Author Archive for RoyerCD22

Morgan Hipworth: Morgan Bistro

Morgan Hipworth from a young age wanted to have his own restaurant. He said at the age of 7 was his first thought of this. In his younger years he would make what menu cards and bake cakes for the people around him. His mindset was if the people on tv can do it why can’t I. Then it became more and more serious at the age of 11 he was making 10 cakes a week for birthdays or special occasions just so people could try his food and give him feedback. At a cafe when day with his family Morgan received his first opportunity to monetize his cooking skills. They got talking to the owners and they realized his knowledge of food. They said they were looking for a new cake supplier at the time and asked if Morgan would send in a few for them to sell. At the age of 13 he ended up being their full-time cake supplier, taking orders of $100 to even $300. Then he realized if he was ever going to make it, he would need his own restaurant, in his case a bakery.

The first thing he invested in was a pop-up shop at 15 for 8 days where he sold over 10,000 doughnuts. He used the earnings to buy wanted he really wanted, his own shop. Morgan now has 20 employees at the age of 19 and supplies 20 different cafes with donuts. He turns over half a million dollars a year. I think he is such a good example of someone doing something they are passionate about and really bringing good to the world from that. We need more people like Morgan Hipworth in this world.

Ally Katinas: Boutique Skincare Business

Another one of many young entrepreneurs is 15-year-old Ally Katinas. She discovered a way to make skincare scrubs out of recycled coffee grounds. She has become the youngest entrepreneur in Australia because of this discovery. Through her friends who drank lots of coffee and went to many coffee shops she thought about how the left over the grounds could be of use. Then Ally started to experiment, and she came upon the discovery that they could be used for facial scrubs. Through the loving support of her mom who works with her she continued to grow the business.

One thing she found tough was balancing school and the business. I think that she chose to follow her passions anyway and ended up learning a lot about herself. She said she wanted to push her limits and see what she could handle. As she continues in coming up with new ventures and ideas, she wanted to figure out how much she can handle. I think that is very wise in business and definitely I took away from learning about her venture. Ally Katinas is going places and she will experience so many amazing opportunities as she follows her passions. Something we could all learn how to do more.

Jack Bloomfield:E-Commerce

A young kid with big dreams who wanted to make money from a young age. Jack is 17 years old running 5 different retail sites where he buys things in bulk and resells them for profit. He also has teachings on his website about business and an eComm University where it is more in depth. When he was 8, he had a video of himself pitching his business to his dad saying it will be very successful and make a lot of money. Jack was driven from a young age to get involved in the business world. What time does he have to do this you might ask? He uses his time at school to keep these businesses going. At a young age he has learned the art of drop shipping and it has paid off in the millions.

I really like Jack’s story because it shows that no matter your age you can get started. If you are driven enough and want to learn you can be very successful. This is a great example of how work ethic can really help in life. In his interview he said he had a team of people in Philippines helping him out. Made me think what 17-year-old seeks help on research from other countries. There is a reason he is as successful as he is. I hope you can take a lesson from Jack the same way I did.

Peter Yang Pokeworks

Peter Yang is the son of an entrepreneur, and he is the founder of Pokeworks. He went to college for structural engineer but always had a passion for the restaurant industry. After college Yang realized what he went to college for was not for him. His dad wanted to start a whole new chain in New York in his business. At 22 years old he started a chain called Pokeworks. They provide poke burritos which are Hawaiian inspired. They are healthier than your typical Mexican burrito and that is much needed now with people trying to have healthier lifestyles. It is now one of the fastest growing poke based restaurants in America. They have 46 locations in North America and are continuing to grow. Yang grew up with the knowledge to run something like it from his dad and has been doing very well for himself in using that knowledge. He really was a good candidate to lead this branch of his father’s business considering the amount of knowledge he has on running a restaurant. It’s cool to see a son following in his father’s footsteps. My dad owns his own IT company and I always wanted to do it but it is not my gifting. In Yang’s case it is his passion and his calling.

Brad Ormsby Founder Colorstone Marketing

Brad Ormsby Founder Colorstone Marketing

Brad is just your average man with a lot of marketing experience. I like the way he goes about his entrepreneurial endeavors because it isn’t like he is some guru he just uses his experience to make profit. The idea behind what he does is focusing on the customers first then building a business infrastructure around it. He fell in love with marketing through starting a wellness center where he learned how to digitally market for the center. Then he went on getting more experience and simply starting new ideas with ecommerce, blogs, and a lot of others. He and his wife, who is also an entrepreneur, now teach other businesses how they could market better through the business Colorstone Marketing. Their goal is to drive business and bring customers to that business. I think an important thing about Brad is that he answers the question why me very well. He has gained so much experience in the field of marketing and is now putting it to use. We all can learn from Brad Ormsby and I think the way he markets is very impactful. All his businesses has been successful in a short time and it is all based on marketing. It isn’t easy to start a business and for it to continue to grow, but it seems to me that Brad Ormsby has cracked the code.

Adelle Archer Founder of Eterneva

Adelle Archer founder Eterneva

Adelle has turned a lot of heads with her ideas over the past few years. She went to Acton school of business for entrepreneurship and was valedictorian of her class there. Then she started coming up with products for social media platforms like Facebook, Amazon, and twitter. Eventually as she continued to think through the ideation process, she created Eterneva. When she lost a mentor she wanted to do something for her to commemorate her life. She also recognized the growing market in death care she created a way to make someone’s ashes into diamonds. Her and her team set out on the path to make it happen and it started to take off. They quit their jobs to fully pursue this venture and pitched to shark tank. Mark Cuban decided to invest in her idea, and she was off and running. In the first year they made a profit of 280,000 and were selected to be on the Forbes 30 under 30 list. The way she creates the diamond is making them in a process which applies a lot of pressure to the ashes eventually creating a synthetic diamond. It only needs a cup of ashes which is an 1/8 of what is typically made during cremation. It is a more expensive process than buying a typical diamond because just .5 carats is $7,000. It is a much longer lasting alternative to ashes and the diamonds can be passed down through generations. Adelle Archer has accomplished a lot at just 27 and keep an eye on her in the future as she comes up with more innovative ideas.

This Entrepreneur Lost Her Beloved Mentor. So She Started a Company That Turns Ashes Into $7,000 Diamonds |