Author Archive for stewartlg1

Bikini Body Guide: How Kayla Itsines is Changing the Personal Training Field

Everyone warns about the infamous “freshman fifteen” weight gain that is common among first year college students. It can be hard to maintain the ideal body physique when you’re already so busy and so broke that you can’t afford a personal trainer or strict workout schedule. Kayla Itsines, an Australian personal trainer and now co-founder of the BBG workout program and Sweat app, saw that there were girls all over the world that didn’t have a way to use a beneficial workout program on their own schedule. Frustrated by this realization, she and her now fiance, Tobi Pearce, decided to release a 12-week workout program, in 2014, that can be downloaded in PDF form from anywhere in the world.

After such positive feedback, the pair developed their plan into a fitness app called Sweat, that now has over 20 million users. The program, which involves weekly 28 minute HIIT workouts focusing on each muscle group, cool downs, recovery days, meal plans, grocery lists, and stretching routines, requires little equipment and can be used anywhere. Kayla’s workout program doesn’t just connect you with successful training plans, it has also created a hub of support and encouragement for real women trying to improve their health. Her hashtag, #BBGTransformations, has hundreds of thousands transformation photos of real women who have used the app and seen results, which are also filled with positive comments from other women.

BBG is transforming bodies all over the world, and empowering women to feel confident to workout on their own. Itsines and Pearce offer monthly and yearly memberships to weekly workouts via the Sweat app and their online base. The name BBG, Bikini Body Guide, doesn’t come from desiring a supermodel physique, but from having the confidence to feel good in your own skin. “A bikini body isn’t one type of body — everyone has a bikini body! A bikini body is a state of mind. It focuses on feeling positive about yourself and the amazing things your body can do. I believe a healthy lifestyle can contribute to helping you feel strong and confident within yourself. ”

Kayla and Tobi are empowering women one workout at a time, by bridging the gap between personal trainers and real people.

Live Original

Every young adult has had to go through the uncomfortable social transition from child to adult. Sadie Robertson did so when she was seventeen and was thrust into the spotlight after being named runner up on ABC’s Dancing with The Stars in 2014.  Her last name, better known for the creation of Duck Commanders created by her grandfather in the 1970’s and still run by her family, was what drew attention to her at a very young age. Although the fame and glitz and paparazzi were exciting, Sadie realized how unknown the real her truly was to the world that thought they knew everything about her. She wanted to find a way to show the world her true self while also encouraging other young girls to do the same, and realized that the fame that seemed like a burden was actually an opportunity.

Live Original started with just encouraging and inspirational captions that Robertson would post to her millions of followers, and eventually snowballed into a full-time business and ministry. In 2016, Robertson did a 16-city tour called “Live Original Live” where she became more widely known as a motivational and inspirational speaker. Live Original also expanded into an online shop where girls can purchase clothing, stickers, and accessories with messages promoting fearlessness in living original. Her book and memoir, Live Original: How the Duck Commander Teen Keeps it Real and Stays True to her Values, came out in 2017 and has already made it on the New York Time’s Bestseller list.

Sadie, now 21, continues to post on social media, but has included more in depth studies in living fearlessly on her blog, Live Original, and podcast, Whoa That’s Good. She also partners with other companies with similar values through her site. Live Original Live will be going back on tour again soon and Sadie’s new book and sequel to her 2017 top-seller, Live Fearless: A Call to Power, Passion, and Purpose, was released in February of this year. She is promoting authenticity and fearlessness by living it out herself and not being ashamed to share the truth of the Gospel. She believes that Christ made each person with a unique purpose and calling and has created a business around her ministry of encouraging and inspiring other girls to live out their calling. Sadie Robertson is creating an impact in the lives of young women all over the world, one post, podcast, chapter, and speech at a time.

Always More

As a Christian, we are running this race we call life with the end goal of crossing the finish line and into the arms of our Father as he whispers, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.” The race is tiring and we sometimes get distracted from where the finish line is. We hesitate, we fall, we get up again and we keep going, because we ALWAYS have MORE strength, endurance, and power in Christ.

