Author Archive for Drake Muir

Tim Ferriss

Tim Ferriss has tried to take a unique approach to everything he attempts to pursue in life. From angel investing and entrepreneurship to tango and Chinese kickboxing. In his endeavors Ferriss has tried to look at ways to “win” from different perspectives than the average Joe. Through his Angel investing, Ferris has angel invested in Duolingo, Melta, Twitter, and countless other businesses. Although most of these are prominent companies currently, they were not initially when Ferriss invested. Throughout his life, Ferriss has looked at the rules and attempted to make exceptions to the common rule through his investments.

Ferriss has attempted to make exceptions to the rules in not just business but other endeavors as well. Ferriss is also a Chinese kickboxing champion, even though he had only had a year of experience under his belt. To achieve this, Ferriss studied the rules of Chinese Kickboxing and saw a flaw in the rules that would make him virtually unbeatable. Ferriss applied this application to his kickboxing matches and was soon made champion, despite his inexperience.

Ferris has also applied this to his writing. Ferris has been the author of numerous books, the most prominent being ” The Four Hour Work Week”. Through this Harris tries to illuminate a unique perspective on utilizing the most out an individuals work week. With this we in the field of entrepreneurship can hope to empower this idea of innovative and out of the boxing thinking to reach a level of new creativity.

Elon Musk

Love him or hate him, Elon Musk is one of the most influential people in the world of business. He has globally impacted the way the world thinks of entrepreneurship. His non traditional methods have been laughed at, but his success cannot be denied. Musk has the ability to identify a problem and see a solution from a unique point of view. The innovative drive to look at every angle of a situation through a different lens than most. PayPal is a prime example of this. Back in 1998 Musk saw a problem with online payment. The internet was relatively new to the world and paying securely online could be extremely difficult. The world needed a trusted way to transfer money from their bank, through a third party safely and securely. Enter PayPal. Musk innovated through creative thinking to solve a relatively new problem, in a relatively new domain.

Musk has also used unique innovation through his creation of Tesla. Sustainable energy has been on the minds of consumers for the better half of the century. From politicians to environmentalists the idea of how will the planet sustain itself has been a heated debate. Musk sought to solve this problem through electric automation. With the hope of making a fun, affordable, zero emission vehicle available to the public. Through his non-traditional methods Musk has put the idea of Tesla into the minds of everyone, whether it be good or bad. For most of the public, when you think of electric cars you automatically think of Tesla. PayPal and Tesla are just a few of the numerous innovations and businesses that Musk has gone on to start. Musk shows the many ways entrepreneurs can be successive in the ever changing modern world we live in today.

Patrick Bet David

Patrick Bet David is an Iranian-American entrepreneur. In 1980,  a war in Iran forced Patrick’s family to flee the country, before he had to serve his obligated military service to the country. After two years in a refugee camp at in Germany, Patrick and his family moved to California. Patrick was eventually granted US citizenship in 1990.

Even at a young age Patrick was an innovative entrepreneur. From selling baseball caps, collecting beer bottles and cans to recycle. Patrick often had trouble focusing in school. After high school Patrick joined the army, where he learned discipline and dedication. After the army, Patrick got a job, due to his charisma and charm. This would be his first and last job. After leaving, Patrick started an insurance company with 66 agents out of a single office. This became to be known as PHP Agency, which has more than 10,000 agents in 49 states across the US today. Along with PHP, Patrick also hosts a YouTube channel “Value Entertainment”. The podcast and video series dives into a multitude of things, primarily being business ventures and ideas for new and upcoming entrepreneurs.

Patrick is also the author of four business and self-help books. These books are targeted for young entrepreneurs who are looking for advice on how to get started. Patrick hopes to encourage young entrepreneurs like himself, in areas where no one else helped him.

Charged Up

Ever been on the street, in the middle of a important phone call, with your battery running dangerously low. It’s to late to go into a public place to charge and you don’t have a charger on you. Hugo Timouth and Hakeem Buge had the solution. A portable charging station that act as power bank vending machine across the United Kingdom. With the idea, that you charge your phone with the charger, then return it to the next vending machine closest by.  CEO and Founder of Charged Up, Hugo Timouth previously studied renewable Energy Engineering. Hugo used some of his knowledge on this subject to invest into his startup of Charged Up. Hugo like many entrepreneurs used his knowledge and interest in a set subject to channel into a business, where a set problem was. Most people know that the low battery of their phone is problem, most just didn’t know how to fix it. This innovative technology is something to keep an eye in the future. As with most successful businesses, Charged Up decided to innovate during the tough times of the pandemic. Charged Up decided to switch from portable chargers, to hand sanitizer stations. Hugo wanted to help people during tough times, the best way he knew he could. We as Christian entrepreneurs need to use Charged Up as an example to us all. Making the best of each situation , by helping those that need to be helped. Help those that cannot help themselves, while using our entrepreneurship skills to make a profit. Charged Up saw a problem, addressed it, adapted to the next problem that was thrown. Your environment plays such a large role in how your business is affected. The pandemic created extreme losses for the majority of companies who couldn’t adapt to their situation. Charged Up was not one of those companies.

Adelle Archer – Eterneva

When one thinks of cremation, sadness and grief come to mind at first glance. Death takes something from us, that can be hard to get back.  Diamonds on the other hand represent commitment and new beginnings. Whether it be an engagement ring or a gift to remember, diamonds help us express emotions of joy and happiness. Adelle Archer has decided to combine these two components into 1 business. Eterneva is an innovative company that allows the individual to make their loved ones cremated ashes into that of a diamond. This creates a true emotional attachment to your diamond, than ever before. Instead of disregarding your loved ones ashes into the ocean or ground, you can always carry them with you. Helping to always keep your loved ones close at “hand”.

Adelle Archer presented her idea to Mark Cuban, on the famed “Shark Tank”. Mark being the keen investor he is, jumped at the chance to be in on such an extraordinary product. Adelle has been featured on the coveted Forbes ’30 Under 30′ lists. Before creating Eterneva Adelle attended the Action School of Business, where she received her MBA in entrepreneurship. Adelle graduated top of her class at the young age of 23.  She also spent 4 years as Product Marketing leader, through tech such as Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, eBay, Square,  and Pinterest.

As a young and upcoming entrepreneur, Adelle is an inspiration to us all. She as an entrepreneur saw a situation, then used an innovative and unique way to solve it. She combined two products to improve the use of each one, by giving her product a strong personal attachment to it. Although the price of her product may be more than the average diamond, the consumer might be willing to pay more due to its personalization. Eterneve has created a product to help us reconnect with our deceased loved ones.



Eli Zied

The fashion industry can be extremely difficult to establish a foothold in. Eli Zied is the exception to this rule. In 2017, Elie Zied founded Habits365. Habits365 is a new and upcoming clothing line. It seeks to enhance positive habits “365” days of the year. This new take on the fashion industry, makes each shirt feel special to the customer. The customer, feels that he or she is appreciated and cared for by Habits365. Making them more likely to buy their next piece of clothing at Habits365. This apparel line is one to keep an eye on!