Fownders is a brand-new incubator for young entrepreneurs started by a millenial entrepreneur named Gerald Adams. Adams has dabbled in dozens of fields since he left college after his first semester to pursue a career as opposed to a degree. He was told he would be alone and broke and broken within the year. And he was, but he didn’t stop and give up. He tried again. And again. And again and again and again until finally one of his startups paid off.
This startup, a new platform called, eventually grew to have 80 million viewers per month, until in 2015 he sold the company for 50 million dollars to a huge new company. He was 24.
Now Gerald Adams is giving back. Wishing he had had help and a guiding hand, he goes around the world as a motivational speaker for young entrepreneurs, and has also started Fownders to help them on their way through angel investing.
These things show the true spirit of an entrepreneur; one who never gives up, whether in failure or loss or even in the gaining of great wealth. The work is never done for an entrepreneur, because in the end there is always another job to be done.