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Mikey Wren, the 10-year-old Entrepreneur

Mikey Wren’s entrepreneurial spirit came alive to satisfy a very simple and common urge. He wanted snacks. Rather than go to his parents or pantry, Mikey created his own solution, deciding to create his own line of vending machines. He began drawing up business plans and operated a lemonade stand to raise money with which he raised the surprisingly large amount of $1200. His determination to succeed propelled the success of his small business. At the age of 10, Mikey intuitively grasped a key principle of entrepreneurial success: achieving long-term goals requires the disciplined sacrifice of short-term comforts. In addition to working at his lemonade stand, Mikey asked his parents to take his Christmas money and invest it in his ideas rather than buy him presents. After his mother encouraged him to do more research into his ideas, Mikey typed up his own business plan. He printed his own flyers and set up a website called “Mikey Knows Biz” to advertise his growing business. You can visit Mikey’s site here.

Mikey Wren now owns four vending machines in various locations and is a bestselling author of his autobiographical journey to entrepreneurial success. His goal is to encourage his peers to explore and achieve their entrepreneurial dreams. Mikey brings a powerful and inspiring message to the business community: little people can achieve big things too.