Author Archive for stainbrooksn20

Sean Belnick

Sean Belnick is the founder of BizChair. This company cut out the middleman in the furniture buying business which allowed this business to cut costs. Something exemplary about Sean is his drive to make money. When he was growing up he would either be mowing lawns or selling pokemon cards, any way he could make some extra money he would do it. This drove Sean to create BizChair when he was 14 years old. This business is interesting because it takes something that is already a common market, and put a unique spin on it. This proves Sean to be a creative person, taking something that already exists and making something new out of it. He is also business minded with the other jobs he had as a kid helping him to make money. Sean is innovating by taking a process that already exists and making it better so that it can save people money. Personally, I relate to this because I am a supply chain major and this is something that large businesses try to do and Sean was able to do it successfully on a small scale. Some principles I have learned from Sean are continuous improvement and gaining knowledge of a process to be able to improve it.

Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg is one of the most well-known young entrepreneurs. Something exemplary about Mark is that he saw an issue that had not been solved yet, and he took action to fix it. This problem was the lack of internet communication, which he came to realize while he was attending Harvard University. His desire for social interaction and communication drove this solution. Something interesting about the creation of Facebook, is that there was nothing like it before Zuckerberg created it. Some entrepreneurial traits that Zuckerberg demonstrates are confidence and creativity. He was confident enough that this idea could create a profitable business and creative enough to find this solution. Zuckerberg innovated by creating a platform where people could share information, meet new people and socialize, and this has never been done before. I am personally inspired to find a way to solve problems with no solution and some principles that I can apply to this inspiration are having an open mind and being creative.


Langston Whitlock

Langston Whitlock co founded a company called Saferide. Something exemplary about Langston is his care for people in need of healthcare that do not have transportation, and that’s exactly what his company does. His recognition of this issue and his knowledge of writing programs in JavaScript is what drives him to solve this issue. What makes this business model interesting is that it allows people to communicate thorough an app to coordinate getting non-emergent and emergent transportation to their healthcare. I would say the entrepreneurial trait that stands out the most to me is Langston’s intelligence. At only 12 years old he was able to create an anonymous messaging app through Java Script and successfully turn it into a business that helps people in need of transportation. Langston is innovating by recognizing a problem with few solutions, and creating a solution that serves many purposes. Personally, I am inspired by Langston’s ability to understand this need and care enough about the issue to apply his talents to solving it, which is also a principle that I have learned while learning more about Langston Whitlock.

Adelle Archer

Adelle Archer is an impressive young entrepreneur. She is the co-founder and CEO of a business called Eterneva. This company takes the ashes of cremated loved ones and pets, and turns them into diamonds. Adelle lost a friend to pancreatic cancer when she was younger and her grief inspired her to start this business. This business is unique because of its product. Adelle is intelligent and driven, graduating with her MBA as Valedictorian from Acton School of Business, at only 23 years old. She is innovating by introducing this process, that allows people to purchase diamonds that have a sentimental connection behind the product. Adelle specifically inspires me because she found a way to turn her grief into a big, and successful, idea that allows people to honor the lives of lost loved ones.

Moziah Briges

Moziah Bridges is a young entrepreneur that designs men’s clothing. He is unique because he started making men’s bow ties out of his grandmother’s fabric scraps. What drives him is his creativity. His model is interesting and impressive because he has designed ties for Barack Obama and several NBA teams. Moziah demonstrates his creativity and aesthetic eye for fashion through his business. He is innovating by selling his product in major department stores like Bloomingdales, and Cole Haan. Moziah specifically inspires me because he recognized the waste of the fabric that his grandmother was not using and turned it into something that he could sell. This goes to show that not every product needs to be high end and technological, some can be as simple as fabric scraps.

Ryan Hickman

Ryan Hickman is a young entrepreneur with a passion for recycling and cleaning up our planet. He is unique because he realized this passion at 3 years old and started his business at only seven years old. What drives Ryan is the need for recycling around the world. He has started a non-profit that teaches people worldwide about the importance of recycling. His business model is interesting because all proceeds go to the Pacific Marine Mammal Center.Ryan’s innovation is shown through his merchandise that he sells to support his passion- they say “Make the sea trash free.” Ryan’s passion for recycling is the entrepreneurial trait that made him so successful. He was also able to recognize the needs of our society. This and his drive led to to his success. He rode around on his bike, collecting recyclables from his neighbors and taking them to the recycling center. This personally inspired me that, even at such a young age, Ryan had a big idea and worked hard to get his idea out into the world, and didn’t let much get in his way.