Author Archive for simsva17

Vending Veggies

Today many millennials are focused on their health and fitness and entertain the newest fitness or eating fads. Many struggle with their journey of fitness in a world that fast food is on every block, more so, fast food is so cheap. How is it that a salad can be upwards of $10, meanwhile, you could get a big mac meal for less than that! Unhealthy food is unfortunately more attainable. Until Farmer’s Fridge was invented!

Kristen Baumlier

Farmers Fridge is actively working to combat this struggle, and putting fresh produce filled meals into vending machines. Another struggle with unhealthy food is that they aren’t fueling your body, it is only temporarily providing fuel. Foods such as salads and sandwiches are more sustainable for the body. Farmer’s Fridge provides wraps, salads, and more made all from scratch with the freshest produce for only $7 a meal. Many wonder about the question of waste, but as the company grows they will find patterns in the day and be sure to cut out as much waste as possible. With fresh produce, they may wilt but as long as they are edible they will donate those to community food services. So far they created vending machines in big cities such as Chicago and New York City, targeting those on their lunch break and outside of gyms!

I think this is a great idea and encourages the movement of clean healthy eating. The biggest problem  I think Farmer’s Fridge will have is the wilting of food quickly because they pride themselves off of the “Freshness” they provide. I really think this idea will be successful and has a target audience that is only growing!

Squatty Potty Story

Improving Poop: Adjustable Squatty Potty Classic 2.0 ...

The famous Squatty Potty got its start on Shark Tank, a place for start-up inventions to flourish. The Squatty Potty is a toilet seat meant to address problems that most families are too embarrassed to discuss. One study said that 3/4 of the world’s population swear by squatting to poop to relieve constipation and hemorrhoids. If it is this common, why isn’t there a solution? Well, one family was brave enough to talk about it and normalize the discussion. This step stool puts people in a proper position to east discomfort.

They saw quick success and endorsement in their invention through Dr.Oz and Shark Tank. Quickly they saw their sales explode, and the media took off. They rarely had to pay for advertisement and marketing, because the media took over and spread the word of this invention to the entire world. Even science got behind the Squatty Potty to support their claim of improving bowel movements. It is often in today’s world that a market exists if we are brave enough to normalize a topic of discomfort or address a stigma. People will appreciate the bravery and hop on board!

Groove Book- The Digital Age

The struggle in the digital age is the virtual abyss that exists. People fear a world where precious memories can be lost and not recovered. It seems in our world gone digital has created an abyss that photos can get lost into. People are no longer being proactive about printing their memories as a keep safe and assuming their photos are safe on their phone.

Groovebook Photo Books & Gifts - Apps on Google Play

Unfortunately, technology is not full proof and glitches can happen and erase precious memories. Well not anymore!


Groovebook is an app with monthly subscriptions, where you can get your photography printed and bound into a book where you can design the book to your own desire. Each book has the option of the pictures in a tear and share form or bong to a booklet.


I think it is common to prefer pictures in a physical format for the ability to have and pass down for all generations to share the moment. However, nowadays people don’t have time to print and make scrapbooks of the memories themselves. Groovebook is innovative in doing the hard work for you.  This idea is really great for families who want to keep those young memories forever and as life changes so quickly, Groovebook helps to remind you of those times.

The Gift That Keeps on Giving

Who wouldn’t want their hobby to turn into a main source of income? Who wouldn’t want their passion to make them money?

Vicky Popot was a newly married teacher who worked 40-60 plus hours, leaving very little time to spend with her husband. However, she still found what little time she did have for her hobby of gardening. Together they decided to quit their full-time jobs to pursue PlantOGram. This is an online store that carries over 200 rare and exotic fruit trees and various other plants. Some of their plants include mango, avocado,nut,spice, and tropical fruit trees. They create gifts for every event that is good for our environment and sustainable. It was a gift with a big impact and an even better impact on our planet. PlantOGram was even featured in Oprahs 20th anniversary edition of “the O list.”

Their work is an example of risk-taking and pursuing passions while keeping “feet firmly grounded and…constantly watching all the numbers.” Vicky is upfront in her in pursuing passions, she says that passions don’t serve anyone unless you are able to pay the bills and support yourself. While many millennials today have that mentality of pursing their passions, I belive Vicky’s realistic outlook attributes to her success. She quit her full time job once she knew that she could support herself and her husband.


The Bombchel Factory

Archel Bernard left Liberia, West Africa when she was just a child due to the civil unrest in her country. As soon as she was old enough to travel, she made a point to visit her ancestral homeland. She instantly had fallen in love with the beauty and history of the land. She was quickly heartbroken with the overwhelming amount of poverty in the country, however, she was inspired by the determination and resilience that Liberians had. She knew she could make a lasting impact that went farther than donations to charities.

Her company Bombchel is committed to empowering women and training those disadvantaged people while sharing the African art and culture. Bomchel is a for-profit social enterprise that trains and hires women to use a sewing machine and give the women skills to make a living. These women are not successful seamstresses who can support themselves and their families. Bomchel sells contemporary African pieces with rare tribal prints made in West Africa.

Archel makes it clear they are not a charity, rather they are hard business workers making money and investing in their future by hiring women who would never be able to break the chain of poverty and be self-sufficient. Until now, they are provided the teaching skills and business models in order to make money. Every Bomchel product is custom, vibrant, and made with love.

Shop Bombchel and make a difference while rocking the vibrance and confidence the clothes provide.



Sustainable Fashion Search Engine

Project CECE

In 2016, sisters Melissa and Marcella Wijngaarden founded Project Cece a tech and fashion startup. They saw the struggle of finding sustainable clothing in a world of ever-changing fashion. A study found that only 1% of all clothing is produced under fair working conditions. These fast fashion trends are polluting the world and resulting in large amounts of CO2 emissions.  While thrift stores exist and support the recycling of clothes, they saw a need for an online shop that collected the offerings at one convenient shop. They believed sustainable fashion should be easy and fun to find while erasing the stigma against sustainable fashion. Recycled clothes need to be the new fashion normal.

How does it work?

The website organizes clothes based on brands so you can shop over 300 brands and stores all of which are sustainable fashion for the environment. Their website is able to support sustainable brands and retailers both small and large names. These brands are working to force the fashion industry to make a change. With each clothing item, ethics and sustainability is provided. Filters also exist to shop on sustainability labels such as vegan, fair trade, good cause, environmentally friendly, or locally produced.

Found Success

Project CECE has received over 50,000 in student investment funds and student-run venture capital funds. Founded in the Netherlands, the sisters have been able to grow their startup into Germany and the United Kingdom. As they continue to expand their brands and shipping locations they will find more success. Their biggest goal is to make a change in the fashion industry and with every clothing item sold they are helping sustainable brands and taking business from brands that provide unfair work conditions and wages.