Author Archive for ShelatzAD21

“Lucky Iron Fish”

Do you struggle with iron deficiency? Them this product might just be for you! The Lucky Iron Fish,  invented by Gavin Armstrong, is an iron-enriched product made to add iron to your diet. When you are cooking a meal, just place this iron-infused fish into your pan and boil it for about 10 minutes before cooking and it will release about 90% of the iron needed in a person’s daily intake. Gavin thought up this idea when he had realized that in lower-income communities across the globe, they are a lot of issues with iron deficiency. It often occurs with symptoms like headaches, fatigue, hair loss, dizziness, and fainting. With an increased iron intake, the many people affected could have a better way of life. Now, why a fish? Gavin Armstrong has chosen a fish because of where his innovation idea originated. He has visited multiple countries around the world on mission trips to help the needy. When he had reached Cambodia, he realized how large of an issue this was. The idea behind the fish design was because a fish was considered lucky in Cambodian culture and it was the most well-received design. The Lucky Iron Fish is an invention that is priced at about $40 and will last up to about 5 years of use. He has created his charity business to help the needy people over in Cambodia and a portion of your purchase will help them too.

He has won multiple awards for being a young entrepreneur and for his fight against world hunger. An article stating some of his accomplishments: “Dr. Gavin Armstrong is a committed and award-winning impact entrepreneur. He is currently serving as the Founder and CEO of Lucky Iron Fish Enterprise® (LIFe), a social enterprise dedicated to alleviating iron deficiency around the world using simple health innovations. Through this role, he was a Fulbright scholar at Auburn University and was awarded the prestigious Forbes 30 Under 30 in the Social Entrepreneur category in 2016. In 2017 he received the Muhammad Ali Humanitarian Award and was named ‘Social Entrepreneur of the Year’ by EY Canada. In 2018 he successfully pitched his company Lucky Iron Fish Enterprise on CBC’s Dragons Den where he was able to secure a deal with two dragons. In 2019 he was named Small Business Leader of the Year by the Canadian Gay Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (CGLCC).”

I believe this social entrepreneur is very inspirational because of his ability to see a need of people and to try and fill it. Having the technology that we have today has greatly broadened the entrepreneurial playing ground and allows for such innovations and ideas like this to come alive. He has greatly inspired me and countless others to proceed in their desire to help lower-income communities. Having a great cause to support your business will only take you farther. Gavin carries a strong ambition to leave a great impact on the world and he has certainly done so. I believe that starting a business for any cause is a very noble thing to do and that’s what God has sent us out to do, to go help people and give them a better way of life.

Entrepreneur Inspiration-APEX 4 Kids: Caleb Maddix

Want to go above and beyond for your kids? Then Apex 4 Kids: Kids For Success might be what you need! Caleb Maddix started Apex 4 Kids when he was only 14 years old and he created this business to steak to kids who want to do more than the bare minimum. He is going out and speaking to kids all over the world so he can express to kids how the could become successful. As a young entrepreneur, he knew he wanted to help people and overall, Maddix wanted to start his own business NOW rather than working for someone else. In an interview with Nick Morgan, Maddix responded to the question of how brave it is to start an ambitious mission at such a young age in this way, “So I live my life by a quote and it’s “the gun that kills the most people is the ‘gonna.’” I meet too many people, especially kids, who are like “OK, I’ll get out of college and focus on my future” or “I’m gonna write a book, I’m gonna start a business …” and all of a sudden they’re 40 years old and unhappy with their life, all because they thought it was just gonna to work out. They end up killing their dream!” The main thing that’s needed to be done for Kids for Success if that he gets to personally coach ambitious students for a year in his business starting and successful ways. This greatly impacts our current students and the future of our economy.60: Making Your First Million by Age 16 | Caleb Maddix -

Now, he started out in a rough patch with his family and the divorce of his parents. He became very shy and insecure with himself. Now, he became ambitious about studying greatness and that’s all he needed to get a spark of creativity. Maddix has now written 9 books, and he was voted most successful young entrepreneuras well. He is also a 14 year old (now 18) billionaire. He now has the joy of waking up and going out and making a change in the world because he wanted to change his way of life and the way that he looked at things. His father was the root of his success because of his father’s push to study greatness and knowledge to become successful in this life.

Caleb Moddix’s craving to help other students become successful is one of his unique qualities. Most young entrepreneurs want to help others, but they most often just want to sell. I admire how he just dove into his dream and made it happen. Like he said, most people wait to achieve their dreams when they have a degree or have licensing when they’re older, but his point is, start now! Don’t wait. In addition, he sees the needs of poorer countries and underprivileged children and he wants to give them the tools to help them strive for a better way of life.

