Author Archive for Jeff Pew

Jordan Peele

Jordan Peele is an African American man known primarily for his skits with his partner Keegan-Michael Key on their show on Comedy Central, Key and Peele. However, after the ending of their show, Peele has become known as a talented director and screenwriter for various successful movies, such as Get Out and BlacKkKlansman, respectively.

Born in 1979, Jordan Peele is just barely a millennial, but most certainly an entrepreneur. His entrepreneurial beginnings could be dated all the way back to 2012 with his show “Key and Peele.” He and his partner Keegan-Michael Key, both of who previously starred together on Fox’s “Mad TV” from 2003-2008, ran their own sketch comedy show. You may have unintentionally watched some of their content on Youtube or Facebook at some point. However, the show ended in 2015, as both Key and Peele wanted to expand and explore other forms of entertainment. The two went on to write, produce, and act in their own full-length feature film in 2016 titled “Keanu”, which received positive reviews, and met up again in 2019 to voice act in Disney’s “Toy Story 4”.

Jordan Peele’s biggest break in the world of cinema, however, was for his critically acclaimed horror/thriller film titled “Get Out”, which was a huge box office success. The horror, thriller, and mystery genres were struggling to stay afloat, with few notable releases occurring prior to Peele’s work. However, Jordan Peele managed to create an interesting and enjoyable-to-watch film the sparked interest in those genres, with movies such as “A Quiet Place” and “Bird Box” drawing inspiration from Peele’s work.

Arash Ferdowsi and Drew Houston – Cloud Storage Giants

If you haven’t heard of Arash Ferdowsi and Drew Houston, that’s okay. You might know their company, Dropbox. Dropbox is a cloud-based file hosting and sharing service created by Arash Ferdowsi and Drew Houston, ages 34 and 3, respectively.

Arash and Drew, both of whom are Massachusetts Institute of Technology graduates, founded Evenflow in 2007 as a startup company, before changing its name to Dropbox in 2008. The company has seen massive user growth from its inception, starting at 1 million registered users in 2009 to now 500 million users as of 2019. As of now, Dropbox is valued at $12 billion but has been struggling to show any growth. I believe this is largely due in part to its massive competitor, Google Drive. Personally, I use Google Drive as I have always used Google products and applications. Drive allows me to not only show my files across multiple devices, but I am able to conveniently insert some of those files in other applications that I use frequently, such as Google Docs and Sheets. According to, Dropbox has struggled to turn in profit at all since its inception. In fact, it has yet to turn a profit, but some articles believe they may finally have positive profits within the next few years.

Sam Gorski / Niko Pueringer – Behind the Scenes of Youtube

If you’re into cinema, visual effects, and the behind-the-scenes of a small product studio, chances are you have probably heard of Corridor, formerly CorridorDigital, and the founders of the company, Sam Gorski and Niko Pueringer. Sam Gorski and Niko Pueringer are primarily known for their main channel Corridor, which creates short, pop-culture related videos with their team that consists of visual effects (VFX) artists, actors, and more.

Sam and Niko started making videos in junior high and also utilized special effects within their videos. Eventually, they moved to LA to pursue their dream and found themselves becoming viral with their work, starting in 2012. They worked with other popular short action film Youtubers, such as Freddie Wong (RocketJump), which was able to significantly boost their presence on Youtube. Eventually, with their team, the crew at Corridor started a behind-the-scenes channel, known nowadays as Corridor Crew, that focuses on what exactly goes on in a small studio, from idea conception to editing.

On average, each of their videos on their main channel, Corridor, makes well over a million views on Youtube, which means that they are earning roughly $50,000 a month from their videos according to Their second channel, Corridor Crew, makes roughly $60,000 per month since they put out videos more frequently than their main channel.

Tobias Lütke – One of Canada’s Wealthiest People

You might not know his name, but if you have ever been interested in selling products online as a business, you might have heard of his company, Shopify. Tobias Lütke, listed at #90 on the list of Canada’s wealthiest people, is one of the three founders of Shopify and has risen as a giant in the world of eCommerce product selling.

