Author Archive for Evan Olejnik

From Physical Gains to Monetary

The Fitness industry has been rather stale for the4 last couple of decades with little to no innovation. Brick and mortar locations with some basic gym equipment and a monthly subscription programme was no longer cutting it.  Due to this,  smaller mom and pop gyms have begun springing up, offering a more premium experience that many people have come to love. However, being tied to a Brick and Mortar location is something that Alex Hormozi realized is limiting the industry. After he scaled his own gyms, he decided to sell that business and focus on selling the formula that allowed him to scale his gyms so much faster and larger than others.

Come 2016 his software related business Gym Launch made its first steps into the public’s view. Gym Launch focused on helping scale smaller private gyms from their local area to the mainstream. While this business didn’t explode as fast as his own gyms that he sold to help Gym Launch grow, by 2023 his company is now serving over 4,500 gyms across the world, helping both his clients and his business generate millions in revenue. This however is not all he did, as in 2019 he decided to step into supplements as well, and began the company called Prestige Labs.

Prestige Labs was a beneficial move for not only him but also the gyms  that Gym Launch was helping. The supplements generated revenue for not only Alex but for the gyms also. Since the brand was tied to Alex, if a gym were to have an offering of his products, they would often see increased volume due to the brand recognition. With that being said, it would seem that aAlex’s passion for fitness turned him into a millionaire. What will following your passions lead too?

Entrepreneurs and the Markets

As the economic and social situations change throughout the world due to the boom of the internet and rapid growth of social media, now more than ever do young people find innovative ways to break the mold and escape the rat race. Entrepreneurship is an alluring idea, and that captures the hearts and minds of many young people. They have chosen to start businesses in a variety of areas and innovated many more. From the social media experts, to the ones selling fitness classes, to the drop-shippers, the business economy has seen an extreme amount of change in the last few years. However, there is one area that  many overlook as entrepreneurship…. 

Wall Street Timeline


Wall Street! Wall Street throughout its history has been the heart of fast-paced wealth and opportunity, and playing 4d chess with other people with the end goal being generational wealth. For almost its entirety of its existence it was incredibly hard to find your way into the financial markets, but thanks to the globalization of the internet, many people were able to start managing their own finances and playing the game with all the others. This included young entrepreneurs looking for an opportunity. 

Zen Krecklau is a young 19 year old who began his  entrepreneurship ventures in the stock market at 17.  At that age he would spend his time studying fundamentals of stocks to fetch and understand the complex system that is the market. Upon his 18th  birthday, he started initially simple trading shares on a medium time frame, but that wasn’t getting him the gains he was hoping for to achieve his dream of financial freedom. He then swapped over to trading options contracts, and began seeing some success. However it wasn’t all gains, and he had come close to losing his account during a losing streak. It was then he went back to the drawing board and studied and learned about many of the ways the professionals scalp money from the markets.  He modified what he learned to fit his risk tolerance, and began again. This time he saw success with his multiple strategies. From scalping contracts during times of higher implied volatility, to setting up Iron Condors and Iron Butterflies to collect premium, Zen has found his flow and skill set in the markets. From starting those 3 years ago, he is now up over %1700 oh his initial investment, which is outperforming the market in a rarely seen way. 

That sizable gain however didn’t cloud his judgment. Upon a brief interview he had left us with this piece of advice about the financial markets; “[Some of] the principles I have learned that I apply to everything, is treating everything as a marathon instead of a sprint. The more you take time to perfect your craft, the better your results are going to be” It is with this principle that he continues to grow his portfolio. While he doesn’t know for sure yet, his primary goal pursuing this entrepreneurial venture is to achieve financial freedom to then live a life without any regrets or compromises. While his journey is still in its early stages he has found great rhythm and success in an otherwise very difficult area to succeed in, with over 95% of traders quitting and blowing their accounts.  

With that, lets never loose inspiration and remember that its a marathon, not a sprint. Thank you.