Mia Monzidelis thought outside the box when it came to innovation and design. She always wanted her own horse as a child, but growing up in a highly suburbanized area she never had the ability to experience the joy of riding and having a horse of her own. She also knew that she was not the only girl her age who had this dream. Thus, she created Power Pony, which is a mechanical pony or unicorn made up of fury material and mechanisms that allow one to interact with the toy through an iOS app. This little pony can travel around a house with a child riding in the saddle. It creates an unreal experience similar to that of riding an actual pony. Mia’s idea once put into the making, took off and literally rode into the sunset. During the Christmas of 2021 she sold 5000 units! Now her company has expanded to multiple employees and a couple volunteers. Starting with
only a determined and persistent desire, Mia created a business that has happily impacted thousands around the US.