Tobias Lütke, Shopify

Tobias Lütke was born at the very beginning of what is considered the Millenial, or Gen Y, generation (1980). In 2004, prior to Shopify, Lütke and two other founders wanted to start their own online snowboarding equipment business and found themselves unsatisfied with other eCommerce products that were available at that time. In 2009, they launched Shopify where other businesses could coders and developers could create their own applications and sell them on the Shopify store. Since its inception, Shopify has become a massive platform where small businesses can create online shops for their products and sell products directly to customers. There are currently 800,000 stores that are powered by Spotify, as had a 1100% stock increase since the company went 2015, where it started at $28, and is currently residing at $314 a stock.

As someone who is currently using Shopify in my eCommerce class, I can see why it is so popular. Starting a business has never been easier than before. If someone has a fully developed product and a domain, for only $30 a month, Shopify provides an outlet for individuals to create a website, list their products, and ship them to their customers. Lütke and the other founders saw a problem and capitalized on it at the perfect time, and it has made them a significant amount of money from it. In fact, according to statistics, Shopify’s total revenue, which comes from their various payment plans and percentages of sales, from 2018 was slightly more than $1 billion. As one of the “oldest” Millennial Entrepreneurs, Lütke has made quite a bit of money by creating a place where small businesses can achieve their dreams of crafting their own website and selling their products, which can’t be found on competing websites, such as Amazon and eBay.

Jake Luhrs – Using His Position to Help Others

Jake Luhrs, most commonly known for being a vocalist for the metal band August Burns Red, has expanded beyond the realms of the music industry and has created a company and written a book that both deal with overcoming peoples personal struggles, whether it’s about their faith or mental health.

Firstly, his band, August Burns Red, is one of the more well-known bands in the metal genre, with their music videos garnering millions of views with every release. Currently, their band is embarking on a World Tour to commemorate the 10th Year Anniversary of their album, Constellations, which really helped them get their foot in the door of metal. In the metal scene, that’s a pretty difficult thing to achieve, since the genre of music they are playing is not radio-friendly nor enjoyed by most people. Given his position, many people after shows would come up to him and tell him about what they were currently struggling with, and, sometimes, how much he and his band helped them through those moments. He, and with some others, started Heartsupport, an online resource dedicated to those dealing with whatever problems they may have. With Heartsupport, they give these people resources to reach out to other people for advice and help via a forum page. There are also resources for counseling, daily livestreams on Twitch, and a book, titled Mountains, which was written by Jake Luhrs. All in all, Jake Luhrs has a successful band, who discovered a problem through the opportunities he had, went on to create a website dedicated to solve those problems.


Parker Walbeck – Leading instructor for aspiring filmmakers

If you have had any desire to film something or watched any camera product reviews / how to’s, chances are that you’ve probably heard of Parker Walbeck. If you haven’t, you might be more familiar with his incredibly successful company, called Full Time Filmmaker.

Before Full Time Filmmaker, Peter was a director, cinematographer, and editor for Youtube channel devinsupertramp, whose channel focused on a wide variety of videos, from video game-inspired action shorts to incredible athletic feats to beautiful shorts of iconic locations around the world. Devinsupertramp has garnered plenty of attention with filmmaking enthusiasts, with their smooth camera work and editing style, thanks to both the creator of the channel, Devin Graham, and Peter Walbeck. Peter aided Devin’s channel from the beginning of 2013 to August of 2015, before departing to begin his own channel, called Peter Walbeck, that had the same feel as devinsupertramp. However, on Peter’s new channel, he began focusing on the behind-the-scene aspects of creating such videos, such as recommended equipment and tools. He even delved into the world of product reviewing, where he will pit cameras or camera equipment against their competitors to list their pros and cons and give his thoughts on which product would be best for what scenarios

After some time, Peter Walbeck launched Full Time Filmmaker sometime in 2016, which (for a price) gave aspiring filmmakers courses filled with tips and info, discounts on products/programs, free tools, and so much more. Since he is someone that is avidly in the filmmaking world, creating videos for large companies, weddings, and real estate videos, he has plenty of information to give to individuals looking for it. Through the creation of this company, his assistance with Youtube channel devinsupertramp, and his own Youtube channel, Peter has used his knowledge of the difficult world of filmmaking to benefit those who want to learn. His channel has amassed 1.6 million views within the past month, which could be giving him a max revenue at $16,000 a month. Full Time Filmmaker costs a one-time payment of $799 and has 8,000 current members, putting his possible profits from his company at 6.4 million dollars. To put it simply, Parker Walbeck found a problem in the world of filmmaking and capitalized upon it using the knowledge he had earned from previous works.