Author Archive for roemr21

I’ll believe it when doctors’ fly.

Dr. Ola Orekunrin, graduated from the University of York in the UK, graduating at the incredibly young age of 21 as a qualified doctor. Her explosive rise in the field of medical studies took her to the country of Japan as a result of her being awarded the MEXT Japanese Government Scholarship. There, she proceeded to conduct clinic research in the field of regenerative medicine at the Jikei University Hospital. However, the beginning for a major life and career decision came when her sister became extremely ill on holiday whilst staying with relatives in Nigeria. The local hospital in the area was unable to manage her sickle cell anemia condition, and as a result, Ola and her family started to search for an air ambulance so that she could be safely transported to a suitable medical facility in the country. The tragedy for the family was that there were no air ambulances to be found. After this, she was dedicated to making medical aid available to all and at faster rates. With this determination, she founded Flying Doctors of Nigeria. She is now dedicating her life to bringing trauma care to the most remote parts of Africa and her company is doing just that. On any level, Ola Orekunrin is an inspirational hero for all of Africa, making not just a difference to the lives of patients in Nigeria, but across Africa and the globe through her example. She is a successful woman entrepreneur and inspirational leader in a world that needs more like her. Over the past few years, the honors and accolades for Ola’s work have begun to flow, with the prestigious World Economic Forum recognizing her considerable achievements by naming her amongst its prestigious Young Global Leaders class of 2013, a group it describes as the best of today’s leaders under the age of 40.

The story of Kelvin Doe: AKA DJ Focus.

Kelvin Doe, born October 26th, 1996, is a native of Sierra Leone, and became an engineering prodigy at the age of 15. Doe would frequently scour through trash bins for spare parts and scrap metal. He would use these spare parts to build batteries, generators, and transmitters. Being taught by nobody but himself, Kelvin now has his very own radio station where he plays music and broadcasts news under the alias “DJ Focus”. Kelvin has become the youngest person in history to be invited to the Visiting Practitioners Program at MIT. Doe also became a speaker at TEDxTeen, and lectured the undergraduate engineering students at Harvard. In May of 2013, Doe signed a 100,000 dollar solar project pact with Canadian based ISP Sierra WiFi.                                                                                Kelvin Doe is now one of the most well known and respected African inventors. Doe has had the opportunity to meet various leaders around the world. including Hillary Clinton and Ghanaian President Nana Akufo-Addo. He has also been able to speak to young people in Africa using various platforms. Kelvin is a frequent speaker at sci/tech/art and youth empowerment functions and in 2016, became an honorary board member of Emergency USA, an organization with a mission to provide free medical and surgical care to victims of war and poverty. He lives and studies in Toronto, Canada, and hopes to run for president of Sierra Leone in the future to help improve the lives of the people in his country.                                                                                                                              Kelvin Doe overcame all odds and shows that no matter where you come from or what your circumstances are, you can achieve something great that can benefit and impact the rest of the world. The determination of the human mind to pursue something it wishes to achieve is perhaps one of the most exceptional qualities about being human, and Doe takes those qualities and stretches them to the max.

Fraser Doherty: The founder of SuperJam.

“My story shows that what can start as a passion, with love and hard work, can grow into something amazing. Something that changes your life.”

A young man named Fraser Doherty, at the age of fourteen, started his very own Jam business career. After being taught by his grandmother how to make Jam in their Scotland kitchen, he invented a variety of ways to make jam with no preservatives and 100% fruit. At the age of sixteen, he decided to present his brand, SuperJam, to the market by pitching it to a supermarket called Waitrose. Fraser became the youngest person in history to supply to a major supermarket chain. SuperJam has since grown into a company that has sold millions of jars through thousands of supermarkets around the world. Doherty has also become a c0mmercial success, and the business has invested it’s own time and money into charitable projects. Some of these include tea parties for the elderly, and setting up hundreds of beekeeping projects for the community.
              Frasers work has been commended by the Queen of England, Prince Charles, the Prime Minister of Downing Street, and has recently one a medal “for services to business.” Fraser decided to share his incredible story at five hundred conferences across 27 countries around the globe. He has also published his own books entitled “SuperBusiness” which was published in the UK, US, Korea, Japan, and Australia. His other book entitled “48 hour startup” was published in the UK, Us, Netherlands, Korea, and the SuperJam cookbook.
             Fraser has also gone on to be the co-founder of Beer52, which is now the world’s largest craft beer club, and one of Scotland’s fastest-growing startup companies, now serving over 200,000 customers, and shipping fifty thousand cases of beer per month. Frasers case proves that age is not just a number, and that if you put your mind to something, chances are you can find success.