Author Archive for Nick Schafhauser

16 year old worth $300,000

Connor Bruggemann is a high school student who turned $10,000 into $300,000 by trading penny stocks. It all started when Connor put all of his savings into a stock called American Community Development Group Inc, which was valued at $.003 a share. Not long after, ACYD soared to 6 cents a share and Connor was now worth around $200,000. With his new found wealth, Connor bought himself a BMW and each of his parents Macbooks.

Connor now has his own investment website where he talks about what stocks he is currently invested in and also talks to people in his chatroom, this website costs $147 a month or $1200 for a year.

Connor plans to study Finance, Economics, and entrepreneurship in college. Connor is a great entrepreneur because he found a way to monopolize on the fact that he was previously successful in the stock market by making his investment website.


Tom Anderson is the co-founder of Myspace, which used to be the most popular social network before Facebook. Before Myspace, Tom started a company called ResponseBase with Chris DeWolfe; who he met at his previous job. ResponseBase was then sold to eUniverse, an internet marketing company. With the help of eUniverse, Anderson and DeWolfe were able to make the Myspace website in just 10 days. They used a rival social media company called Friendster as a model because Anderson saw that there were somethings about that website that he could improve upon. Myspace quickly gained traction among teens and was becoming extremely popular. Newscorp (owned by Fox Broadcasting) offered $580 million to purchase Myspace, which Myspace accepted.  After the purchase things seemed good for Myspace as it was only getting more popular, but soon Facebook was catching up. Myspace was getting too ad heavy, while Facebook was much cleaner. Tom Anderson was replaced as president of Myspace in 2009, blamed of slowing things down. Anderson was a very wealthy man from the Newscorp acquisition and could retire at a very early age. In 2014, Anderson now is a very active photographer and does not have any active roles in any startups. Myspace was sold in 2011 for a measly $35 million due to lack of users. Anderson is a great entrepreneur because he started the biggest social network of its time, and Social networks are now a huge market.

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Have you ever wished that your smartphone keyboard was smarter and easier to type on? Well Jon Reynolds did and he made his own unique solution, SwiftKey, a replacement for the stock keyboard on Android phones and recently even iPhones. SwiftKey analyzes your writing style and can predict what you are going to say next before you can even type it. The keyboard also lets you slide your fingers between letters so you don’t even have to lift your finger up. As stated online, SwiftKey accurately predicts what you are going to say next a third of the time, and 80% of the time, users do not have to type in more than 2 letters before SwiftKey correctly guesses the word.

SwiftKey was created in 2008 when Reynolds witnessed a friend struggle to use his blackberry keyboard. Reynolds saw that mobile phones were the next big thing and that innovating the keyboard was an untapped market. SwiftKey was the bestselling app on google play for two years straight and is now estimated to be installed on more than 200 million devices. This past year Apple announced that soon iPhones would be able to get replacement keyboards, opening a huge market for SwiftKey. Jon Reynolds is a great entrepreneur because he found a way to solve a major problem that no one had found a perfect solution for yet. Reynolds has truly innovated the smartphone keyboard market.


Jack Dorsey was 29 years old when he created twitter, a company now evaluated at 10 billion. Jack joined the computer programing scene when he was 14 years old creating open source software for dispatch services, still used by some taxi services today. Jack attended Missouri university of science and technology for a short time, he then transferred to New York University and soon dropped out. After dropping out he moved to California to start a dispatch website which dispatched taxis and emergency services.

Jack thought of the idea of Twitter after using a social media service called LiveJournal, Jack thought there were many ways to improve it. One day when Jack was sitting in a coffee shop, Evan Williams, the chief executive of Odeo walked in. After talking with Evan, Jack was interested in working at Odeo which was a podcasting company. Jack was hired and pitched his idea of twitter, originally called Obvious. Jack, Evan, and Odeo executive Biz Stone had a simple website made in just two weeks. Jack was named CEO but ran into trouble with keeping the website running, so he was replaced by Evan Williams. Jack was still a company chairman at Twitter, and during that time he developed another product called Square, a way for smartphones to take credit card payments. Square quickly gained popularity and is now evaluated at 3.2 billion dollars, with Jack as the CEO. In 2011 Jack rejoined Twitter to lead product development as Executive Chairman.

Just like Steve Jobs, Jack Dorsey was also kicked out of the company that he founded. Jack didn’t let that hurdle stop him as he went on and created another hit product. Jack is a great entrepreneur because he wasn’t just a one-hit wonder, he created more than one amazing product. Jack started out with humble beginnings and is now a very accomplished man, with a net worth of 2.2 billion




CitiKitty is a toilet training tool for your cat! CitiKitty was invented by 25 year old Rebecca Rescate when she moved to a small apartment and didn’t have the space for a litter box. CitiKitty’s main selling point is that your cat can go from litter box to toilet in as little as 3 weeks. The way it works is the kit includes 4 toilet seat covers, each ring gradually get smaller. The idea is that you get your cat used to using the toilet by installing the extra-large toilet seat so the cat is comfortable about not falling in, and gradually shrink the toilet seat until you don’t need the CitiKitty toilet seat anymore.

Rebecca recognized a problem and realized there weren’t any good solutions for it, so she developed her own. After tons of buzz on the internet, Rebecca decided to go on Shark tank. Kevin Harrington, the inventor of the infomercial, gave Rebecca $100,000 for 20% stake in her company. After its appearance on Shark Tank, CitiKitty brought in $350,000 in just one month; and over $1 million that same year. The same night the show aired, Citikitty was #1 in Amazon in the Home & Garden Department.

On Rebecca’s website ( she states that she is no overnight success. Rebecca dropped out of an MBA program to follow her dream and work on CitiKitty. She had no business experience and had to teach herself how to run a business and market her company for under $1000. Since the success of CItiKitty, Rebecca has invested in other ideas like the hoodie pillow, another product to air on Shark Tank. Rebecca is an example of a true entrepreneur, someone who notices a problem and has a unique solution to it that people will pay for.

To buy the CitiKitty on amazon follow this link

Pebble Smartwatch


A native of Vancouver, British Columbia, Eric Migicovsky (25) is the founder and CEO of Pebble, a smartwatch which connects to your phone and displays information on the watch face. Pebble addressed problems that other smartwatches couldn’t in an already emerging market. Pebble was cheap and contained many useful functions, like a vibrating motor, accelerometer, and e-paper display.

Eric Migicovsky originally wanted to come up with an idea that would tell you who was calling your cellphone, but it developed into something much more than that. Migicovsky took his idea to a business incubator called Y Combinator in Silicon Valley. He developed his idea there but could only get $375,000 from angel investors, he needed more. He posted his product on Kickstarter and quickly became the most funded project ever on Kickstarter at Pebble-Magicovsky-1-050212280that time, bringing in over ten million dollars in crowd funding. The project initially was only asking for $100,000, and received that in only two hours.

Pebble is very open source friendly and encourages developers to create new watch faces which you can use on your pebble. Eric proved he could adapt to the market when he came out with his newest product, the Pebble Steel, a much more executive looking watch that appeases to the higher end market of smartwatches. Eric found an untapped market and was the first one to the game, since then smart watches have become a big deal with even Apple making one.