Author Archive for SamDiehl

Binging with Babish


Andrew Rea is a film school grad, turned self-taught chef, turned YouTube sensation. Currently with over 3.5 million subscribers on YouTube, Andrew and his channel Binging with Babish has taken the site by storm through his artful and accurate recreations of some of the most famous culinary creations throughout film, TV, and video games. The name Binging with Babish comes from the character Oliver Babish from the TV series, The West Wing, one of Rea’s favorite TV series. The channel’s first viral hit that rocketed the series’ popularity and growth was a video in which he recreated The Moistmaker Thanksgiving sandwich from the TV series, Friends.

Rea started in his own humble home, moved to a New York City apartment, and has now recently acquired a studio kitchen/apartment combo in which he and his business partner, Sawyer, work out of. Rea and his series are the perfect embodiment of taking an unsuccessful situation, in this case Rea’s film-making career, and adding a new element, his passion for the food and film worlds, and turning it all into a more than successful career and bright future.

Luminar – See the World Differently


Imagine being 16 and studying at the Beckman Laser Institute at the University of California, Irvine. Now imagine starting a business that has the potential to change how the transportation industry works forever. Both these events happened to Austin Russell in the same year. Austin Russell, now 22, is the founder and CEO of Luminar Technologies, a company that blew the doors off the automotive and autonomy industries. Luminar has developed a laser sensor technology that, compared to current-day LiDAR sensors, has 10x the range and 50x the resolution. These improvements are brought on by the increased rate at which the lasers of the Luminar sensor seek and receive data about their environment.

To this point, Luminar has raised more than $36 million and employs over 250 people. Russell says that he wants this product to have a real impact on the world, not just be some app someone downloads onto their phone. Russell says that this impact he is aiming for is to innovate on how people move, and to help eliminate one of the leading causes of death in the world.

AirFox – Social Cryptocurrency

Victor Santos of AirFox

Poverty is a major issue in today’s world, and one of the biggest contributors to poverty around in the world is the lack of access to banks for financial services. Well, Victor Santos and his company, AirFox are here to help solve that problem. Santos is a UC Berkley grad and Ex-Googler who takes pride in his Brazilian roots and wanted to help solve the lack of banking problem in the country closest to his heart. Santos achieved that goal by developing one of the first ever cyrptocurrencies. AirFox is a blockchain cryptocurrency that is derived from Etherium, but is handed out through advertisements and microloans. AirFox tokens, known as AIR, are also handed out by just having and using the app. The app allows those that need financial service help but cannot get it from a bank, for any number of various reasons, to receive help from anyone, so long as they pay back their loans. Users also get the benefits of unlocking bigger loans at better rates so long as they keep repaying those who help them. AirFox has numerous financial partners in Brazil and beyond and is single handedly turning the tides in the fight against poverty throughout the country.

Discord, the Gamer’s Platform

Stanislav Vishnevskiy, co-founder of Discord

There a lot of people that play video games in the world. That number is estimated to be around 2.5 billion and rapidly climbing. That is a lot of people, and those people want to connect with others just them. In comes Discord, a platform for the gamers of the world. Discord was created by Stanislav Vishnevskiy and his business partner Jason Citron. Discord is a cloud-based server farm that allows any of its users to create servers for means of communication between them and any members of the server.

Discord was also built on the foundation that customizability is key. Servers can have scripts and bots written into the servers that can auto-reply, auto-post, all those sorts of things. You think it, odds are a Discord server can take care of it. Granted many of these automatic bots are written by high knowledge programmers, but that also gives them an outlet to experiment in their own time. Discord has heavily disrupted the gaming communication industry. Beforehand many people used services like Skype or TeamSpeak, but with Discord the perfect match of lightweight, user-friendly program meets super reliable communication service. The service really has started to revolutionize the way gamers communicate and get to know others. Some users have even gone as far to say that it is the equivalent of Facebook for gamers, the perfect service that meets all their needs and connects with new people from around the world.

