Author Archive for smithjk1

Rachel Zietz – Gladiator Lacrosse

Rachel Zietz is a very young Entrepreneur that was born in Boca Raton, Florida. She has a passion for sports and loved everything about them. Her love followed to Lacrosse where she practiced so much of and played her whole life. When she was training at a young age, she could never find great equipment for cheap in her hometown. She wanted to make a change for this, and come up with an idea of making quality equipment for cheap prices. At thirteen years old she launched her company called Gladiator lacrosse where they produce lacrosse products.

I chose Rachel because I am in love with sports just like her and she was able to make a difference in the sports world for everyone. Looking deeper into her work that she has done, the website is really nicely done and shows all the produces well. they do no just sell lacrosse sticks and balls, they also sell a lot of different training equipment, which helps people get better at the game like she once did.

As of right now, she is currently playing lacrosse at the university of Princeton. This is very impressive that she is following her dreams playing the sport she plays and getting a great education and one of the top university’s in the world. What is also impressive that she is able to keep up with school, lacrosse, and her company. While she is playing there was a problem with earning money while playing a sport at college. She talked to the NCAA and was able to get it passed on where she is still able to run her company while still playing lacrosse. Her company is suppose to earn about $7 million in revenue this year. I am impressed with how far she has come and how she was able to get a business running when she was at such a young age. Also when she was able to keep up her school work and abilities to play at a D1 program for lacrosse.

Brendan Cox

Brendan Cox is a very impressive young man, that has started numerous different business companies that are under his name. Some work with media help, branding, and teen job pairing company. Even though he runs all these businesses, he is still a student in college. He has recently published a book called strictly business and talks about how you can manage running businesses when you are super young like eight years old. He provides tips and tricks about starting up your own business. This book has made him the most money in his years as a entrepreneur. He is super happy that his book is selling and that it is helping so many people in the world. That was his main objective he said in an article. He wrote the book for kids/young entrepreneurs that are struggling and do not know where to start.

What really caught my eye reading about Brendan Cox is the fact that he started his first business as an eight year old walking through school selling gum to people. He had a great business where he maid $50 a day selling gum. It can just be that easy for someone to pick up on tricks and then take what you learn and start your own business. Also, the ability to be able to go to school while owning three businesses is super impressive and gives a lot of people motivation because if a college student can manage it, anyone can. You just need the right drive to get it done.

He has done everything right and has really worked to make all of this happen. It is so impressive and cannot say enough about this kid and what he has done for himself, but also for everyone he had impacted through his book. That is a really good idea to get your name out there and let people know who you are. It is also a market for his other businesses by having this book. He is truly an intelligent young man and has a super bright future for himself.

Website: Brendan Cox – Entrepreneur (

Calloway Cook – Illuminate Labs

Calloway Cook is a young entrepreneur that is in his late twenties. He currently is the CEO of the business he created call Illuminate Labs. The lab is where companies send supplement samples to their lab and they run tests on other companies product. Once running all the test they throw all the results up on their website so everyone can see what they are taking and what harms could happen from the supplements they are about to take. This helps people be able to research very fast and no hassle what so ever. This has changed the market of supplements because now people have free and easy access to all the information on all different products. This website is also very easy to navigate and help people not do hard research.

How he got this started, he states that when he was younger he wanted to take supplements for bone health and he could not find any information on the supplement that he was trying to take and thought it was very concerning. He said, “I was scared that all the supplements were not required to run test on them.” Before he bought any of it he emailed and called all of the companies that make supplements and wanted results from test to be sent to him so he knows that it is safe to take. All the companies rejected his calls and emails, so he never got a response and never learned anything about the supplements. This is where he got the idea of Illuminate Labs. He wants to change the world with supplements. He believes that supplements can be very beneficial, but he wants to make sure that they are safe for people to use.

He says he has put some money into this company because he need all the lab equipment and scientists to do the tests on the supplements. He states that after he put the money into it, the money started coming back to me as more and more companies are using the test results to their benefits. This is because the supplements that get a background test to make sure it is good to use, the more people buy that supplement to use.

I like what Calloway Cook has done in the supplement market because it is scary that people used to take things without knowing if it is okay to take or not. Now he is making it safer for people to use them because they know what they are about to take. Calloway Cook is making an impact in the world and it is a great sight to see.

Adelle Archer

Adelle Archer is the newest young entrepreneur to watch out for in 2021. She is only 23 years old and started this business when she was 22 years of age. Her business is named, Eterneva, and what is does is creates diamonds out of families pets that have passed away. This is such a cool and unique business since I have never heard of anything like this. I believe that this will be such a hot since in todays world people become so attached to their pets. They are now part of the family to people and would want to remember them as much as possible, so family members will want a diamond ring made out of their pets ashes. This business is not only about pets but it is also about family members and loved ones. She does ashes of everything, from pets, loved ones, or ashes from memorable moments. As long as they are ashes she is making them into diamonds for you. I believe it is so smart for her to allow any type of ash be turned into the diamond rings because it will allow for more customers to come to her.

