Author Archive for tjsweet

David Beckett Pitch Coaching Video

David Beckett is a professional pitch coach for entrepreneurs and TedX speakers.  In this video, he articulates some helpful tips for creating an effective pitch.  Not all of the details will apply directly to your particular pitch (for example your pitch is 2-minutes, not 3, and you will not be developing slides), but there are a lot of solid principles here that will help you craft and prepare your pitch.

Watch the video below, and answer the following questions by replying in the “Leave a Reply” section below.

1. Identify 5 conceptual principles that David mentions in this video that strike you as helpful for creating a good elevator pitch.

2. Identify 2 practical methodologies that he mentions and tell me how you plan to use them specifically in the development of your pitch.

Video Assignment – Friday, October 4

Seth Godin is one of the most innovative and respected voices in the world of marketing.  He thinks deeply and creatively about how to reach prospective customers in the niches of a market or industry.  His wisdom is incredibly useful for entrepreneurs and innovators.

Your task is to watch this video and respond to the questions below by creating a comment in response to this post.

1. Identify 3 key ideas that caught your attention and write a sentence or two about how they caused you to think or inspired you.

2. Identify a concept in this talk that you can apply to your elevator pitch idea.  Explain how Godin’s thought might lead you to refine or change some dimension of your concept.

Jack Dorsey and the Founding of Twitter



