Author Archive for reckld1

Me and The Bees Lemonade

A lot of people think that it takes a revolutionary idea to start a business and be a true entrepreneur. However, this is not the case, sometimes a unique twist on a common idea is what can lead to some of the most successful businesses. A great example of this is the company, Me and the Bees Lemonade, I mean who hasn’t had a lemonade stand? Though this lemonade is special in that it is specifically dedicated to saving the bee population.

The idea came to the owner, nine-year-old Mikaila, after her family encouraged her to come up with a product for their local Children’s Business Competition. As she was thinking of a product she got stung not once, but twice by a bee. After initially being annoyed by the bee sting something strange happened, she became fascinated by bees. She began researching about them and all the things that they did to help the ecosystem. After a while, she fell in love with these little critters and wanted to help revive their dwindling population. In order to do this, she combined her fascination with bees with another enjoyment of hers, her grandmother’s flaxseed lemonade which Mikaila modified by sweetening it with honey. She began selling this special lemonade at various youth entrepreneurial events allowing her to generate some revenue and donate a percentage of thatto various organizations that are fighting to save honey bees. After awhile of selling out in these venues she moved on to leading workshops and participating in social entrepreneurship panels to teach people about honey bees and how to help save them.

Mikaila’s story is an excellent example of how entrepreneurship can grow out of some of the, what seems to be, oddest combinations. Who would have thought that someone could combine a love of bees with selling lemonade? However, because of Mikaila’s passion for bees and her desire to help them by creating a successful company she did what it took to allow her company to succeed. Even today at thirteen years old, Mikaila’s passion for bees has led her to participate in a variety of organizations and panels that she would have never had the chance to attend without her dedication and a chance encounter with a bee. Me & the Bees Lemonade



In an increasingly connected world one new trend that has emerged is the idea of podcasting. A podcast is basically the new radio talk show where people can record themselves talking and having discussions and then post these conversations on platforms like Apple Podcasts to show the world their thoughts. This trend has definitely been growing over the last couple of years, but there have still been hurdles that have prevented people from getting involved in this new podcasting community. These include issues like a lack of equipment or a lack of skills needed to edit and record proper, well-made audio.

This is the problem that Jacob Thornton and Ian Ownbey, two guys that use to work at twitter, are trying to solve with their app Bumpers. They saw that the podcasting world was becoming an increasingly larger industry and to help get more A podcast in progress in the Bumpers app.people get into this community they created an app that allows people to record their own podcasts with just their phone. This idea came to Ownbey when he and his friend trying to start their own podcast. They were very excited for it, but soon realized how difficult creating a podcast actually was. He said that they would spend so much time editing with the mechanics or learning ProTools that they ended up getting frustrated and giving up on the idea as a whole.  However, the silver lining to this was that Ownbey, unlike most people, saw opportunity in his frustration. He realized that if he had this much trouble creating a podcast, then others probably have had the same issue as well. Thus, Bumpers was created to help regular people, like Ownbey and his friend, generate their own podcasts on a simple platform.

I think that this story makes some very interesting point about entrepreneurship. Sometimes we try to do something, and it doesn’t work out for us, or it is too complicated for us to understand. However, a true entrepreneur sees opportunities in these frustrating situations and finds ways of improving old methods of doing things. Ownbey and Thornton have proved this point with their app raising $1 million dollars led by Spark Capital. Another important lesson this teaches is that sometimes being an entrepreneur does not require creating something completely new, sometimes people just need something to be simpler or made more efficient. In this scenario, creating a podcast was definitely not a new thing, in fact people have been doing it for a many of years. The genius of Bumper isn’t that it allowed people to create podcasts, what makes it a success is that it gave people an easier and more efficient way to make podcasts. By doing this, Ownbey and Thornton have opened up the market to a larger pool of people that would not have been able to create these podcasts before, and this has paid off well for them.




Imagine a world where helping people could be as easy as searching google. Well, this is exactly what Jack Kim is attempting to do with his company Benelab. Benelab is a search engine that donates 100% of its profits to various charity organizations around the world.

During Jack’s freshman year in high school he learned how to code HTML and build websites. He thought that it was really fun, and he thought the idea of making something online would be very exciting.  Unlike most people however, Jack didn’t just think about doing something, he actually went ahead and did it. He researched things like AdSense and other online money-making strategies and with this knowledge he created his very first basic search engine. This proved to be a small success for Jack and his simple search engine ended up providing him with a monthly income of $200-$300 with a relatively small group of 2000 visitors a month. This was certainly not an extraordinary amount of wealth, but it did show Jack that search engines had the potential to create large sums of income with a relatively small user base, and this is what led him to continue creating new search engines.

