Author Archive for SchlosserCJ18

Maya’s Ideas


The term “Eco-friendly” can make any product more attractive or intriguing to potential buyers. The customer loves to find a way to justify a purchase. Buying “eco-friendly” products is now a common justification. Adapting popular items or everyday accessories to be more “green” is now a clear path of entrepreneurship.

18-year-old Maya Penn is an entrepreneur who has incorporated the environment’s health into a fashion line. This eco-designer, founder of her own company, Maya’s Ideas is company based off simply of Maya’s goals. Maya entered fashion design with two goals; helping the environment through her work and give 10% of profit to environmental organizations. Maya has claimed that her products she avoids dyes and materials that, when put into waste, can be harmful. She takes pride in using recyclable materials.

Maya although 18, has already been in business for 10 years. She has spoken at a Ted Talk, been interviewed by many, and has been a subject for articles in business magazines- most notably Forbes. Being a lover of design, particularly animation, Penn has made short cartoon clips about teaching people the importance of the earth’s health.

Maya from a young age has loved design. She has taken her love and applied to the market of “all things green.” An established idea with her own goal, paired with the support pillars of her profit donations, and her own code of recyclable materials for products, Penn has an advantage that has boosted her in her young age.

Tanzanian Couple Transform Africa’s Technology Services

Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania can serve as a symbol of the elevated possibilities for the entirety of Africa. A Tanzanian power couple have chosen to dedicate their work for their home, country and continent.

Benson Mengi (29) and Esther Lugoe Mengi (26) have observed the growth of technology within Africa and understand its importance. The Mengi’s are the “founders of Serensic Africa, one of Tanzania’s leading indigenous cyber security and software development companies,” states This pair of entrepreneurs are making a difference in their country’s safety through technology with many services from high-end business process management, to custom application development.

Their joint success has gained numerous clients and has gained attention from the United Nations and Cisco. They have earned recognition by Forbes being named under “30 Most Influential Young Entrepreneurs in Africa under the Age of 30;” a notable accomplishment for a young entrepreneurial couple. They have branched out beyond Tanzania, with an established office in Nairobi, Kenya. It will be interesting to see if their company continues to grow. Does their company have the potential to grow to a web of services for a continent growing their technology?

Their website, although not excellent in design or grammar, appears to deliver their aspirations for their company.

You can check it out at

“Mo’s Bows” Lands NBA Partnership

At age 11, Moziah Bridges took to Shark Tank to present his custom idea. His fashionable, custom, “Mo’s Bows” was a hit with the sharks where they offered him deals for his company. However, after advice given by Daymond John, Moziah ultimately decided to decline the deals to keep full ownership of his company.

Luckily for Mo, that was one of the best decisions in his youthful life. Now 15, Mo’s Bows has landed an agreement that will launch his company to a new level. The NBA has partnered with Mo’s Bows to allow designing of custom ties complete with NBA team branding and logos. The NBA will gain a special area in merchandising to add to their empire of sports apparel. For the fans who wish to sport their team in style, Mo’s Bows will provide.

This deal is huge for Bridges and his company. With NBA apparel always growing each season, Mo’s company is sure to follow suit; pun intended. The NBA is very selective with their deals with other companies, and for Mo to land a partnership at 15 years of age is a huge accomplishment.

Through the inspiring nature of Moziah and his smart and supportive mom, Mo’s Bows hopes to become a household name. And with this deal, it is likely it will become so soon.

Pittsburgh Native Advances Drones

Inventing wizard, Mihir Garimella has taken his curiosity of how the world works and utilized it to power his creative mind to save lives. The 18-year old Pittsburgh native has explored the infinite potential of drones. A very successful inventor for his age, science fair champion, and technology junkie, Garimella had a revelation moment that led to an idea.

Coming home from vacation, Mihir took notice of fruit flies all over some bananas they had sitting on the kitchen counter. After many failed attempts to swat them, he reflected on the irritating, but amazing reaction time of the fruit flies. A creature so small with terrible vision clarity, has one of the fastest vision processing speeds of any creature. Mihir took this discovery and applied it to fast response search and rescue drones.

