Author Archive for perrymp21

Daniel Zakowski | Ready, Set, Food!

Daniel Zakowski created Ready, Set, Food! in 2017. This is a company that sells pre-measured, natural supplements that dissolve in breastmilk, formula, and food. These supplements slowly expose babies to peanuts, eggs, and milk. Daniel’s nephew has life-threatening food allergies and he found out that there are many clinical trials that prove if we expose babies to certain foods then it can help prevent severe food allergies from developing. Daniel teamed up with his brother in law who is a doctor and an allergist, Dr. Katie Marks-Cogan. This supplement is on track to save over 200,000 babies a year from developing a severe food allergy. There are multiple different supplements that you can buy. They created a Peanut Only supplement for babies who already have a milk and egg allergy. You can also buy a Peanut and Egg supplement or all three in one. The biggest challenge that Daniel has faced is the lack of knowledge among parents and medical persons and that they don’t realize babies can be spared life threatening allergies if only they were exposed to these foods earlier on. Daniel was motivated by someone in his own life who has experience a life threatening allergy and wants to ensure that he can give others the best chance to avoid this. These supplements are a really unique way that parents can protect their children; however, they must spread this information.



Langston Whitlock | Safetrip

Langston Whitlock became the cofounder of SAFETRIP at 16 years old. This is the world’s first healthcare transportation app that allows its users the ability to get transportation for medical reasons. This digital health platform allows people to immediately request or schedule emergency or non-emergency transport. There are multiple different transportation vehicles. Users can choose among cars, vans, wheelchair accessible vehicles, and ambulances. All of these options can be paid for through insurance right on the app. Langston had begun coding at the age of 12 when he built an anonymous messaging app that was intended for him to communicate with his absent father. When asked about his age being an obstacle Langston said, “My age wasn’t a big challenge because the people around me believed in my skill. I’m also humble enough to ask adults for help in the tech field so they’re more inclined to provide opportunities for me.” Langston knew that it was a big job and he specifically stressed how humility is a great characteristic for young entrepreneurs. If you don’t know something, it is definetly okay to ask for help and people will be more obliged to help someone who is humble. A piece of advise that Langston gives is, “Whatever you’re good at is likely what you’re called to do, and never give up. Even if your dad walks out of your life, pray to God and try to move forward with your life. God will provide resources.” Langston makes it clear that young entrepreneurs should ask for help and rely on God. He stressed the importance of perserverance and how you should never give up. We can learn from Langston by using what he said and taking it to heart. As young entrepreneurs we are going into a field where we won’t know everything and we should be humble and ask for help.

Plufl | Human Dog Bed

  1. Plufl is essentially a huge human dog bed. Two college students from Vancouver, Canada, Noah Silverman and Yuki Kinoshita, have designed and created a human dog bed. Their website quotes, “The Plufl  is a premium napping bed engineered to provide the optimal napping experience.” Their goal is to reduce stress and anxiety by providing a sense of security and comfort. They campaigned and received $290,000 to begin their company. As of right now, this company is taking off. You can preorder the beds and they cost $399 for one and $699 for two. I remember when I was younger I’d always fall asleep next to the dog in the dog bed and these two college students have taken something a dog uses and have upgraded it to something humans can use. This is neat innovation because they took something that people use all the time and have used the human need for luxury and created something new. Their inspiration was a local dog at a coffee shop. This dog is a great Dane and their owners bought a custom made bed for the dog because it was so huge. After seeing this huge bed they realized they were interested it and maybe humans would want to purchase a dog bed for themselves. As college students, they prioritize naps and thought this would be a great idea. I’ve always loved how cute and comfy dog beds could be and I think it’s a really awesome idea to just make huge person sized ones. It’s unique that they are in college, but still have created and founded this company. They are actually about to be on Shark Tank, so you’ll have to watch for them!

Zhang Yiming | Founder of TikTok

Zhang Yiming is the founder of Beijing ByteDance Co. This includes Tik Tok and Toutiao (very popular platform in China). Zhang was boring in 1983 and began a job at a startup company after college called Kuxun. He started as an engineer, but then during his second year he managed the people responsible for the back-end technology. Zhang learned a lot about perseverance and responsibility because of his first job and how he quickly was given a large role. In 2009, Zhang had started up his first business called “” It was a property search site; however, he quit after three years because he didn’t have enough drive for his business. In 2012, he found that Chinese smartphones were inefficient when it came to providing information and news that was relevant. His goal was to create something that gave users relevant content and gave them recommendations. ByteDance was created in a four bedroom apartment. Toutiao, a news app, was created first and gained over 13 million users daily. In 2015, Zhang created TikTok with the goal of having an app that had news, social media, and a place where young people can spread their ideas. ByteDance bought, basically buying the competition. TikTok boomed and became very successful. Zhang’s employees commented about how his leadership is “soft-spoken” and “charismatic”.

Paper and Parcels

Tilak Mehta began his business, “Paper and Parcels” at 16 years old. He lives in Mumbai in India and his idea sprouted the day he needed books from the other side of the city, but his father was at work. He didn’t want to bother his father, so he had to wait for to get the book delivered, which proved to have heavy fees. Tilak had known of different food delivery services existed for food; however, even those were expensive. Tilak brainstormed a business that could help people get the resources they need without having to travel across the city. He knew that it was possible because of different food service systems; however, he hadn’t seen one that delivered non-food related things. He took an idea that was already in place and very successful, but he altered it to fit his problem. With help from some of the ‘Mumbaikar dabbawala’ (food delivery service workers) his business began to boom. His goal is to have a delivery service for anything from pens, books, papers, and essential documents. The Intra City Logistics market invested into “Paper and Parcels” and Tilak’s business is really growing. We can learn from Tilak that having a support system and a goal can do big things.



Catch’n Ice Cream

Dylan Lemay began working at Cold Stone Creamery at 15. He began doing tricks with the ice cream, for example, he can toss it behind his back.  He worked there for ten years during high school and college. He grew to having 11.2 million Tik Tok followers and almost 4 million Youtube subscribers by posting his cool ice cream tricks. Dylan’s goal is to create a fun experience and bring back face-to-face service. He opened his own ice cream shop called “Catch’n Serve,” in New York City. Instead of the traditional scooping of ice cream, Dylan makes his ice cream and has it in balls. He then does tricks with the balls of ice cream and then serves it up like normal. This is a totally unique idea of efficiently serving ice cream and minimizing waste. The thing that made him stand out online is the same thing that opened up his life to business. Even though he had no intention of starting a business when he began making TikToks, his popularity in just having fun at work gave him a whole business idea. This really highlights the significance of having an online presence and how social media can help jumpstart a business. Platforms like TikTok can help entrepreneurs get their name around and even give them business ideas based off of their own unique brand and talents. Dylan has also created a fun environment that other ice cream shops don’t have. We can learn from Dylan that you don’t have to have extensive background or skills to create something fun and new, instead he took his background knowledge and made something out of a simple job.