Jack created another search engine that same year called Benesearch which was a search engine dedicated to donating 100% of its profits to charity. However, the search engine still had a long way to go before it would be considered a success, and Jack began giving up on the project. That is when Jack attended a business program at Stanford where he was taught the basics of entrepreneurship, but more importantly, he found professors there that motivated him to give his idea another shot. Jack reworked his search engine and renamed it Benelab and began working with a team made up entirely of motivated kids like him.

Today Benelab has made some traction in the search engine industry seeing about 1,000 searches a day, nothing compared to sites like google, but it is a good start. With this small success they have been able to give hundreds of dollars to various charities like World Concern. Although this is great, Jack is still ambitious for more and has made it a goal to raise $100,000 through Benelab before he graduates from highschool.

Benelab is a very inspiring story that has a lot of important lessons for entrepreneurs. One important point this story highlights is the ability of anyone to turn their skills and passions into an idea that has the potential to affect the world. Jack was just a 16-year-old kid that only knew basic programming and had a love of charity work, but he was able to turn these things into a successful startup. The other important lesson this teaches us is that idea creation/development truly is a process. Even though Benelab is the same at its core to Jack’s original search engine idea, there were many things that had to change before the company became what it is today, in fact Jack had to totally revamp the engine before it began to see any success and even beyond that his team of teenagers made certain aspects of development challenging. Despite these challenges, Jack and the Benelab team continued to persist and eventually they saw some success. Jack and Benelab both certainly have a long way to go, but with all the lessons he is learning on this journey, there is no doubt that the value created through this process will be with Jack and his team for the rest of their lives.

Nelumbo and the Process of Entrepreneurship

When we think about entrepreneurship we often think about someone inventing something revolutionary or world changing. That is not always the case however. Being an entrepreneur is about finding problems that need to be fixed or improved upon and some of these areas may not be super glamorous and that is exactly what Liam Berryman, a 21-year-old that made it onto the fortune 500 list, shows us with his story.Image result for liam berryman

Liam Berryman was a very intelligent child growing up. He attended Rock Canyon High School and took summer courses at Stanford University. Later went on to study at UC Berkeley where he worked as a manager at a design and nanomanufacturing lab. There his job included designing and maintaining new experimental instruction. After this, he went on to become a researcher in a laboratory which developed nanomaterial that had hydrophobic/hydrophilic properties for condensation acceleration. All these experiences helped Liam develop himself as a scientist, but more importantly it helped develop his ability to build a lead teams, a tool that assists him heavily today.

All the above examples really show how impressive Liam is, but there is one thing I did not mention, he dropped out of school.  After working and studying at the school for a few years and developing a novel synthesis technique of polymer microspheres Liam left school and started his own company called Nelumbo. After reading about all the schooling and research he had done in engineering, most people would probably expect that Liam’s company would do something revolutionary and it is in its own way. The company specializes in creating advanced heat exchangers. These are components often found in any refrigeration system. What is special about these systems is that they have shown a 30% increase in energy efficiency compared to their standard counterparts. This efficiency has the potential to save up to 11 billion dollars a year in energy costs just due to refrigeration.

What I enjoy so much about Liam’s story is that it shows a different side of entrepreneurialism that does not often get recognized.  As mentioned above, people often assume that entrepreneurial ideas need to be these brand-new, ground-breaking ideas that change everyone’s lives. Liam shows that this is not always the case. Sometimes successful ideas come from improving systems that already exist with your own unique set of skills. In this case Liam saw that there was room to improve the efficiency of heat exchange systems, especially for refrigerators, so using his unique science/engineering background he used his skills to create such a product. This ended up being a very successful move for Liam, his business now employs 15 people and he has been listed on the Forbes 30 under 30 list for Energy and he has had the opportunity to speak at numerous conferences such as the energy and impact symposium.

Ambition and Determination Against Debt

             Debt, it is a problem that most people know all too well, but no one wants to talk about it, and why would we? Debt is terrifying, and it can leave people with a sense of powerlessness. Debt is also complex, with it varying heavily between individuals. Some might have $5,000 dollars in credit card debt, while some professional may accumulate a quarter million dollars in student loans. The point is, a lot of people feel the pain that comes from owing large amount of money and many people do not know how to effectively pay it off or avoid getting into it in the first place.

