Author Archive for urbaniklc1

The creator of Spotify was turned down by Google?

Yes, you read the title right. Entrepreneur David Elk, the creator of Spotify, was turned down by Google at the age of 16 when applying for a job. Elk grew up in Sweeden and didn’t have a lot of money, but this didn’t stop him stop creating my favorite app. At age 14 he had knowledge on computer science and made money by making websites for people. He became a millionaire in his early 20s and actually had some trouble with tax evasion. Him and his partner Lorentzon came up with the idea of a “lightning fast” music service that will allow you to stream music to your device. There idea came bounced of the website “Napster” which got in trouble for piracy issues.

Elk is an example of how hard work pays off and it is always good to rethink an idea or back track. He actually waited over 2 years to get enough money from investors to be able to have a functional start-up. Spotify allows people to listen to the songs they want without buying them for a monthly subscription. This is amazing because now I don’t have to buy every song I can listen to. Apple Music soon adopted its own version of a music service, but that hasn’t stopped Spotify from having 70 million paying subscribers.


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Sarah Harrs and Heart for People

Heart for People is a non-profit organization that connects school in Uganda, Africa with schools in the United States. The aid provided by the people and Schools in the United States helps build schools, buy land, buy crops, and buy school supplies. The organization is currently supporting 5 different schools in Uganda with the help of the Christian Drama School of New Jersey, Bloomsburg University, Morris Knolls High School, Harvey Newling Elementary School, and Harding Elementary School. The organization raises money through, donations, coffee houses, dance marathons, and the Read-to-Roof program. The Read-to-Roof program is used within elementary schools where children are sponsored to read books.

Sarah Harrs founded Heart for People in 2012 after witnesses the extreme poverty and lack of assistance that children had. The children were often orphans that had no money to pay for school or food and were forced into horrible living conditions. Sarah graduated from Elon University with a degree in International Development and used her compassion and knowledge to start an organization that improves the lives of innocent children. With her ability to empathize with others, she is truly a great role model and entrepreneur.

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The Creator of BoxLock Smart Padlock

Have you ever gotten your package stolen from your doorstep? 30% of Americas have had a delivered package stolen from them, and thanks to Brad Ruffkess there is now a solution to the problem. Brad studied computer science at Tulane University and landed himself a job at Coca-Cola. He later left to solve the problem of “package poachers”. He designed a smart lock that is able to secure packages until you are home to open them. All you need is wifi, a box large enough to store package, and wifi for this new smart lock to work.

There is a scanner on the lock that scans the package delivered opening the lock. The lock is connect to an app on your smart phone that notify’s you when a package has been delivered. This solves a huge problem for people who are worried about their packages being taken. Brad used his expertise in computer science to develop a new product that will save people a lot of money. He used his prior knowledge of technology and created a whole new market.  Thanks to his new and unique innovation, people no longer have to worry about their packages being stolen.

Read more about it here:

BoxLock Smart Padlock for Package Deliveries


Mark Aramli, the founder of BedJet, originally worked as engineer for NASA developing a comfortable spacesuit for astronauts. He also was a Vice President executive at Capstone Turbine Corporation who worked on zero emissions projects with BMW. He also created some clean energy solutions for the Army vehicles. With his expertise in clean energy and engineering, he was able to develop a product that would change the way people sleep. Often times your bedroom is too hot or too cold for you to fall asleep, and Aramli found the perfect solution to the problem with the development of BedJet.

A bluetooth controlled device that becomes apart of your bed and adjust the temperature under the sheets. It is an amazing product that it easy to use and environmentally friendly. This will help many people who have trouble sleeping because their bed is too hot or too cold.

LeBron James- A True Entrepreneur

LeBron James, one of the greatest basketball players of all time, is making a great impact in his community through his all new “I Promise” school. Besides being a tremendous athlete, LeBron is very compassionate, and caring toward his home community of Akron, Ohio. His new school is a non profit that will help many kids in poverty graduate high school. The school also offers students who graduate tuition to attend the University of Akron. This picture below was posted on LeBron’s instagram.

This school will have a great impact on the community in LeBron’s hometown and help improve many teenager’s futures. By offering free tuition, uniforms, and even job placement services for student’s parents, LeBron is changing and improving his community. Unlike other athletes, he has been able to stay out of trouble and positively impact society. This is why he is one of my role models and a true entrepreneur.

Flatware that never touches the table

A lot of people are worried about germs eat. You might find your self eating on a surface that has not been cleaned recently or making dinner in the kitchen and your roommate did not wipe the counter after making his or her meal. Now with the new silverware called the iFork Flatware, your forks, knives, and spoons will no longer touch the dirty surfaces you are using. The stainless steel line has a metal ball attached to the utensils to prevent it from touching the table. This way you will not have to worry about germs any more. There is also a line of plastic utensils with the same technology that are easy to dispose.

This innovation was developed by Kyle Donovan, who group up in New York and sometimes found that he was eating on surfaces that birds had recently been perched on. This is a great innovation that will save people from contracting various sickness from dirty silverware.

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