Author Archive for schmidtch19

Josyah Lavina-Maldonado – TRNDSTTRS

Josyah Lavina-Maldonado

Josyah Lavina-Maldonado, who goes by JoJo, is in the entertainment business who produces music and works with MTV and Nickelodeon as well as some other media outlets. JoJo is just in 9th grade and is part of what is called the TRNDSTTRS with two other peers who produce music, videos, clothing all meant for kids, by kids. What makes this business idea unique is that it emphasizes the clean nature of popular things such as rap music, viral videos and clothing, all of which are heavily controlled by the media and are not always appropriate for kids that still want to follow their favorite things. In the business, JoJo is the oldest of the three brothers who are all partners for the creative business and strive to continue to make things fun and still meaningful for people around their age of 15, 11, and 9.

JoJo manages to be in school, play sports and still makes time to learn and produce music which is something that he really finds important and enjoyable. One thing that JoJo has been able to do to help him maintain his business ideas and grow in his music production is to experiment with new ideas and not be afraid to try something different. Using this mentality, he has been able to learn many things and become a better entrepreneur and learn many things along the way. It is impressive that he is able to do so much at such a young age only being 15 years old and continues to surprise people around him and being able to work with many well-known individuals. JoJo is special because he recognizes that kids have many strong abilities that people who are older cannot get to a younger generation and JoJo has done an incredible job trying to mend that gap because he can take it from his own experience being that age.

Davis Siksnans – Printful

Davis SiksnansDavis Siksnans, co-founder of Printful, is a young entrepreneur that specializes and innovates in his business. Printful, founded in 2013, is a company that is an on demand print service that allows people to sell print products online. The idea started a lot smaller and has grown to have over 500 employees in several different countries. The idea came as just helping people who want to custom print posters and like products and has evolved into more complex and developed to adapting to more services and requests from customers to meet the needs of the customers.

One thing that separates Davis from many other people or entrepreneurs in his field that have not been able to reach the same levels as Printful is how Davis prioritizes his time. How he spends his time is a huge point of emphasis and he makes sure no time is wasted or spent doing something that will not help his business. His fresh and innovative ideas on design and development have also been something that he really tries to improve daily and make better to better his business and the flexibility and ability to pivot at any given moment. His ability to see the bigger picture and not dwell on many of the smaller insignificant details in many given situations allows him to shoot big. He does have other people and business associates that focus on more detailed and smaller issues while he stresses more big picture ideas. An important thing that Davis has learned from over the years developing the business is that setting priorities is very important. Making sure you have the most important things on the checklist finished first and then delegating the smaller things is one way he has been able to free up his own time and be able to get stuff done that needs to get done.

Alyssa Hunt – The Life Hunt

Alyssa HuntAlyssa Hunt, founder of The Life Hunt, which is a blog that helps people pursue their business and career dreams while navigating through everyday life. The name of the business, evidently, is a play on words with Alyssa’s name combined with the idea of the business which helps people achieve their aspirations in the difficulties of normal life. The idea stemmed from Alyssa having her own personal experiences and feeling overwhelmed achieving her dreams while living a normal life having a job and she decided to focus on helping people find that balance between work and personal life.

Alyssa’s business ideas are centered around the idea that not everyone needs to work a typical 9-5 job to be successful and can find value and success on other important situations. Having the flexibility to pursue their goals and to express the creativity that they have has helped people achieve their dreams and start the path they want has been incredible value and Alyssa has been very influential in helping people with this. Alyssa Hunt is a young entrepreneur that saw an issue and pursued an idea to solve this problem and has helped people along the way.


Grechen Huebner – Kodable

Grechen HuebnerGrechen Huebner is a young aspiring and thriving entrepreneur and co-founder of Kodable, a tech design company. Grechen attended the University of Louisville where she found an interest in design and computer science and applied the knowledge she learned and her passions to create Kodable along with her friend Jon Mattingly. Kodable focuses on giving kids an opportunity to learn computer skills at a young age, something she wishes she had access to. Her dedication to share her skills and abilities to serve a certain population, this being younger children, an opportunity to learn code and progress the abilities for kids to learn such things at a younger age. The idea does not only focus on the advancement and take advantage of the growing market of coding and computer science related careers but gives kids an opportunity to play around and learn these very important things to figure out if they like these sorts of things.