Now a student at Stanford University in California, he hopes to upgrade his previous idea he called “Firefly” and apply it to rapid response teams. His goal was to create a low-cost, but reliable drone, with adaptable “plug-ins” for separate tasks. And he has delivered. One example of his adaption is applying thermal reading to a drone to process heat signatures given off by distressed humans in need of rescue. Another situation such as a nuclear leak, a specialized drone with radiation detection can identify affected areas for cleanup.

The possibilities are endless. And with the ambition of Mihir, the sky is the limit. Mihir would like to keep his drone under the $1000 range for affordability. After future testing and adaptions, he hopes to have products available in one to two years.

The world is changing, technology is growing; sometimes in a dark way. Mihir understands the dangers of drones and remains optimistic to show the world the positive potential for drones to save lives around the world.

Custom Sock Designer and CEO

An ambitious high school student took notice of a popular trend of plain Nike socks at basketball games. He wondered how such a simple design gained such popularity. What if he could build of the popularity of simple socks, design custom ones and build a brand for it. What if crazy designs could build off the already established popularity of “simple” socks?

The now 18-year old, Brennan Agranoff has advanced his idea into a brand, earning over $1 million annually. His company, “HoopSwagg” now ships 70 to 100 orders a day! With custom designs ranging from superhero themes, to food items, to crazy color combinations, HoopSwagg’s socks are quite popular on the market.

With a loan from his parents, Brennan began printing on his own colors on socks with heat pressing machines. He was finally seeing his idea materialize. After the first year, sales were slow and nothing impressive. Brennan then had to solve a way to advertise his product. Heading to social media with his unique product, it was a short matter of time to pick up popularity from a sizeable audience.

Now with a warehouse, a website and over ten part-time employees, HoopSwagg is continuing to grow. Agranoff hopes to send HoopSwagg mainstream through retail stores. Agranoff also intends to expand his line of products in the future with custom shoe laces, and other custom designed basketball gear.

Brennan Agranoff, who is still in high school, is a perfect example of ambition in accomplishment. A young boy who decided to act on his simple idea, discovered the big market within retail and customization. By teaching himself skills such as web and graphic design, his ambition continues to only lift the company to more possibilities.


To hear more on Brennan’s story and company, check out

18-Year Old’s “Fresquiticos” Soda Innovation

A bright Stanford freshman is ready to tackle the world with her new idea. Nicole Birkner of Costa Rica is an 18 year old entrepreneur making her dream a reality with her new business “Fresquiticos.” Growing up, Nicole was only allowed to drink soda on weekends. So during a Sunday beverage she began to wonder, “What can I do to be able to enjoy soda on week days?” She began experimenting with local Costa Rican fruit juices and sugars and began to develop all-natural recipes for making homemade soda. She had invented fruit juice soda, with Costa Rican fruits, carbonated spring water and agave nectar for a much healthier sweetener.

During her junior year, her teacher organized an entrepreneur-esque class of developing a project over the course of six months. This would be the perfect stage to showcase her idea. With research taking the form of a 45-page essay, and countless experimenting to concoct 50 bottles of soda, Nicole received 100% grades from all judges at the final presentation. From this encouraging result and success, Nicole went on to compete in “The Diamond Challenge for High School Entrepreneurs.” It was here she worked with her colleague Diego Uribe on the project to prepare for the Challenge. Along the way Nicole decided that 10% of the profits would go to her own “Youth in Motion” program in Costa Rica to fund the foundation extracurricular activities for public schools in her country. Also she decided to use recyclable glass bottles for the sodas to reduce waste.

Nicole plans to begin distributing her product in Costa Rican schools where soda is not allowed. She is hoping to provide a healthier alternative to soda, that is all natural and tasty. She is in contact with supermarket chains in Costa Rica and some retailers in the United States. Nicole has even spoken at TEDxPuraVida in Costa Rica.

Nicole gives a motivating quote; “Ever since I was young, I would hear people complaining about everything, but they would do absolutely nothing about the problems. I want people to see me changing things and want to change things themselves.”

For full interview, check out Marie Griffin’s article at  Hatchpad: