energy put into one idea, he did what every entrepreneur does: threw it away and started all over. He had another idea, bigger, better, and one that benefits more than just him – Fownders.

Elite Daily  founder created a place that is a safe for young entrepreneurs to go and publish their ideas and share what they want to start up and create themselves. Fownders takes your OWN, orginal idea and gets it out into the world for you. It serves as a place to bounce ideas off each other, connect, and expand on new or old ideas. The website has connected many entrepreneurs, some of which combined ideas and made it big in half the time as others, say Gerard Adams. It even offers ways to help many young individuals create new ideas, and start ups that go on to make millions. So if you have a good idea that you are struggling to share, get out there with it, try Fownders. 

How do you Search?

With so much information out there in the world, and everything turning digital, getting the information was hard. And at the start of the World Wide Web, search engines were few and far between; very hard to come by. That did not stop Blake Ross. Many do not know him for his name however, but for what he created: Mozilla FireFox, the search engine.

When people were first starting out the idea of gathering information from the internet was very cool, however, getting the information was a challenge. When the Web first came out, many people stuck to the original base search engine that came with the computer. It was hard to manage and navigate on, and allowed many people to not want to search information online. This gave Ross a great idea, create an easy to use search engine that could be interchanged on many devices – from Apple, to Microsoft, and even Sony – FireFox is a staple when it comes to search engines. It is very easy to use and has eliminated headaches of users.

The Mozilla FireFox search engine was released when Ross was only 19. He goes to show that you do not have to be from money, or even out of your teenage years to make a major life impact on the world. He took an idea, matched it to a problem and got to work. He establish, what today is considered a leading search engine, for computers all over the world, and released it at only 19. He is the definition of entrepreneur. He took an every day problem and created a solution.

How did you Blog today

Ever notice when going to post on this blog, “Millennial Entrepreneurs” for assignments, what you log in through. Well it is WordPress, founded by Matthew Mullenweg when he was in college in 2005. Today it is used as one of leading, and most successful websites to upload and create blogs worldwide. How ironic that the cite we use to talk about all the entrepreneur’s in the world, is one created by a millennial entrepreneur.

Like most college kids, Matt was struggling keeping up with his grades. He also didn’t feel he was in the right spot, and college wasn’t his thing.  So he wanted to vent those feelings to kids in the similar situation, but noticed there was no way to connect and do that. He did however, realize the World Wide Web was on the rise and the new place to be, so why not there. He created WordPress to connect with kids who didn’t “fit in/like” college and started a blog. Little did he know it would take off and blow up how it did. Today, there are about 60 million blogs on WordPress alone, one of which is ours. He saw a way to take venting and expressing his feelings to the next level. He knew, the only way to do it before was write it down, and save it and share with friend if you were brave enough. He wondered about making it better and in real time by allowing blogging to happen at your finger tips, and be published when you want.

WordPress and millennial entrepreneur is one thing I never expected them to go together. I never saw us talking about entrepreneurs and writing about their success and what they did, on their platform. It is a small word to say the least, and very ironic that it comes together how it does.


Need a Ride? Try Lyft

Cars are used in everyday life. Whether it is to get to work, meet with friends, or even a quick trip to the grocery store, you need transportation. But, what would you do if you do not have one yourself, and cannot borrow from a friend or a parent? You schedule a ride of course. John Zimmer noticed there were people who needed transportation and didn’t want to drive themselves for safety reasons (such as a night out) and didn’t want to leave their car. So as any entrepreneur, he got busy.

John decided he would create an app ‘Lyft’ which would allow you to download the app and schedule a ride. It has since taken the world by storm, with more and more people using it, and rivaling Uber. Best part is, it also serves as a source of employment for people who do not mind sharing their car, and driving strangers of course. Lyft offers over a million rides a day across the US and in Toronto. It is another alternative that allows some people to never need to buy their own car, as well as jobs for many.

What inspired John started in college while at Cornell. He would drive from Cornell to home and looked around his car and saw empty seats, and thought about how to help the economy, make the drive go faster, and fill those seats. It started as a ride share which blossomed into so much more.