Vishnevskiy and Citron really took advantage of a specific niche. Gamers that wanted to communicate with each other, but did not have a well-put together service that allowed them to do just that. Discord today has over 90 million registered users from just the meager 10 they started out with as a test run. Vishnevskiy and Citron continue to push Discord further than ever and who knows what the service will be able to provide next? Discord has been a true example of a disruptive force upon an industry that seemed to have all its players set in stone.

George “HotshotGG” Georgallidis – Counter Logic Gaming

George Georgallidis of Counter Logic Gaming


E-sports. It’s a new idea that has been on the rise over the last couple of years. Are they actual sports or are they something else? Well to George “HotshotGG” Georgallidis e-sports are his life. Georgallidis is the co-founder of one of the first North American based professional gaming corporations, Counter Logic Gaming. CLG was founded in 2010 by Georgallidis and his friend and teammate Alexander “Voodoo” Beutel, a very risky move, but one that has definitely paid off for the both of them and others just like them.

When CLG was founded it was formed simply as a professional League of Legends team. League of Legends is a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena, or MOBA for short. Ten players drop into one map as unique characters with unique abilities with five members on each team and each team must push up the map into the enemy base and destroy the power nexus in said base.

League of Legends, usually referred to as LoL, had one of the fastest growing player bases among any video game at the time sporting around 10 million active monthly players. Those numbers were definitely nothing to scoff at considering the game was not even one year old yet. This rapid growth and interest is what had Georgallidis thinking, “Could there be something more here?”.

As it turns out, there was something more to be discovered. CLG ended up winning LoL’s first ever North American Championship, which was a major accomplishment, as even in North American, foreign players and teams would end up winning the majority of the few e-sports tournaments held back in those days. This Championship has hosted at Madison Square Garden and shortly after CLG had won the championship they were bought by the Madison Square Garden Company. Now CLG has expanded to over ten different professional e-sports teams, which have been wildly successful over the highest levels of play.

All Georgallidis did was follow a passion of his, video games. In specific he wanted to play League of Legends and become one of the best players in the world. He took that opportunity and ran with it. Now his company and team is part of one of the fastest growing industries in the world today. The wonderful, spectacular world of E-sports.

Tetra – Calls Transcribed

Jon Goldsmith and Nikolas Liolio of Tetra


It all started as a hobby for Phillips Exeter Academy students Jon Goldsmith and Nikolas Liolio. Putting together simple machine-learning models, expanding on them, advancing them with higher-level algorithms. It was good, educating fun for the both of them as they approached their high school graduation and would be heading off to college, but then another opportunity arose. Jon and Nik saw the opportunity to take one of their side projects and incubate it into a major, ground-breaking idea. They were working on various programs that took machine-learning and implemented it into voice recognition and translation, something that has been rising in the tech world for the past few years. However, their idea was a little different than that of the self-translating earbuds or just simple speech-to-text.

They wanted to implement artificial intelligence inside a voice-translation phone app and have the app take down notes specific to each person for later review. Thus, Ask Tetra was born. Ask Tetra, mostly referred to as just Tetra, implements a personal, as well as business, phone app that takes a recording throughout any call and transcribes what was said by each party of the call. Though the base of this idea had been flushed out across many different platforms over the past couple years, Tetra did something very unique to the whole conference call environment. Tetra actively used its AI capabilities to scrub through the transcripts to suggest highlights throughout the call, to ensure all the important talking points can be remembered and referenced later on. In this way, Tetra allows for conference calls to not have to be a constant overlapping of people talking, and people missing out on key information that then either needs to be repeated constantly, or simply forgotten all together.

Jon and Nik should be viewed as models of the new-age entrepreneur. They are young, open-minded individuals who took one of their shared passions, gave it some time to develop, and then took a leap into the industry of consumer tech with their new, ground-breaking idea. Jon and Nik have been able to amass quite a number of backers and investors to keep their idea growing and their company expanding. What once started off as a two man project has now grown to roughly a thirty man operation worth over $1 million , and is working harder now than ever to implement their innovative tech with the web communication giants of today’s world.