              Kelly Peeler is someone that also saw this problem running rampant across the country, especially for young people and has since tried to help stop it. This was not her first business endeavor though, in facther first had nothing to do with debt. She started her first business at 11 years old by dumpster diving for furniture, which she would then refurbish and sell for up to $3,000. Kelly then went on to go to Harvard University and began working for JPMorgan financial institutions group. It was in this setting that Peeler did what all great entrepreneurs do, she started identifying problems around her. Peeler saw through her work that one of the greatest issues facing people in the U.S. was the enormous amounts of student loans that were building up on people. In fact, she felt so strongly about this issue that she claimed that it could become, “the next financial crises.” However, unlike most people, Kelly did not just identify a problem, she sought about solving it, which is why she created the company NextGenVest.

NextGenVest is a company that now serves tens of thousands of people with a focus on reaching what they call the, “snapchat generation.” They do this by creatively bridging the gap between financial advisors and young adults using text instead of the standard phone call or meeting and they offer their surface at any time. The company offers a wide array of financial services including free assistance to students for filing out financial aid forms or advising on accepting packages at schools that make the most financial sense.

When asked about her success Peeler credits two important teachings that she believes are very important lessons for any entrepreneurs. The first lesson she learned was to delegate her weaknesses. She told Business Insider that when she started her company, she quickly learned that she could not do everything well, so for the business to be successful, she had to delegate tasks to competent people. She also said that the biggest lesson she learned was that success follows passion. The largest reason she says her company has been as successful as it has been thus far is because of how passionate she is about what she does, that is what pushes the company forward. Peeler says that the people working in successful business needs to be, above all else, “”completely obsessed with your user and be empathetic.” This obsession along with caring about the customers needs will allow a business to become one of the best in the world for solving a problem.

Personally, I find a lot of value in Peeler’s story. Her focus and determination are to be admired and emulated. Individuals need to understand that to be great at anything, you must be passionate about it, especially if you want to become one of the best. It is only with this vital emotion that successful people are able to push themselves to limits that others may not of thought possible. Successful individuals do not settle for mediocrity and they do not compete with others, as Peeler has shown, they aspire to be the best and constantly compete with who they were yesterday to become greater.

Image result for kelly peeler

Bow-Ties and Mentorship

Bow-ties? Not exactly a revolutionary idea, but this was the business that one young, well-dressed boy decided to pursue. Growing up in Memphis, Moziah Bridges always had a love of fashion. Even at a young age Moziah, or “Mo,” could always be seen in a well-designed suit and bow-tie, a trait that he claims came from his Dad and grandpa, who were very dapper men themselves.

At age nine, Mo decided that he wanted to move beyond just dressing nice. He wanted to create his own fashion, specifically his own bow-ties, an article of clothing that he felt needed “spicing up.” So, with the help of his grandmother, Mo began sewing his own hand made bow-ties. He continued this venture with himself, his grandmother, and mother until the company reached roughly $55,000 in sales. Mo then decided that he wanted to take his business to the next level, so he and his mom went on Shark Tank expecting to raise some capital, but what they actually got was much greater. Mo and his mother were offered a cash deal by some of the sharks, but it was Daymond John’s deal that stood out the most. Daymond told Mo that he would not give the company any money, however he would offer Mo free mentorship to help the company reach new levels. Mo accepted this offer and received more benefits than any amount of capital would have provided.

Daymond helped Mo and his mother better understand the fashion business that they were in, and greatly expanded their capabilities. He helped them find a factory to help create the bowties to fill orders and he assisted Mo’s Bows expansion into Nieman Marcus, a clothing store which he claims is the “gold standard” of luxury clothing. This all happened by the time Mo Turned twelve.

Three years have gone by since this event, and Mo’s Bows is going stronger than ever. Mo recently acquired a contract with the NBA, a deal which will bring the company seven figures of income.

Mo’s Bows certainly has a bright future ahead of it, but Mo knows that all of this success was due to the high-quality mentorship that he has received throughout his young life. Articles in Business Insider and CBS have cited Mo in personal interviews, saying that he is very grateful for all the help that he has received. Whether it was the business guidance from his mother and Daymond, or his grandmother simply teaching him how to sew, this fifteen-year-old recognizes the value in having great mentors who know your field and want to see you grow. I believe that this is an important lesson that any successful entrepreneur has to learn. Mentors are extremely valuable and act as guides for you as you try and turn your idea into reality and perhaps avoid some of the pitfalls that they had to overcome.

Attached below is a link of Mo’s Shark Tank Update where he talks about how much Daymond’s mentorship has allowed his company to flourish.