Author Archive for saylorcl19

Me and the Bee’s lemonade

Mikaila Ulmer started Me and the Bee’s Lemonade at the very young age of five. Her story is very unique because at her young age she took something that was unknown to her, learned about it, and then created something out of it. She was stung by two bees in a week and was very afraid of them, but then she decided to research them and during her research she became fascinated with bees and realized they do a lot of good for the ecosystem and they didn’t need to be scary. She then was encouraged to enter into a children’s business fair where she had to create her own business so she took her new profound knowledge of bees and mixed it with her grandmothers special flaxseed lemonade recipe from the 1940’s to create her lemonade that is made with bee’s honey. She donates some of her profits to organizations dedicated to saving honeybees. Mikaila is a true entrepreneur because she took her literal pain and turned it into something amazing. She incorporated a specific mission and is determined to turn negative perceptions about bees around like she experienced. She is an inspiration because she didn’t let something she was afraid of beat her down, and instead did the complete opposite. I learned that really there is no age put on an entrepreneur and if she was five years old, anyone can be an entrepreneur.

Mo’s Bows

Moziah Bridges has always prided himself on being fashion forward. He has always had interest in the fashion world and loved being in on all the new trends. He started his unique, handmade bowtie company because he was having difficulties finding ties that were fashionable for him so instead of searching and searching, he decided to create his own with the help of his mom and grandma. He appeared on Shark Tank in 2015 and got an offer from the one and only Daymond John, the Shark that Mo really looked up to. Mo’s business is unique because he himself didn’t produce the bowties, but he used family, like his grandma, to make them while he was at school and then he did the shipping when he got back. He is driven by the constant change in fashion and always wants to be ahead of the trends. Mo demonstrates great entrepreneurial traits like delegation and not letting a problem hold him back. He has been featured in numerous magazines and on TV shows for his booming business that is succeeding while he isn’t even 18 yet. I like how he used his resources like his family in order to create his business and didn’t take on more than he could handle.

Wise Pockets – Warm Feet = Warm Hearts

Wise Pockets is a company that originally sold socks with pockets in the top of them so that the customer could place their phone or other things in their socks while being active. Sofia Overton is the master mind behind it all! When she thought of this fantastic idea, she was only 11 years old. She was with her cousin and noticed that she placed her phone in her shoe but the phone kept sliding down the sock and it would bang against her ankle. Making it very uncomfortable for her cousin to be active. So, Sofia created the sock with a pocket to help fix this problem. She is driven by trying to give back to the community she lives within. Each pair of socks they sell as a company she gives away a pair to a kid in need and helps build the relationship that kid has with the community because she believes that those kids will then fell wanted and become more a part of the community. The interesting thing is that she has started to plan on making legging and other pieces of clothing that will have pockets to help everyone in need of better storage for their phones. She demonstrates a “go get it” attitude, determination, stick to it ness, and being a leader.  She has innovated all the things that she has created. She took regular clothing products and changed the way they have been produced. She has inspired me because she has shown that no matter the age, you can do anything you want. I’ve learned that if you really care about something, and believe it can be made true, than you can do anything you want.

A new way for “Fast-Food”

France is on the innovation side of a very futuristic idea involving fast food. Ylan Richard, the young entrepreneur of the start up company “Cala”, has changed the fast food game forever. His company consists of a robot who cooks pasta and makes it available to Uber Eats and Deliveroo. “The robot is trained to make 12000 quality meals per hour, priced at $6 each.” Everyone needs to eat and this is just another innovation to the idea of having to get fed at a speedy timeline. Their idea is the first of its kind and takes the idea of robots creating this world to be even better. It really demonstrates that the future is near and soon anything that you put your mind to is possible. Ylan Richard demonstrates quality work, determination, innovation, problem solving, and being a leader in the way that he conducts his business. He is innovating by using the new technology that is available to him through robots to serve great Italian food to people all across Paris. It is also an innovation because it is the first of its kind and he has no competition in the robot food making business that he is now involved in. I never thought about being within the food business because there is so much competition involved, however Ylan Richard makes me want to try out the food business. He shows that even if there is a solution to a problem there is also another way to solve that problem that people have not yet discovered. Also with how well the company is doing it is very inspiring to see someone who is so young still able to be so successful out in the business world. His leadership makes me feel even more confident with any idea that I have. I have learned that through hard work and determination anything is possible even if someone else is already doing it.

Its all about the JAM

Everyone loves their grandmother’s cooking and yet none of us know the recipes because “it’s a family secrete”. Well, a young entrepreneur at the young age of 14, Fraser Doherty finally found the beloved recipes. His grandmother finally handed them off to him and he took advantage of the opportunity to share the great jam flavors with all his friends. He is different because he only imaged selling this jam to his family and close friends because it was his grandmother’s recipe. He took something and just shared with the rest of the world, he never even had to create it. After not being able to keep up with all the demand surrounding the jam he expanded and moved into a warehouse to continue to grow the business. His business is so interesting because he was just doing it for friends and instead got the response of a lifetime and had people from other countries asking for his homemade jam to use on their toast.

Fraser Doherty

He exhibits, determination, problem solving, innovation, and creativity very well. He was only 14 at the time this all started so he had to eventually drop out of school and took this business to the max within a few years. He is now in more than 184 supermarkets around the world. He showed determination because he stepped up the plate and battled to make an impact on people’s lives. By 2007, he had over $750,000 in sales overall, this number for a young man is absolutely amazing.

Fraser inspires me because he is the perfect example of how easy it is to be successful in the world. He shows that no matter the situation as long as you the customer happy and continue to provide good products your business can grow into things that you never even imagined. It is all about the relationships you have with people. Something that has come up in my life lately is the saying “it’s who you know, not what you know”. That concept is the saying for this situation.

ManCan, Smelling Manly

The unique thing is that this young boy, Hart Main, found the idea actually making fun of his sister for the “girly” smelling candles that she was selling. He created the idea of the ManCan with the help of his parents because the idea came to him at the age of 13.  He found his drive because he gives back a percentage of each sale to food kitchens in multiple state. The idea started as a joke and the business only started because he wanted to buy a bike that cost $1,500. He originally thought the business would end after buying the bike but so many people loved it that he now makes over figures annually. His idea is so interesting because is the exact opposite of what you would expect. It is very manly smelling scents like, freshly cut grass,

sawdust, bacon, and many more. It is also interesting because the candles are put into soup cans.

He demonstrates courageousness, creativity, and a great mind that loves to solve problems. Hart Main is innovating because he is changing the entire idea around candles and everything they stand for. The future of his world is that candles are going to be more manly and able to give off better smells than the ones that are out on the market right now. Well, Hart inspires me because he is taking a huge risk in trying to change the popular idea of smelling candles. He shows that even though there is a lot of competition he has what it takes to compete and be successful in a market with other competitors. He also gives me hope because he is giving back and trying to help those in need by giving money to food kitchens in different states. Finally, he shows that anything is possible no matter the age.

Hard work and determination are just a few things that I have learned.