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Three Habits outlines seven different habits in which successful millennial entrepreneurs share. Seeing as this website is entitled “” I thought this would be the perfect place to share these seven habits. I will be sharing my 3 personal favorites from the list that I view as most important;

  1. Prove Your Worthiness- As a small player in the business world, we as entrepreneurs, especially millennial entrepreneurs, must find a way to stand out to customers. It is easy to be drown out by the thousands of similar products that are fighting for the same customers you are after. An example of this can be seen through Apple’s successful attempts to seize the cell phone and electronic market.  Apple has proven itself over and over again by providing quality products that can last a lifetime.
  2. Defeat Distractions- Living in a world where millions of distraction are all around us at all times is brutal. Whether that is our phones, relationships, or watching TV we are fighting to stay focused at all times. We have such small attention spans that we can be thrown off in a matter of seconds. The successful millennial entrepreneur must develop an intense focus that can fight off any discretion that comes our way.
  3. Adapt of Die- The way technology has impacted our lives in the past two decades has been incredible. As we develop business we must keep in mind that changes in the future are inevitable and that a failure to adapt to the changes in the future may be the end of our business. A prime example of this is Blackberry. About a decade ago  owning a blackberry meant that you were a sophisticated business woman or business man. Now, I personally do not even know of one person who owns one. When the cell phone industry moved toward all glass screen with no keyboard, blackberry apparently  did not get the memo, and as a result fell of the map. Adapting to the current state of the industry is important

    Prove Your Worthiness, Defeat Distractions, and Adapting are three habits out of many that will aid the entrepreneur in their success. I hope these will help the reader accomplish whatever goals you have set going forward. The link to the INC webpage can be found below.

Young, But Full of Hart

Hart Main is currently a 17 year old recent graduate of New Philadelphia High school. While many of the young entrepreneurs that I have written about have created a thriving website or eCommerce site, Hart has a different story, a more hands on product that has granted him success beyond his wildest imagination. While planing to earn enough money to purchase a new bike, Mr. Main decided to try his luck at selling an original product called a “Man Can”. The product, which consists of hollowed out soup cans that have a “manly scented candle” placed inside, has taken off and is one of the hottest, no pun intended, candles on the market. A thirteen year old Hart thought of the idea while his sister was going around through the neighborhood selling candles as a fundraiser. As he smelt his sisters candles, he immediately realized that the candles were not appealing to men in any way shape of form due to the fact they were “to girly”. Therefore, as most entrepreneurs do, Hart set out to find or create a candle that appealed not just to females, but to both genders equally. Fast forward to a year later, and a grand total of 20,000 “Man Cans” had been made and sold just in 2010 alone, the first year of production. A common trait that I have realized the majority of young entrepreneurs have is the ability and drive to fix a problem themselves, rather then depending or expecting the problem to be fixed. We live in a world where if an immediate answer to our problems is not given or found, we simply give up and look elsewhere. As the world grows yet more complex and complicated, a breed of new entrepreneurs similar to Hart Main will be in control, this is something to look forward to.


Steve El-Hage is the CEO and founder of the global eCommerce platform MassDrop. Steve, 27, received his B.S. from the University of Toronto while studying economics. Upon graduating in 2012 Steve, along with co founder Nelson Wu, came together to build the platform. The company’s goal is simple, “to bring enthusiasts together, by exploring communities, products and stories you’re passionate about.” MassDrop seeks to build a community that is centered around commerce.

In the five years since operation MassDrop has been able to catch the eye of various investors who have put up funding the the company. MassDrop has raised over $48 million from outside investors. Today the website is up and running efficiently as consumers from around the world are able to purchase and sell merchandise through Massdrop. The company is all about the customers. A simple look at the website shows specific categories in which one is able to shop. Instead of having a search a search bar located somewhere on the website, the company has listed pictures with headings aimed at making shopping simple and easy. For example, “Photography”, shows a clear picture of a woman holding a camera. All one must do is make an account, click on which category to shop from, and purchase any item listed on the website.

MassDrop is a simple concept that is competing in a fierce market. This presents an advantage. Instead of logging on to Ebay and typing in “Photography lenses”, and being presented with thousands of items, one is able to narrow down the search by using MassDrop. A business that is focused on community, commerce, and the user is bound to compete with any large eCommerce website in the same field.


A Positive Outlet

Mashable is a multi-media media and entertainment company that operates worldwide. Founded by millennial entrepreneur Peter Cashmore, the website is your “go-to source for tech, digital culture and entertainment content for its dedicated and influential audience around the globe.” Peter Cashmore was born in Scotland and started the company when he was just 19 years old. Back in 2009, Peter was featured in a Forbes article entitled, “30 under 30”, “Top 25 Web Celeb”, and Huffington Post’s feature, “Top 10 Game Changers Back in 2009.” The company was founded back in 2005 and is currently headquartered in New York City. While several large companies operate in the media and entertainment industry, Mashable has made a difference by focusing on one area that is  accredited to the founder, social good.

The social good aspect that the company is focused on is truly unique in today day and age. While most media outlets such as CNN or Fox News show viewers the negative happenings world wide, Mashable focuses on positive news and showcase people who have a global impact on communities and cities. A quote from the company’s website provides a look at Mashable’s key focus as a company, “we believe we have a responsibility with our community to make the world a better place.” Peter Cashmore is an example of a young entrepreneur who wanted to shed a positive light on what we are told has become a darkened world. Imagine a world of thinkers and believers who share the same vision as Peter, what a beautiful world that would be.


Whitney Wolfe is an inspiration to the tens of thousands of young entrepreneurs who have a dream. Whitney is currently 27 years old and is the CEO of Bumble. Bumble is a, “location-based social and dating application which facilitates communication between interested users.” The company is classified as being a competitor to Tinder. Here is where the story gets interesting. Whitney Wolfe, prior to the founding of Bumble, was the Vice president of marketing for Tinder! Unfortunately after being sexually harassed, Whitney  branched out to start her own company, which turned out to be a hit.

Drive, competitive spirit, determination are all factors that can be attributed to the success Whitney Wolfe has seen come her way. Although Whitney was wronged at Tinder, all things seem to work for the greater good and this is a prime example. In 2014 after she had departed from the company Whitney was contacted by the founder of the company Badoo, requesting a possible partnership. Through this partnership Whitney and Badoo’s CEO Andrey Andreev created the platform of Bumble that is now being described as, “As of April 2016, Tinder and Bumble are the first and fourth most popular dating apps respectively.” This is according to monthly user base. Whitney Wolfe is truly an inspiration to any young entrepreneur who is determined to defy any challenge brought upon them.