Author Archive for SethEnsign


Fownders is a brand-new incubator for young entrepreneurs started by a millenial entrepreneur named Gerald Adams. Adams has dabbled in dozens of fields since he left college after his first semester to pursue a career as opposed to a degree. He was told he would be alone and broke and broken within the year. And he was, but he didn’t stop and give up. He tried again. And again. And again and again and again until finally one of his startups paid off.

This startup, a new platform called, eventually grew to have 80 million viewers per month, until in 2015 he sold the company for 50 million dollars to a huge new company. He was 24.

Now Gerald Adams is giving back. Wishing he had had help and a guiding hand, he goes around the world as a motivational speaker for young entrepreneurs, and has also started Fownders to help them on their way through angel investing.

These things show the true spirit of an entrepreneur; one who never gives up, whether in failure or loss or even in the gaining of great wealth. The work is never done for an entrepreneur, because in the end there is always another job to be done.

The Photo Address Book

Most of us have heard of, used, or currently have an account on the world’s biggest social network: Facebook. But in 2004, there were 4 users. Four Harvard University students making what amounted to a student directory, much like Grove City College’s “Glance” website. As it was called then, the Photo Address Book was just a Harvard thing. But then it was just a college thing. and then it was just an American thing…

As of 2018, 2 billion people, a whopping 2/5 of the world’s population, access Facebook every month. What started out as a college directory is now the world’s biggest link between humans who have no way to physically communicate. And only in a matter of 14 years. The level of determination and entrepreneurship values shown by Mark Zuckerberg (one of the four original programmers and Facebook’s current majority shareholder) is incredible, as both this site and its photography-based cousin, Instagram (also the second-biggest social network) reach so much of the world but were programmed in a dorm room. This can show us all that with skill, determination, and good business skills, our ideas and dreams are not funny or unrealistic: they just have to be realized.

Exposure Isn’t Just a Filter On Instagram

Amanda Thomas, the founder of jewelry brand LuvAJ and one of Forbes “30 under 30”, started her now iconic accessory line when she was only 16 years old. Turning an after-school hobby into an international brand that partners and is worn by supermodels such as the Kardashian sisters and Gigi Hadid was no easy task. What was her trick you may ask? It wasn’t taking out a loan and spending hundred of thousands of dollars on advertising campaigns or market research studies.

It was through Instagram.

Amanda quite literally DM’ed many of her favorite models, celebrities, and YouTubers and asked them to partner with her. And many of them said yes. With a keen grasp on photography and what customers want to see, she arranges photoshoots with these celebrities and other representatives and in return for a post and a tag, they’re paid and given all the jewelry they posted pictures of. This may seem like a strange method of advertising, but in today’s world and for a Millenial entrepreneur, it is not. Amanda found the perfect launching pad for her product on a platform almost all of us use every day, and made the most from it.