Her product comes in rings, necklaces, bracelets, and so much more. they have all different types of colors to best fit what you are looking for. They are currently priced at $3,000 since it is a expensive process and they are made out of real diamonds as well. It is a very expensive product, but I believe people will buy this product more than what people think because they are doing it for someone or something they loved at one point in their life. The science behind this great masterpiece is they merge both the ashes and the chemicals to make a diamond together. Each scientist works on one diamond at a time so they do not lose track on whose is whose since these persons ashes are super important to the customer. Their process is a super impressive process to make it easy for them to get as many diamonds done as possible and so they can get it back to the customers not too long.

Adelle Archer has such a great mind and how she created this business is truly amazing and she deserves to be in the position that she is in because she took something that means so much to people and turned it into something where that person can wear their loved ones on them forever. I believe that she is going to be super successful when more word gets out about her product. Adelle seems like she has everything straight and presents her business like it professional one for only being a year old. Adelle will be going to be successful and cannot wait to see where her business takes off from here!

Andy Dunn- The newest pants on the market

Andy Dunn, a grad from Stanford University in 2007. He is a young entrepreneur that runs a e-commerce business and it is starting to take off. He sells clothing through his online business called Bonobos. He states, “I hate shopping and when I do shop it is the worst experience because either the clothing is too boxy or they just do not fit right. I wanted to change that” His new clothing has new technology for pants. He has a waist band around shorts and pants that allows it to fir nice and tight for any size person. This product has changed the pant market forever, personally I would love to try a pair and see how they fit and all is true about what they say about their product. They have great reviews about this product and people say it is so easy to navigate through their website. I went through it and it was indeed a very easy website to work with. I think this also brings a lot of value to their company and makes them up one everyone else. Also, they do not just sell pants for men, they sell all sorts of clothing for both men and women. All Clothing Image result for Andy dunnhas something unique to them. For dress shirts they have a collar with a band around it so it stretches when you move and makes it more comfortable while wearing a tie. For the ladies they have new leggings with new stretch technology. There are such great options on Bonobos and it is worth the look into their clothing, I personally got hooked into their clothing when I saw all the cool patterns.

About Andy Dunn, like I said he is from Stanford University and majored in Entrepreneurship and every since has been very successful with his company Bonobos. This business has really done so well that he has just sold it for $315 million to Walmart, Walmart does have the right over this company now but he still works for them and creates new clothing products. He really pushed and took the time to make his business a reality and it turned out too be super successful.

I picked Andy Dunn because he has what it takes to make a successful business and it shows through his success. He has the mental and heart aspect of what it means to be an entrepreneur. A article interviewed him and they asked him all about how he did it. He goes on to tell everyone that it took late nights and a lot of risk/determination. He never comes easy, nothing in life does. I love how he said this because it gave me so much motivation to be like him and he is a influence to every younger entrepreneur, that it is possible to create something like he did, it just takes hard work and never selling yourself short.


Video more about Bonobos: Bonobos Founder Andy Dunn’s Tips on Angel Investments – Hustle Con 2016 – Bing video

Suhit Amin a young entrepreneuer who beat cancer

After reading through a couple of articles about new young entrepreneuers, I can across one that really had a eye opening experince in his life. Suhit Amin is a 19 year old kid who is Scottish. When he was 15 he had non-hodgkin’s lymphoma. He eventually beat cancer and moved on in his life. The craziest part of this story, yes he beat cancer, but he beat cancer while still trying to start up his new comapany called Saulderson. Saulderson is a maketing ferm where he connects businesses with the most powerful marketing influencers. The goal is to allow other company’s that are having a hard time marketing their product. He has had a lot fo success withing this marketing ferm and is doing really well for himself, only being 19 years old.

I picked Suchit Amin becuase his story has a young boy is impressive. His work ethic and drive is something I have never heard of. He had a dream he chanced and wanted that dream to come true and did what he had to do to get to the finish line. Why do I think his drive and work ethic is so good, it is because he was going through the hardest thing in his life. Not knowing if he will live or die with battling cancer. While he was battling with cancer he worked on his dreams and created his business. He made it happen and know look where he is now, he has a business that is on the up rise. Having the idea of marketing other people’s product for them is a great idea because some people need this help and lack this skill in their life. Having this resource for other company’s will help Suchit Amin really be able to have a lot of clients and be able to connect with so many different people.

I would love for everyone to read more about him and be able to learn how he came out of battling cancer with a great comapny that is doing really well. This young entrepreneuer has also won so many awards and is really climbing in popularity. He is truly one of a kind and it will truly be hard to find someone better than Suchit Amin in the new young entrepreneuer class.