Author Archive for morrowrb23

Nohbo-Ben Sterns environmentally friendly product

Ben Stern’s passion for nature and worries about the environment drove him to start Nohbo. This company creates technologies for consumer goods products that fully dissolve and leave no trace behind. Stern decided to target the issue of plastic pollution at the root by trying to eliminate plastics. He figured out how to encapsulate your favorite personal care products in a fully water-soluble film. For example, you can have your shampoo in a fully dissolvable film.

Ben founded Nohbo when he was a freshman in high school after he discovered the harm that was being caused by single-use plastics. He was later featured on Shark Tank where he was able to land a deal with Mark Cuban. His company also gained a lot of visibility because of all the viewers that tune into the show. Nohbo has grown quite a bit since the show and is currently based in Palm Bay, FL.

They sell 3 dissolvable products which include, Drops, Hydrofill, and slips. Nohbo has found a big market in the consumer-packaged goods industry and hospitality industry as well. New legislation has been a large factor in how they found out about Nohbo. The push towards being environmentally friendly and sustainable has been a positive for Stern’s company as his product can help serve those who believe in that.

Nohbo owns and operates another company, Sunrise Session. As you could guess, it is a single-use, plastic waste-free self-care innovation brand. Their single-use remedies free you from your plastic obsession and deliver the same quality as other brands.

I appreciate the true problem solver that Stern is. He wasn’t afraid to jump in and tackle a huge problem which has allowed him to create a huge impact with lots of potential for growth.

Locker Boards-Carson Kropfl

Carson Kropfl founded Locker Boards in 2016 back at the age of 11. He had always had the same problem when it came to skateboards. They were too big to take into school because he couldn’t fit them in his locker and couldn’t find a good spot to put it before the bell rang. He took things into his own hands and created the Locker Board, a non-folding, sustainable skateboard that can fit inside a backpack and locker. I can appreciate his design efforts that went into making the final product.

In his initial years, Carson designed and built every board himself in his backyard. He knew that this wouldn’t be able to continue if his business scaled. In 2017 he was able to get a slot on the well know show Shark Tank. His pitch got the attention of Sir Richard Branson, the guest “shark” at the time. Carson ended up accepting $65,000 in return for 20% stake in his company. Branson said that the reason he invested in the 7th grader was because he reminded him of himself. The show did more for his company than just striking a deal, as it skyrocketed publicity from all the views it received.

In the early months of 2020, Carson Landed a licensing deal with Wham-O, a large toy company based in Carson, California. He was ecstatic to agree to a deal with such a prominent company.

I was impressed by his poise and composure that he displayed on the Shark Tank episode. Being that young and getting that kind of opportunity was amazing and he was able to take full advantage of it. Carson is very passionate about his company and isn’t someone who would settle for a mediocre product. I’m sure he has been an inspiration to many young entrepreneurs out there.

Ashes to Diamonds-Eterneva

Eterneva’s sole purpose is to make a more remarkable way to remember the lives of close lost ones. Adelle Archer, CEO and Co-founder of Eterneva, had a hard moment when she lost a close friend and mentor. She wanted something special to remember her, so she decided to have Tracy’s ashes turned into a black diamond to ensure that her legacy could live on.

After losing her dear friend, she and her partner sought to create a more meaningful experience, one grounded in the concept of re-connecting with your loved ones. She knew that other people would love a better way to stay close to the people who meant a lot to you.

The entire process takes about 8 months. They first introduce you with a welcome kit in order to get to know you and your loved one. After they receive the ashes, the first step is for one of the lab techs to extract the carbon from it. Next, it gets placed in a machine that applies intense heat and pressure. This is the longest step of the process. They check for any impurities to make sure that you get a flawless product. Finally, they take the rough diamond and precisely cut it t0 the requested shape before they send it back to the customer.

The workers at Eterneva have to be very intentional in the steps they take and with customer interactions. They take pride in their ability to listen and understand what their customers are going through. They go above and beyond with their communication through each step, handling of ashes. and quality control measures.

I appreciate the care and thought that goes into the customer satisfaction. It’s definitely a process that Adelle would approve of. Archer was able to take an idea that she was personally invested in and share it with others who also wanted a similar solution. From Urn to Diamonds: How Eterneva is Disrupting the Funeral Industry ...