Maddix is creating his own line of books and lectures that encourage people from all over to start businesses and strive for success. When asked the question about what he would say to parents to help their kids seek success is, “Be the type of parent that your kid wants to become because they respect you, but also be the type of person that if they became identical to you, you would respect, as you would respect yourself. That’s the most deep and true thing you can ever say about being a parent. Some parents are so mad with the person their kid has become, but the kid is really just like them.”

Overall, I think this idea is very innovative because we need to be influencing the next generation now of how to live life successfully, no matter what that may look like. This has inspired me to look at students in a different way knowing that they have the exact same capabilities, with a little more understanding of how to accomplish things. Most often people look at kids as inexperienced, but the more they learn how to navigate life, the more impactful experiences they will have.


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Super Business Girl!-Asia Newson

Asia Newson is a young, teenage, entrepreneur from Detroit, who started her own business at the age of five! She wanted to experiment with candle-making while also teaching other kids like her how to become entrepreneurs. Her father first taught her how to make candles at a young age because he sold them himself at one point. Asia decided to create her own business, Super Business Girl, so she could have the freedom to design her own schedule. Ultimately, she looked at how hard her mom worked at her job and at home, so Asia decided that she wanted to create her own business to have more freedom to serve others. She started selling her candles outside of a store in downtown Detroit, which led to some conflict as she got older. Many people were projecting her business and brand as a scam and the security guards began chasing her from their storefront. Asia and her mother found a solution and went to get a permit. When the guards were shown the permit, they weren’t pleased but allowed it. Then she met someone who helped her out tremendously…

“Everything really started to change when Asia ran into Dan Gilbert, who is the owner of Quicken Loans as well as the Cleveland Cavaliers. He recognized her as Detroit’s “Super Business Girl.” She met with him in his office and he said, “I have keys to the city, and I can sell anywhere!” Today, Asia has trained 40 of her peers, young kids in Detroit, Michigan to be Entrepreneurs, which is to say Newson has created power and possibility across a whole community! She believes in helping other kids in Detroit and beyond learn to be entrepreneurs. She wants to open a candle store in every US state and she wants to sell her candles, as well as other products including “Super Business Girl” shirt, bags, and school supplies.”    (

Asia is a 13-year-old business owner who is making an impact on the world. She was featured on the Ellen DeGeneres show and on America’s got talent for her business and for her strong entrepreneurial spirit. She made a large impact in her community by training up to 40 of her peers on how to become entrepreneurs in the Detroit area.

This story is a massive inspiration due to Asia’s ability to power through and not let anyone talk her down regardless of who they were and what they thought of her business. She wanted to create a major impact in her community and ultimately the world, and she is doing just so. Her idea is a new take on the young entrepreneur by being able to teach others her process of innovation and success in her business. She demonstrates the idea of pivoting and hard work to be able to push through the hardships of being overlooked as a young entrepreneur who grew out of the “Oh, this is so cute!” phase. She is taken seriously as a young entrepreneur who has made a major impact with not necessarily a new product, but a relatable process in making it. She again has inspired me, and hopefully, others, to start as early as you can so you can accomplish much throughout life. Taking the first steps to create a business will get the ball rolling, that’s what I need to strive for.


Mr. Cory’s Cookies

Have you ever watched the show The Profit? Then you may have heard of Cory Nieves, the creator of Mr. Cory’s Cookies. With the help of his mom, Lisa, Cory has made a very successful business selling cookies that have all-natural and higher quality made ingredients. His cookies are become very successful due to his ambition to create something unique, especially at such a young age. He started at age 6! Cory started selling hot cocoa as a start-up business to help his mom pay for a car so he wouldn’t have to ride this school bus anymore. That became successful among his local community in Englewood, New Jersey. Once his original goal was achieved, Cory expanded his products and market by selling lemonade and his now-famous cookies. He targets customers who have certain health-conscious lifestyles as well by including double dark, oatmeal raisin, and sugar cookies. Cory just wants to make the world happier and help his mom with payments as best he can.

Mr. Cory’s Cookies certainly took off causing Lisa and Cory to branch out and get their own building space, which brought Marcus into the picture. In addition to having Marcus Lemonis as their partner, they have been a part of Whole Foods, Macy’s, TOMS, Viacom, Pottery Barn, Barney’s, Bloomingdales, Ralph Lauren, Citibank, Aetna, Mercedes-Benz, Williams-Sonoma. They are also working with Bergen’s Promise in Rochelle Park, New Jersey, and the Children’s Aid Society in New York City.

