Author Archive for TambelliniAB19

Nohbo- Benjamin Stern

Benjamin Stern was a 9th grade student in science class when he struck a eureka. He came up with the idea of Nohbo. A Eco-friendly company specializing in body products. The company’s main goal is to create a world without the harmful chemicals in mainstream body products and to eliminate the plastic waste that goes along with it. The product is a single use water soluble packets containing shampoo, conditioner, body wash, or shaving cream. It has no harmful chemicals, parabens, or sulfates. This idea was a revolutionary idea in the plastic waste world. The world is looking for more and more new ideas to eliminate plastic waste and this product was genius and innovative. Ben was able to incorporate his entrepreneurial mind into the body products world and create a product that is growing is numbers by the day. Bens company was featured on shark tank and he go a deal with Mark Cuban. Mark was able to make this product grow exponentially. What makes this product interesting is that the idea of eliminating plastic waste. It is amazing that Ben was able to create a new way to make body wash and made it extremely useful. Bens product will change the world.

Bizchair- Sean Belnick

Sean Belnick is a 22 year old guy that looks as normal as anyone else. But he has a secret that no one else has. He has a company worth $50 million. When he was 14 years old he has a passion and he pursued it. He locked himself in his room for three days and emerged with a company called Bizchair. An office furniture company that sells products to offices. The company started small and he only had one employee by the time he was in high school But at the age of 22 he sells products to companies like apple and Microsoft and google. He is demonstrating entrepreneurship with this company by showing his growth in such a short time. He was able to demonstrate his abilities to have useful products and get his product show to enormous companies and have them like it. This rapid growth is only possible with the abilities of an entrepreneur. His story inspires me because it shows that becoming an entrepreneur is possible in any way. There is no one way to become an entrepreneur and no one way to make money. Seans company is something that I would have never thought along with most people. But he was able to create a money stream with this simple product and idea. Today Sean is a board member of his company and Belnick inc has grown into the biggest company for office products in the world.

Nelk Boys

Nelk Boys is a group that was created with the passion for fun and entertainment. It was created by three guys named Jessie, Steve, and Kyle. They were in high school and Kyle and Jessie were best friends and they wanted to start a youtube channel where they could have fun and entertain people. The group started out slow for the first couple of years and did not make much progress. But the older they got and the more wild and fun the videos they posted started becoming, the bigger the following became. Eventually they met Steve and they all clicked instantly and all had the same drive for fun and entertainment. The began doing pranking videos where they go out in public and prank random strangers while doing funny things and make the person confused. Now they have over 5 million subscribers on youtube and a merchandise brand that is in extremely high demand. These men show their entrepreneurial minds by the grind they show in their efforts to pursue a dream they have. Their brand was failing early on but they believed in themselves and kept persevering. But now a days they are so famous that they were invited on the presidents plane to meet him. It goes to show that perseverance pays off.

Manly Scented Candles- Hart Main

Hart Main is a young 14 year old kid that came up with this idea of his own company out of no where. His sister was doing a school project about candles and he thought that they were “girly.” He thought why are there no manly candles? And so his brand was born. His family had no idea that he was going to pursue the dream but he really wanted to. He was able to create a candle for men and named it “Manly Scented Candles.” His brand started with a total of $300 and a way to make candles. Hart began making candles and made a lot. The available scents include: Campfire, Bacon, Sawdust, Fresh Cut Grass, Grandpa’s Pipe, and more. Today, ManCans candles are in over 60 stores across the country and have sold about 9,000 units. His product is sold in over 60 stores across the country and is growing rapidly. He is only 14 years old and is still in school. He is showcasing his entrepreneurship mind at a very young age. He was able to get his product into stores and make his brand and story known with only $300 to start. What makes this product interesting is that he made something that no one had thought of before even though candles have been around for ages. It goes to show that there is always room for entrepreneurship.

Dude Perfect

Dude Perfect is a YouTube brand that was the original trickshot videos to watch. Dude perfect is made up of a group of 5 men named Tyler, Cody, Coby, Cory, and Garret who went to college together and became best friends. One day when they were outside of their house they decided to try some trickshot videos and make them fun and entertaining. They posted it to YouTube and got millions of views on it. After that they continued to make fun and family friendly videos for the whole family to watch. Eventually they turned it into a brand called Dude Perfect. They have over 50 million subscribers on YouTube and have over 1 billion views on their videos. They used their entrepreneurial minds to come together and realized that they could make money off of having fun and creating fun videos. With this in mind the guys created a brand that sells merchandise, gives back to the community, and is always a positive environment for all people. They innovated the YouTube platform by becoming one of the most watched channels on YouTube and showed the world that YouTube is a way to make money. They inspired many other groups to start YouTube that have become very successful.

Gm Golf- Garrett Clark

Garrett Clark is a 20 year old kid that has loved the game of golf since he was born. Garrett played in junior events since he was young and played all the way through high school. He eventually got college offers, but instead of pursing collegiate golf he fell in love with YouTube. He started doing trick shots at a young age with his cousin Micah and they became very good. They started posting their golf trick shots to YouTube and began to have a following. Eventually the brand Gm Golf was born. When Garrett graduated high school he told his parents he wanted to start making money off of YouTube instead of golf in college. His parents who were hard working accountants did not agree at first but eventually gave him the OK.  Garrett is driven by his love for the grind of filming and the game of golf. His channel has grown more and more every day since he started it. Him and his bestfriends go and make unique golf videos and challenges that no one has seen before. And the golf world is loving it. His channel sparked a flew of new golf lovers onto the scene to follow in his footsteps and make golf on YouTube. I think his channel is so amazing because there was never a golf side of YouTube and he created it all himself.