Audrey Roloff, the founder of her blog AujPoj started writing the phrase “always more” on her arms and shoes in high school. A dedicated long distance runner, she kept every pair of running shoes she has ever owned and would spray paint them red, fill them with prayers and notes, and finally mark the bottom with the phrase “Always More” to signify the end of an era and the start of a new one. Her inspiration behind the phrase comes from Ephesians 3:20, “Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than we could ever ask or imagine…” As she got older, she started applying the phrase to more in her life beyond just running. “When I get cut off on the road or treated rudely, these words remind me that there is ALWAYS MORE to someones’ story than what I know. When I am filled with joy, these words remind me that Christ will ALWAYS overfill me with MORE joy as I look to Him.”

What started out as a personal mantra for a girl growing up in the Pacific North West has now turned into a national movement.

Roloff started her blog AujPoj as a way to relate running and faith, but expanded it to include DIYs, tutorials, devotionals, personal stories, and more to create a true hodgepodge of creativity and inspiration. She has since expanded her blog into a shop inspired by the phrase, “Always More” where she sells clothes, hats, stickers, and more.

She frequently references her “always more” mantra with applications to her own life experiences to over 905,000 followers on her personal Instagram page. And with almost 75,000 followers on her shop Instagram page, Roloff’s personal motivation has expanded into a full blown business and ministry. Her mission to encourage other women to “ALWAYS believe in the MORE that is within them through Christ,” has reached young women all over the world. She’s also included an Always More Devotional which involves weekly text messages filled with encouragement, prayers, scriptures, and more to inspire and motivate you to always believe there is more to be found in Christ.

Audrey Roloff has created more than just a business. She’s created a movement. There is always more hope, love, and joy when we seek Christ, and she invites anyone and everyone to come alongside her to live out this truth.

Your Brokenness is Welcome Here

It doesn’t take long scrolling through social media to feel like you’re missing out on the life that someone else is enjoying. So many girls are left feeling broken and inadequate from a society that thrives off of likes, shares, and comments. Jordan Lee Dooley, 24, is on a mission to change the culture of social media as she helps “everyday girls live intentional lives.” Her hobby turned blog turned business, SoulScripts, has become an online ministry for young women seeking their purpose.

SoulScripts originated in the Alpha Omicron Pi sorority house at Indiana University, while Dooley was a student in 2015. Her Etsy shop included personally hand-lettered mugs and journals with scripture and Biblical quotes. Eventually, she expanded her business into a blog where she tackled the personal topics behind the scripture, keeping the name SoulScripts as the title of it. It didn’t take long before she quickly discovered that this was the purpose God had for her life and pursued her true passion of writing and speaking full time.

She now travels all over the country speaking at churches and events, while also writing for her blog and Instagram. Dooley is telling her own story one post at a time as she encourages other women to seek Christ first while also giving advice on finance, relationships, self care, faith and more. She tells of her own times of heartbreak and brokenness and how God saw her through to the other side.

With an Instagram following of over 200,000 followers, she turned a college hobby into a full blown business. Dooley has since expanded Soul Scripts into a podcast named SHE, and her book, Purpose, about “breaking through insecurities, expectations, and the pressure to prove” comes out in 2019. She also leads a twelve week Bible Study Boot Camp called Soul Session that includes access to a Facebook group with her and other Soul Session members, 12 Bible study videos, and 12 downloadable worksheets for $97.

Jordan’s mantra of “Your brokenness is welcome here” has become a movement that is being worn by girls all over the country. She is promoting authenticity and encouraging women to pursue their purpose. Her passion turned purpose has led other girls to lead intentional lives of pursuing Christ and knowing their identity is determined by their faith in Christ.


Shave Time Shave Money: A Dollar Shave Club


When a friend of a friend approached Michael Dubin at a party in 2011 about needing help moving a surplus of razors, a light bulb went off in Dubin’s head that would result in a billion dollar deal 5 years later. He thought of the tremendous hassle that comes with purchasing overpriced razors with extraneous features, and realized that if he could eliminate the need to go to a store and provide simple razors for cheaper- real men would appreciate the result.

