Author Archive for Spencer Smith

Jodie & Danielle Snyder

Snyder sisters

Jodie and Danielle Snyder grew up in Jacksonville, Florida. When they were little girls they used to tinker with their dads medical tools and eventually taught themselves how to fashion small trinkets and things into Jewelry. as they got older they kept up making this jewelry and eventually opened a small retail store selling their product, which they called “Dannijo Jewels.” when it came time to pay for college they used their funds from the store, shut it down, and went their separate ways.

Years later, after they had both graduated, they met up in New York to continue perusing their Fashion dream. They started running their jewelry company again as a non-profit organization to support people in Kenya with aids treatments. To this day, Dannijo still advocates sustainable economic opportunity in underdeveloped areas of the world. Dannijo was the first company to develop fashion cases for iPhones and iPads. Still, all of their packaging is handmade in Rwanda. Nowadays, they are only sold in very high-end stores worldwide and have quite an extensive celebrity following including Natalie Portman, Beyonce, Rihanna, and Blake Lively.


Pete Cashmore

Pete Cashmore is a true millennial entrepreneur. At the age of 19 in his hometown of Aberdeenshire, Scotland, Pete created Mashable because of his passion for sharing how web tools and social networks were transforming human interactions and reshaping cultures.

mashableAnd he has been pushing Mashable ever since. Mashable is a leading source for news, information & resources for the Connected Generation. Mashable reports on the importance of digital innovation and how it empowers and inspires people around the world. They have reached 40 million unique followers and 20 million social network followers. Pete is described today as the “Sage of Media” and continues to gain followers daily.

The Most Exciting Site on the Web: Thrillist

Thrillist_LogoBen Lerer and Adam Rich are two guys who, if they had it their way, would make the act of being a guy their occupation.

And they did.

Thrillist, Supercompressor, and Jackthreads are websites created and run by Lerer and Rich. After noticing the plethora of information about people, places, styles, food, and other things to do in New York city, they realized that this kind of information was lacking in many other cities. They set out to change this, and succeeded.  But they are far from satisfied.

They have already become an already a multi-billion dollar company, and are hard at work to keep growing.

Josh Shipp

Josh Shipp is a motivational speaker of sorts, or at least that’s what it would seem to someone looking in from the outside. To a struggling teenager, Josh is more like a savior.


Josh is on a mission, a mission to help adults understand teens, and teens understand themselves.

Josh is a public speaker, yes, but he is so much more. He has been featured on MTV, CNN, Oprah, the New York Times, Good Morning America, and even has his own TV documentary on Lifetime and A&E. He has spoken at universities like Stanford, UCLA, Harvard, and many more. He’s also written 2 books, one of which (Teens Guide to World Domination) is a best seller.mission is to help adults understand teens and teens understand themselves. His methods are entertaining and attention grabbing. He speaks about the hard truths and real life topics that are crucial to success.

As a foster kid himself, bouncing around from family to family, Josh knows what its like to be helpless and how much even the smallest loving gesture can mean.

Click here to read more about Josh, listen to his podcast, or purchase his books.

Hank Green

YouTube is one of the fastest growing social media sites of the day. Leveraging ideas, advertising products, drawing attention to specific topics, and educating/entertaining the general public are just a few of its vast uses. There are those who know how to take full advantage of YouTube, and one of those people is Hank Green.

Now, I know what most of you are thinking, “Spencer, being YouTube famous does NOT make you an Millennial Entrepreneur.” To that I say, yes, you are probably right. However, YouTube is a cultural hub of knowledge, and people that can give birth to many great ideas.

Hank Green is an entrepreneur for many reasons. I say that not because he is a YouTube star, but rather because of how he uses the resources available to him, ie: The Internet. Hank shares a YouTube channel with his brother- bestselling author John Green (The Fault In Our Stars)- as well as 2 other educational YouTube channels. He also owns a record label for upstarting artists, a blog about ideas to help the planet, and a charity-oriented project that used to promote charities but now actually raises money for them. But there’s more.

Ever heard of VidCon? well, if you haven’t, VidCon is a multi-genre online video convention, held annually in southern California since 2010, all started by Hank Green and organized alongside a team, of course. VidCon is the biggest event of its kind and has since its conception grown from approximately one thousand to over 18 thousand attendees.

But what makes an entrepreneur an entrepreneur? Problem solving, right? Well, hank covered that too. In 2010 after seeing a 3-D movie with his wife, she complained that she had a headache due to the glasses. Knowing what he did about 3-D movies and how they work, Hank proceeded to create 2-D glasses; a product that “takes the headache out of 3-D.” he now sells the glasses on

Hank uses his intelligence, abilities, and resources to help people, solve problems, and provide for the audience that he has accumulated. At 33 years old, He’s right on the edge of the generational line dividing baby-boomers and millennials, but without a doubt prefers to be in the lives of the young, aiding their search for knowledge and showing how anyone can come up with great ideas.

-Spencer Smith