Author Archive for msschley

Jason and Travis Kelce

Jason and Travis Kelce are brothers that both play in the national football league, and they are both pretty good at it. Jason Kelce is a perennial all pro center for the Philadelphia Eagles, while Travis Kelce has been making the argument for the best tight end of all time on the Kansas City Chiefs. Both Jason and Travis are fan favorites in their cities not only because of their stellar play on the field, but also because of their hilarious personalities off of the field. With this in mind Jason and Travis both banded together and made a podcast called new heights. The subject matter of these podcasts can range from intellectual conversations about the game of football, to hilarious stories they have gathered from their everyday lives. Along with releasing full length episodes, the Kelces also have other social media pages where they post snippets of every episode. Another thing they have working in their favor is that since Jason and Travis are both NFL superstars, they constantly have celebrity guests come onto the podcast in the form of their teammates like Patrick Mahomes and Jalen Hurts, which just adds more star power onto the podcast. We can learn from the Kelces that there are infinite ways to create a successful business. Even just being funny can lead to a profitable business in the form of podcasts and social media.

Ray J

Ry J is a prime example of someone who was extremely well off and very wealthy yet was not satisfied. Ray J is a very successful singer and actor who has made millions of dollars between those two professions but had the entrepreneurial drive to want more. After being wildly successful in the music industry in the mid 90’s to the mid 2000’s, Ray J decided to start a consumer electronics company called Raytroniks in 2007. The company’s catalog included items like electric bikes, smartphone fans, and smart watches. The key to the company’s success was the free advertising he got from celebrities like Snoop Dogg, Stephen Curry, and Justin Bieber, who simply used the products because they were made by their friend. Ray J saw always had a passion for inventing small gadgets and realized that he could use his platform to get free advertising from beloved celebrities, which would lead to lots of sales purely off of name value. Another very profitable invention by Ray J are his wireless Bluetooth earbuds called “Raycons”. Ever since they’re release, Apple’s air pods have dominated the wireless earbuds scene, but the only problem was that all of their features only worked with apple products. Ray J saw this flaw and decided to make earbuds that had all of the features of air pods, but were compatible with any device. We can learn from Ray J that no matter what industry we work in, we always have the opportunity to do what we love, which can often lead to success.

Mark Rober

Mark Rober is a successful social media influencer who currently has over twenty three million subscribers on YouTube. However, this was not his first job. Rober grew up with a passion for engineering that would eventually lead to him getting a job for NASA in their Jet Propulsion Laboratory. He would work there for nine years and it would be there where he would begin making viral videos until 2013 when he would fully pursue his YouTube career. Rober was able to turn his childhood passion for engineering into not only a job working for NASA, but also a wildly successful and lucrative career making videos on YouTube. This just goes to show that even though most people think of work as something you do solely to make money, it does not always have to be that way. Rober has made millions by turning the thing he has loved for his entire life into a lucrative career, which most likely doesn’t even feel like work to him. This story also  shows that sometimes in business you have to take a leap of faith. Rober already had a very lucrative job at NASA, but he really wanted to pursue YouTube, so he decided to take that leap of faith and it has turned out to be a great decision.

Draymond Green

For people who are familiar with the NBA, the name Draymond Green should bot be new to you. Draymond Green is a professional basketball player for the Golden State Warriors. He is a perennial all star power forward and could be on his way to the basketball hall  of fame. Now you may be thinking, what does Draymond Green have to do with entrepreneurship. During this year’s NBA finals Draymond Green was playing in, Green had an idea to make a podcast. He called it “The Draymond Green Show”, and he would make new episodes after every finals game. In these podcasts he would discuss what happened in the game, like what he could have done better, how the team could have done better, what the team did well, and other interesting talking points related to the NBA finals game the day prior. Seeing as Draymond Green is a very successful NBA player, he has plenty of money to where he doesn’t have to do anything else but keep playing basketball. But Green’s entrepreneurial drive made him think of other ways he could make a profit. What I could learn from this is that no matter how wealthy you are, there is always room for improvement.

Unnecesssary Inventions

“Unnecessary Inventions” is a line of inventions made by Matthew Benedetto that is largely satire based. His goal is to make creative inventions that serve very niche problems people face in their everyday lives that are ultimately not a big deal, such as getting your clothes wet when doing the dishes or applying sunscreen on your back by yourself. The main focus of these inventions isn’t for people to buy them, but for people to laugh at how specific the problems he solves with these inventions are. This idea has become a huge success as Matthew has accumulated over 5 million followers on Tiktok. This is an example of someone using their passions and turning it into a business. Matthew has a huge passion for inventing creative devices, and has been able to turn this passion into a very profitable business. What I have learned from this example is that it is possible to start a profitable business by simply doing the things that you love, which ultimately leads to your job not even feeling like a job as you are simply following your passions. Matthew had had a passion for inventing his entire life and was able to turn that passion into a profitable business.

Prime Hydration

Prime Hydration is a sports drink that was created by extremely famous youtubers Logan Paul and JJ Olatunji at the beginning of 2022. Both Paul and Olatunji are already very wealthy from their Youtube channels, but this did not stop their entrepreneurial drive as they sought to use their popularity to create a new product for consumers. Both Paul and Olatunji were dissatisfied with the current sports drinks on the market, like Gatorade and Powerade, because they thought the drinks had too much sugar in them, so they took matters into their own hands to create a low calorie sports drink that still tasted great. Here they were able to make their product Prime, with only 20 calories per bottle. Even though Paul and Olatunji could have easily made a profit off of their popularity alone, they were focused on making a quality product, which ended up being true as the drink itself became a huge success. What I have learned from this case is that no matter how successful you already are, there is always room for improvement. Paul and Olatunji were already hugely successful way before they even thought of the concept of Prime Hydration, but they weren’t satisfied, and were able to use their entrepreneurial drive to step out of their comfort zone and into commercial business to create a successful product.