It only took a week for him to buy the domain,, and within a few months he had quit his job to work on his new company, Dollar Shave Club, full time. Although the shaving industry was already packed with competitors all trying to make their razors bigger and better, Dubin’s razor took it back to basics and proved to be exactly what the world needed. In March 2012, a Dollar Shave Club went live as its promotional video, featuring Dubin, was posted on Youtube. Dubin’s lack of seriousness and comedic encounters around a large warehouse proved to be the perfect pitch for his company, with 12,000 orders the day of release.

As Dollar Shave Club began to grow and succeed, Dubin was excited to expand his product line from strictly razors, but to oral care and shower supplies. Each year his sales more than doubled and by 2016 he had an offer of 1 billion dollars from Unilever for the company. Dubin never had any intention to sell his company so young, but with the promise that Dollar Shave Club wouldn’t change from its initial intention, he started to entertain the idea. What could he do for the business with 25% more time and no worry of running out of money? So in his hotel room, still in his pajamas, he hit okay and the deal was finalized.

Now with over 3 million subscribers, Michael Dubin is enjoying the life of a CEO with no financial burden and a Dollar Shave Club is continuing to grow and advance.

Breaking The Status Quo: A Construction Toy for Girls


“Close your eyes and picture an engineer,” opens Debbie Sterling in her Ted Talk in 2013. She continues by asking the crowd to raise their hands for how they pictured an engineer while their eyes were closed. Hands rose for images of train drivers and nerdy men at computers, but when she asked the crowd if anyone pictured someone who looked like her- they were silent.

Debbie Sterling was born to a Jewish family in 1983 with no intention of becoming an entrepreneur. Her path didn’t intertwine with entrepreneurship until after she had received her B.S. in mechanical engineering from Stanford University in 2005. “Years later,” she says, “I did some research, and I learned that I was actually at a disadvantage. Like a lot of other girls, I had underdeveloped spatial skills. The other interesting thing I learned was that kids who scored better on spatial skills tests, grew up playing with construction toys.”

Sterling took this new knowledge, her engineering degree, and pursued a solution to the problem of the lack of females in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (also referred to as STEM). She quit her job and spent months working out of her apartment on a construction toy for targeted to girls but was faced with resistance from investors. “They whispered to me a well-known industry secret: construction toys for girls don’t sell, and they took me by the arm and showed me what does sell- the pink isle.”

So how does someone overcome the culture that has previously been established for the past century? Sterling knew that things didn’t have to be the way they always were but saw that girls get easily bored when playing with construction toys. When she asked what they do enjoy, the young girls responded that they love to read. It was this discovery that led her to create GoldieBlocks, the world’s first female engineering character that is teaching young girls around the world that they can be more than a princess.

GoldieBlocks combines the narrative that little girls love with construction and building toys. Girls can build with Goldie and as a result develop both their verbal and spatial skills. Sterling did what nobody else thought to- she took a toy that had been historically targeted for boys and re-imagined it for girls. Her idea is revolutionary because it’s not just taking an idea and targeting a new market, she is equipping young girls with the tools they need to develop their spatial skills in an enjoyable way. She didn’t just accept that little girls aren’t interested in those type of toys, she bridged the gap between girls and engineering. Despite the resistance she faced, her company has since flourished. According to Forbes’s 40 Under 40: “[GoldieBlox] has had more than 1 million app downloads and more than 1 million toys sold across more than 6,000 major retailers worldwide.”

As a female studying and pursuing both engineering and entrepreneurship, what Sterling did is what I strive to be able to do one day. She broke the status quo by becoming an engineer as a female, and she broke it again when she took a “boy’s toy” and redesigned it for girls. She is using her engineering skill set to help other girls discover a love for building and creating.

Debbie Sterling is more than an engineer and an entrepreneur; she’s a world changer, and although her business was originally meant to inspire little girls, it’s inspired me to use my passion for STEM to make a difference for girls like me.