Mr. Cory's Cookies (mrcoryscookies) | Official Pinterest mr. cory's cookies

His business is different from the others because of his ability to produce and ship, freshly baked and freshly made ingredients, cookies in the matter of a couple days. Also, he started his business at the age of six, with help from his mother, but regardless, that’s pretty incredible. Cory is driven to make an affordable life for him and his mom, including their home and even for his future college career. His business is great because he is supporting multiple people and Cory is also inspiring other students to go after it and accomplish greatness. With determination and the right resources incorporated with a new idea will get you places and can ultimately end in success. Cory and his mom have inspired me to fight for what I want to accomplish no matter the set backs or disaproving looks that you may receive. They have gone through many struggles, but persevierance is key. Entrepreneurship is what I believe I am being called to do, and stories such as this only confirm my plans.


Morgan Hipworth-Bistro Morgan

Morgan Hipworth was not just your ordinary playful kid at the age of seven, he was interested in cooking. He would watch Master Cheif Australia and he thought “If they can do it, so can I.” That inspired his idea of his first bake sale at the age of nine. In addition, Morgan would cook three-course meals every weekend for his family to try out new recipes that either he wanted to try or he came up with himself. Then, he began to bake cakes and other baked goods for his extended family and his close friends’ birthday parties. Now, at the age of 20, Morgan has established his own bakery, Bistro Morgan, in “Melbourne’s Windsor.” This business first started as a pop-up business only being open for eight days. That soon turned into a full-time business when he sold over 10,000 donuts in the span of those eight days.

What makes Morgan’s product unique is that he sells these exotic donuts including flavors such as Peppermint Crisp, Fruit Loops, Coco Pops, and even Cookies & Cream. He has strived to create a business that he loves and would want to do the rest of his life. He even dropped out of school and began this business full time because he was so passionate about fulfilling his dream. Morgan is driven by his ability to succeed in life and bringing joy to other people. He strived to become a young entrepreneur to show others, including his family, that he can make a name for himself. Morgan’s idea was a great one because of his use of trial and error with the pop-up business. It was a huge success so he pursued it further. In addition, he has marketed Bistro Morgan very well due to his 100,000 followers on Instagram and over half a million fans on TikTok. Also, when he was younger, he was asked to become a judge on Junior Master Cheif Australia due to his passion for baking.

He demonstrates the ambition to get things accomplished and not let other people characterize your life. he saw an opportunity and capitalized on it. Morgan is innovating due to his original passion for cooking, then he aspired to become excellent at baking. He achieved that and became a pretty successful, young, business owner. Morgan and his Bistro has inspired me to start young and innovate ideas where I see a need or a passion that I just want to pursue. Being able to start a business so it feels like I’m not working a day in my life, is my goal. I have learned to push though and make a name for myself and grow a business that helps other and makes them happy. That is my goal in life, to help people and have a successful time while doing it.

Ali Kitinas-Freedom Scrubs

This young entrepreneur, Alessandra (Ali) Kitinas, has been inspired to help impoverished communities while using her innovative idea of creating body scrubs out of left-over coffee grounds, at the age of 14. She has come up with the idea to help reduce products being left in a landfill and recycled this product instead. She then sends a percentage of her proceeds to “child soldiers and women living in poverty over in Rwanda and Asia.” Also, through the purchase of each of her products, 87 cents goes to providing children in Kolka and India, access to healthcare and medical resources. Meet the Sydney teen CEO of Freedom Scrub | Daily Mail Online

Ali’s product is unique because of the ability to recycle used products and make them into something newer, especially when they would normally be discarded or considered garbage. Her idea is basically driven by a need to help other people and promote the ability to reduce, reuse, and recycle . This idea is considered great because of the simplicity of the concept and how it could have been picked up from anyone else, but she capitalized on this opportunity. She has higher ambitions with providing underprivileged people in other countries a better chance of life through her profits.

She demonstrates high ambition and a strong understanding of how the business world works. Also, being Australia’s youngest CEO, she has made quite a name for herself. Ali’s ability to see a need and try to fulfill it, while creating a new product, makes her an excellent entrepreneur. Not all entrepreneurs succeed with every idea they have, but with a charitable cause, sometimes it creates a higher chance of success. Her product isn’t a completely new idea, but she created her own spin on an existing market and product. With the coffee grounds being incorporated into her body scrubs, she took an existing product and made it unique.

She has inspired me to look for needs and brainstorm new ideas to try to fulfill them. Also, it has inspired me to start as soon as possible. I think it’s incredible that these young entrepreneurs took a simple idea when they were in their teens and acted upon them. I have learned I am continuing to grow more confident to pursue my dream of having my own business and helping others because that is what I was born to do. I know that being an entrepreneur isn’t the only way to help others’ lives, but I believe that I’m being pulled in that direction. Learning from an inspiring, young entrepreneur has strengthened my ambition to create something amazing!