Are You Kidding: Sock Company

The Martinez brothers started their business, Are You Kidding, back in 2014. Their company is also their passion, which is designing and selling their unique line of socks. They have very expressive socks with wild patterns that are targeted towards kids and have also started a line for adults which are more professional but still have a message.

Brandon, the 17-year-old director of sales, and Sebastion, the 15-year-old CEO, have been able to grow the business while also giving back to the community. A portion of the profit that they receive from their colorful and fun socks help fund and bring awareness to local and national charities. Some which include Stand Up to Cancer, Big Brother Big Sister, Make a Wish, Special Olympics, and many more. This is a part of their “Kids Helping Kids” initiative. The two brothers love helping other people in need and will continue to make that a backbone of their company. They also love to partner with schools to provide socks for the students and the annual fundraisers. The Brothers hope that their story inspires their generation to pursue their dreams and help others along the way.

Brandon says that his motivation is making people happy because that makes him happy. Sebastion says that it’s good to help others because you never know when you’ll need that favor returned. These two young entrepreneurs are special because they are putting others before themselves and it’s not all about making money to get rich. Their idea is great because they took an essential piece of clothing and turned it into a message and platform that people are proud to buy and stand for.

Andrew Aspden’s Pens

Andrew Aspden, a highschooler in northwestern PA, started his handmade pen business as a side hustle during the covid 19 pandemic. What he didn’t know is that people would have a large interest in his products and a larger demand was looming in his future. He is on track to earn over $35,000 this year with his newly formed business.

Aspden was gifted a lathe as one of his Christmas presents. Although he was very grateful for it, he never got much use out of it until the pandemic hit and he was stuck at home with less tasks on his to do list. Inspired by his cousin, Aspden decided to order some materials and parts to make some homemade pens. He started selling them to local shops and restaurants and was gracious for the opportunity to sell them at a nearby antique shop.

Andrew was able to get his products onto Etsy to start selling to consumers outside of his hometown. He noticed how Etsy would take a lot of his profits because of their transaction fees. Starting in 2022, he created an online store in order to retain more of his profits. There he sells his handmade wooden, stone, and marble ballpoint and fountain pens. He also hired Jason Drohn, a marketing professional, to develop an online marketing strategy. Aspden knows that there is a lot of growth potential for selling to the online market.

Aspden has a busy schedule since returning to in person school, which has made it difficult to handle everything at once. He is an honors student and is also on the baseball team. He says that there are many school nights where he stays up till 12 or 1 am working in his shop to fulfill his orders. Depending on how his business continues to grow, will affect his decision on going to college.

I respect Andrew’s work ethic and his motivation to get out and make real life connections. His in persons sales is something I admire as it takes some courage to go out and make things happen.

Bruce Bolt

Bear Mayer started his company Bruce Bolt at the age of 16. His family owned and operated business provides the baseball community with better batting gloves. Bear kept recognizing the same pain that him and his teammates were dealing with in the sport that they were passionate about. The batting gloves that they were using would get tears in them and would need to be replaced every few weeks. His idea was to create a pair of batting gloves that would be more durable to withstand the entire season. Mayer believed that they could accomplish that goal by focusing on improving the design, materials, and craftmanship of their product. That is just what he did, and it is being recognized at the highest level of baseball, as there are many MLB players sporting his gloves.

Mayer had a vision for what he wanted to design and gained the confidence to take initiative on his journey. Those two traits were key to his success as a young entrepreneur. He said that he is motivated to become the best batting glove brand on the market. His love for the game of baseball is a big motivator for him, as he wants to fulfill the needs of other athletes. Mayer was able to understand that he didn’t need to invent a new product, but instead fix the current issues of it to be better. “Be Better”, the mantra of Mayer’s company, prompts his customers to see how they can always keep improving like his company has.

Mayer has inspired me to search for pains in an area of my interest, so that I can find solution to fix the problem. His actions have bettered the game of baseball. We can all learn that if you have an entrepreneurial mind and the right people beside you, you can make a big impact on the world.