Grechen is still very young and has a lot of opportunity to grow the business and use the skills and knowledge of her and her colleagues to help kids learn more about computer science and the skills associated with it. Her focus shows her desire to help the community and has a socioeconomic impact and wants to help kids succeed and find more interesting opportunities to learn, something she wishes she had access to as a kid. Her story began with just building a website in her dorm room in college and now is considered a very high level young entrepreneur whose career is just getting started. The combination of her knowledge of the curriculum and her own experiences with coding and giving kids the opportunity to learn these things shows that she is a very smart and good entrepreneur with a focus on both the social and business side of things.


Waylon Chin- First Serve Partners

Waylon ChinWaylon Chin is the CEO of First Serve Partners which is a business that specializes in using unique experiences and relationships to provide better experiences to engage millenials and gen z in different aspects of life. The business consists of famous entertainers, athletes and business leaders to partner with each other to provide these unique services.

Waylon was a very talented Tennis player who competed collegiately and at several professional tournaments before realizing his true passion in innovation and experience. With some good business background and a good work ethic and positive attitude, Waylon was able to apply his passions and gifts to create First Serve Partners. Working with other partners that worked in sports, entertainment and media they understood the importance of combining the three in such an emerging market with the younger generations. Meeting with many companies and businesses regularly, Waylon has the desire to take ideas that him and his team come up with and turn that into a reality and an experience for the target market. One thing that as the market continues to expand in this ever growing technological world, esports has emerged as a recent point of focus for the company to capture the importance and turn it into the experience that the business is looking for.

Calloway Cook – Young Entrepreneur

Illuminate Labs is an herbal supplements Calloway Cooklab that deals with dietary supplements. Calloway Cook is the founder of the company and discovered a need for this issue after coming across the problem himself. As a user of dietary supplements he wondered if their was a way to fill a need in the market he saw by finding supplements that were proven to be safe and tested by companies who issued them and was willing to turn this problem he faced into a business that he now has running. What Calloway is mostly focused on in his entrepreneurial career is to focus on execution of the product and making sure the needs that are promised are fulfilled. Providing these resources is something that he wants to see as more than just a business or a career and to really make sure that the process he is providing is really making a difference.

Obviously Calloway wants to make money and that is what an entrepreneur wants to make sure they consider carefully, but Calloway is very focused on how he can make a difference for other people in providing these carefully thought out and tested supplements that help people feel comfortable and ensure the health of them. His biggest thing that he wants to make sure he never loses sight of is the focus of health of the consumers of his products and that money should come second to the priorities of health because this is the reason for creating this business in the first place. Calloway is an aspiring entrepreneur with great ideas and opportunities to continue to grow his business or even pivot or add to his already existing business. With a great mind and desire to do good like Calloway, this is just the beginning of a determined and creative young entrepreneur.

Alisha Cocha – Young Entrepreneur Co-founder of Roam Often

Alisha Cocha is young entrepreneur who has a focus in marketing and is the co-founder of Roam Often, a travel eCommerce brand. The company specializes in selling travel jewelry cases. The idea of Roam Often came from a personal problem Alisha came across frequently. Having traveled a lot, she found that carrying jewelry such as bracelets and necklaces and having them all become tangled and sometimes even damaged after traveling somewhere she wanted to make something that would effectively solve this problem for people who had a similar issue. After designing and producing a product that would easily store jewelry and keep it safe and secure launched the career of Alisha.

Having a background in marketing, she brings a level of excitement and passion to this field of expertise and inspires many in similar situations that if you have a problem you want to solve, you can put together your skills and passion to make it better. To grow and market the business and attract investors as well as customers was a heavy emphasis on social media like Facebook and Instagram. This made it easy to determine the right target market and find people who were interested in the product.

For a young entrepreneur to take this many risks and have many successes is proof that it can be done if you put time and effort in along with some help and excellent marketing skills. That being said, it wasn’t easy to pursue this idea and it hit a huge bump during COVID when travel was largely suspended, the demand for the product decreased significantly. Alisha and her business partner used this as a time to learn and consider making pivots or making new products that will still see some demand. Alisha Cocha is a great example of a young entrepreneur that took some risks to solve a problem and found something that she could thrive at.