Author Archive for StrattonEA20

Matthew Mullenweg

Matthew Mullenweg was born in Houston Texas in 1984. He began studies in the University of Houston, but dropped out to work at CNet, where he started his most influential company. Mullenweg was the co-founder of WordPress, one of the biggest blogging sites ever made and the site used to write this blog.

Matt started WordPress while at CNet but quickly left CNet to specifically pursue WordPress. His blogging site grew very quickly and is now one of the most popular blogging platforms you can find. After starting WordPress and building it to where is is now, Mullenweg began to start more businesses, the most important to him is his company Automattic, which is the system that WordPress was built on and is now the base of many other companies, some of which he started. Mullenweg started Automattic in order to do something important to him, which is to improve the web.  

Matthew Mullenweg is also a big philanthropist. He donates to multiple charities around the world. He even visited Ethiopia with the charity called, Charity: water, which helps to get clean water to every place in the world. 

Matthew Mullenweg is an entrepreneur who constantly wants to make the world a better place.

David Karp – living more creatively

The founder of Tumblr, David Karp, lived a different life than most CEO’s. Without even a high school level education, he has found new ways to get success. Born in Manhattan in 1996, David attended elementary school, then at age 11 taught himself HTML coding. At this point he was already designing websites for companies. At 15 he dropped out of high school and began homeschooling. This same year he also became an intern at a small animation company, where he grew increasingly fascinated by the work of computer engineers. His next job was at UrbanBaby, an online parenting formula.

For a while Carp had been wishing for a blogging site to start a separate microblogging site, but when none did he decided to do it himself. And so, in 2007, Tumblr was born. The company was later sold to Yahoo for 1 billion dollars. In 2017 David Karp left Tumblr. He now works at a political advocacy called future now.

David Karp’s life was obviously different than most CEO’s but the way he works is extremely different. From driving a vespa to never checking emails at his house, his work life is incredibly different than most others.

He hated schedules. Besides board meetings he tried never to schedule anything else. He said that if someone really needed to talk with him they could call him, and they could meet at their leisure. He would hang out with people whenever they both had time. This enabled him to have a more free and creative flow of life and also helped with cancellation of meetings. He also hated email, and avoided checking it at home. At first he would rarely check his email and would often forget to respond. In order to alleviate this he came up with a system to help him. He auto sorted his emails into easily understandable groups in order to help him. He also encourages the use of texting or calling since he would rather use these methods. Since Carp realized he had a bad memory he decided to start taking notes about everything.

David Carp is a great example of living a life of problem solving and creativity. He always tried to fix shortcomings in his workstyle, and without schedules he encouraged serendipitous meetings. His site, Tumblr, reached 472 million users, but is now down to over 200 million. David Carp built a successful site, and he did it in a very different way than most people would have done.

Gerard Adams – Inspiring the next generation

Gerard Adams is a serial entrepreneur who has had a hand in starting 9 companies. His main focus is to inspire and empower other millennials to live their dreams.

Gerard Adams was born in 1984 in New Jersey. His father encouraged him to look into stocks and investing which he did. He attended one semester at Caldwell college before dropping out to work full time at an investor relations firm.

His first innovation was a stock market forum called StockSpot which he grew to be a very successful company until the 2008 stock market crash. His most important company was EliteDaily, a news company focused on millennials. The company was later sold for 50 million to a big news company. All in all Gerard Adams had a hand in the starting of 9 companies.

Gerard Adam’s most important innovation is his current company. He is very focused on encouraging millennials to start their own businesses and fulfill their dream jobs. His current company is called Fownders, which helps companies to start. He thinks that it is important that everyone millennial does what they want to do and doesn’t get roped in to doing what everyone else thinks they should do.

Kyle Doerksen: Onewheel

Kyle Doerksen, creator of the futuristic one-wheel skateboard, was born in 1987. During his childhood he gained prestige by winning the Canada wide science fair, and he learned to snowboard which became crucial to his future life. He had a love of LEGOs and a knack for taking apart and rebuilding his parents appliances.

He attended Stanford university, and instead of deciding on one major, he chose to combine computer science, electrical engineering, and biology, wrapping them into a degree he called neuroengineering. During his first interdisciplinary degree he realized that it would be helpful for him to get another degree, this time in mechanical engineering.

Although Kyle had a wide range of interests and ideas including a work on a radar system that could “see” underground, he eventually landed on the concept of electric transportation. He worked for a time in a company called Farady bikes, an electric bike company. He was important to the company, but it wasn’t what he ultimately wanted to do. Before he had even started at Faraday bikes, he had been working on another idea, one that would eventually become an incredible reality.

This was his design for a one-wheeled, gyroscopic, electric skateboard: the Onewheel. His daily walk to work was long and somewhat mundane and he began to investigate types of transportation. His earlier love of snowboarding paired with his knack for electrical vehicles birthed the Onewheel. After making a few prototypes he decided to put his idea on Kickstarter. The idea achieved massive success gaining the required 100,000 dollars in backing in less than 4 days. He launched the idea, made the boards, and achieved great success.

Ultimately Kyle Doerksen could be considered more of an inventor than a businessman, but his innovation in the world of transportation is incredible. His innovation was not only designed to fulfill a transportation need though, his product is interesting, suave, and brings genuine joy to the riders. His futuristic Onewheel was an incredible innovation in the realm of transportation.

Tyler, The Creator

Tyler, The Creator slams Grammys' 'urban' category as a politically correct  version of the n-word | The Atlanta VoiceTyler Okonma, better known as Tyler, the Creator, is a well-known rap artist. His strange style, and edgy music has sent him to the forefront of artists. His music is extraordinarily unique, instantly recognizable from his somewhat raspy voice and strange, almost spoken, lyrics. Millions love him, some hate him, but he is undeniably, as he claims, a creator.

Tyler was born in 1991 in Los Angeles. At 16 he was featured in the Los Angeles times in an article about the life of a teen, and soon after he started his first musical group, Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All or OFWGKTA. The group made edgy music that disgusted many because of its breaking of social norms. The music was repetitive, but the lyrics and style were very new and creative. Odd Future was not only about music though. Tyler also created the Odd Future clothing line, which is extremely popular to this day. At age 20, he started his own record label for his group’s gritty innovative music.

From his impressive origins Tyler’s innovation only grew. He next designed a second clothing brand, Golf Wang, which he fully produced and designed, and which grew to incredible success. Next he began to make his own music outside of the group, under the name Tyler, the Creator. His music pushes boundaries and changes the way people look at music itself. His first album under his new name was called Goblin. It was successful, debuting at number five in the US Billboard 200, but each consecutive album has been more and more popular. None of his four albums are generic or repetitive, each represents a slightly different style. He, perhaps better than any other artist, is able to outdo himself every time.

So, is he worthy of his self-dubbed title: The Creator? Absolutely. His music is incredibly innovative, and his clothing lines are truly entertaining. From a young age Tyler did precisely what his name says, he created. An entrepreneur through and through.