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Duolingo was started by Professor Luis von Ahn of Carnegie Mellon University along with his graduate student Severin Hacker. Originally the concept behind Duolingo had a double purpose of teaching users a new language while also having users translate documents in the process. The latter feature has since been removed. Originally launching the beta version in 2011, the software quickly gained a waitlist of over 300,000 users. The ios version of the app was officially launched on Nov 13, 2012 and the android version was released in May of 2013. The app garnered over a million downloads within the first three weeks of its android launch and quickly became the #1 education app in the Google Play store. Citing “free education” as a source of inspiration, Duolingo’s founders showed that affordability can sometimes be the selling point of a product.


Venmo was founded by Andrew Kortina and Iqram Magdon-Ismail, who were roommates at the University of Pennsylvania. While helping a friend open a yogurt shop, the duo realized that most point-of -sale software was terrible. This lead the roommates to seek a possible alternative payment system. While at a jazz concert the two roommates thought it would be convenient if they could by an MP3 of the show instantly via text message. This concept eventually lead to an early Venmo prototype that transferred money through text messages. Eventually this was changed and Venmo became an app of its own. The roommates then raised money through venture capitalists and eventually sold the company to Braintree for $26.2 million. This simple entrepreneurial story shows that something big can result from simply observing everyday problems and attempting to solve them in unique ways.


Brian Spaly and Andy Dunn are the founders of the e-commerce apparel company Bonobos. Brian Spaly began designing men’s pants while studying at Stanford and later decided to pursue the business legitimately. As the business grew, Spaly’s roommate Andy Dunn decided to join the company as a business partner. Additionally, the business partners received financial assistance from various angel investors. By 2007 they had officially launched Bonobos as an exclusively online business. Following the success of Bonobos pants, the company expanded into various other men’s clothing items. In 2017, Walmart acquired the company for a sum of $310 million. While not sold in Walmart, Bonobos will be sold online through Walmart’s recently acquired The success of Bonobos is a product of both the drive and commitment shown by its founders, combined with an innovative and simple product.


Fraser Doherty was just 14 years old when he first started his own business. After being taught how to make jam by his grandmother, Doherty came up with a way to make jam using only fruit. Doherty continued to develop his jam and eventually sold it under the name SuperJam.  At the age of 16 he presented his company to Waitrose, a major supermarket chain in the United Kingdom. Becoming a supplier to Waitrose made him the youngest ever supplier to a major supermarket chain. SuperJam has since sold millions of jars of jam all around the world. In addition to its commercial success, SuperJam has invested in multiple charitable projects ranging from care for the elderly, to community beekeeping projects. Doherty has received commendation from high ranking individuals such as the British Prime Minister, and Prince Charles.


Doherty’s story shows that something simple like jam can be turned into a successful business venture. His passion and hard work lead to something that has affected many lives through the charitable work of his company. A simple idea that started in his grandmother’s kitchen, was nurtured into the company it is today.

Evan Spiegel – Co-founder, Snapchat

Snapchat, the social media app with over 300 million active monthly users, had its humble beginnings in the dorm rooms of three college students. While studying product design at Stanford, Evan Spiegel proposed a temporary message app as part of a class project. The idea was met with ridicule from fellow classmates. However, later that year Spiegel along with classmates Bobby Murphy and Reggie Brown, worked to create a prototype of the idea. Initially called Picaboo, the project was later renamed Snapchat and received significant popularity in 2012. By the end of 2012 the app had reached over 1 million active daily users. Spiegel describes the company’s mission statement as, “Snapchat isn’t about capturing the traditional Kodak moment. It’s about communicating with the full range of human emotion — not just what appears to be pretty or perfect.” Snapchat seeks to differ from other major social media platforms by reducing the stress of having personal information stored on a profile.


Despite ridicule and discouragement from fellow classmates, Spiegel persisted with an idea that he felt had potential. He acted on that idea and is now the worlds youngest billionaire. His story is inspiring in many ways, but particularly in his passion for something that was seen by others as foolish. While there is certainly wisdom in taking the advice of others, some of the best ideas in history were initially met with ridicule. Perseverance in situations such as these can be inspiring.

Mr. Spotify, Daniel Ek

Spotify, the company with 180 million users worldwide, 83 million of which are paying users, was co-founded by David Ek and Martin Lorentzon. David Ek started his first business at the age of 13 when he began creating websites for his clients from his home. To deal with increased business, Ek recruited his fellow classmates to work on the websites and used video games as compensation for their efforts. By the age of 18, Ek was making around $50,000 per month and managing a team of 25 people. Later in life, Ek was wealthy enough that he decided to retire. Shortly after retirement, Ek realized that money was meaningless if he didn’t have a project he was passionate about to work on. This realization eventually led to the creation of Spotify. After observing the failure of illegal music sharing site Napster, Ek realized that the solution was a music service that was better than piracy but also compensated the music industry. In October 2008, Ek along with Martin Lorentzon launched Spotify as a music streaming service. Now serving as CEO of Spotify, and worth around $2.8 billion, David Ek has been named as the most powerful person in the music industry.

Ek’s entrepreneurial spirit, even at the young age of 13, is truly inspiring. Having the tenacity to eventually earn $50,000 a month by the age of 18 shows that Ek is a highly driven individual with a passion for his areas of operation.