Author Archive for vankirkjs18

Jeff Bezos: Bozo or Brilliant?

Most of us recognize the name Jeff Bezos as he is the founder of Amazon and an acclaimed billionaire. The man is on a similar status to that of Solomon, yes the one in the Bible. With the seemingly endless amount of financial resources that Bezos has, he seeks to put it to good use through the mission of Blue Origin.

Watch Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin Launch Its New Shepard Rocket | WIRED(Bezos, pictured to the left)

Blue Origin is a space company founded by Bezos and is seeking to create the infrastructure for regular human space travel for the sake of protecting our home, earth. The company seeks to “build a road to space with our reusable launch vehicles and lower the cost of access (to space), enabling a future of growth.” What an incredible mission this is! Origin’s commitment to reusable launch vehicle remains one of its major value propositions as this goal drastically sets it apart from other limited competitors.

Blue Origin still holding off on New Shepard ticket sales - SpaceNews(located to the left is Blue Origin’s New Shepard. This rocket is currently taking payloads to space and will soon fly astronauts)

Whether or not you are in favor of mass space travel, one does need to acknowledge that Bezos is not remaining stagnant in his desire for entrepreneurial thinking. The man has a plethora of wealth yet continues to put his talents to use rather than remaining removed from society and buried in his treasure. Bezos admits that Blue Origin is the most important thing he is doing right now. Furthermore, he firmly believes that our passions pick us and we are called to be open to exploring them and finding them out. While maybe not aligned with a Christian worldview, Bezos does understand that all humans have an underlying drive which fuels their passions. “Use the word “impossible” with great caution”, warns Bezos.

Risen Fly Fishing

Started by Ryan, a former youth pastor in the Beaver area of Pittsburgh, Risen Fly Fishing exists to bring high quality fly fishing products to consumers at a much lower cost than its competitors. Starting with a few fishing items, Ryan built the product lines so that there exists today much fishing gear for customers. Furthermore, Ryan seeks to do entrepreneurship in a redemptive way; quoting the company’s website page, the venture exists to “put the customer first and reflect Him in all things.”


I stumbled across Risen Fly Fishing as I sincerely enjoy exploring different fly shops in the area of Pittsburgh. As I walked into the Risen store located in Beaver, PA, I was met by Ryan and I liked how personable he was towards me. He took thirty minutes of his time to help me learn the different fly fishing gear in his store.

Deposit Program for Goliath Rod – Risen Fly

Another reason why I love this venture is the intentional names with which Ryan names his product lines. As he seeks to represent the Kingdom of God in his business, Ryan names each of his fishing rods after different Biblical characters. As shown above, the Goliath rod is indeed named after Goliath himself; the rod is the largest of Risen’s production line. What an awesome way to incorporate Biblical characters which inevitably create opportunities to discuss Biblical literature.

In effort to put the customer first, Ryan also offers a deposit program which allows for customers to put down a small amount of money and pay the rest of the rod off as time follows. This allows customers to purchase expensive products at their convenience. In the fly fishing world, this proves to be an effective, differential way of catering to the customer’s needs.

Risen Fly - where you can get quality gear without the high end price.

Father’s In The Field

Ministry Overview - Fathers in the FieldIn-the-Field-4 - Fathers in the Field

While searching for another entrepreneurial endeavor to research, I stumbled upon “Fathers in the Field.” This initially caught my eye as my elevator pitch was an idea to help mend father-son relationships; this ministry is doing just that!

Started by John Smithbaker in 2005, this ministry aims to “share God’s love with hurting boys dealing with the same abandonment issues he dealt with for so long.” Although quite successful in his career-life, Smithbaker carried many scars from his childhood due to broken family life. Due to his father’s desertion while a youth, Smithbaker admittingly had many scars and much bitterness towards his father. Desperate to rid himself of the agony he was experiencing, John sought the Lord for forgiveness and reconciliation. While it was a long process of learning how to forgive and let go of the bitterness he had held on to for so long, John ultimately learned to abide in the Father’s love for him and true healing began.

In order to prevent the devastating cycle of fatherlessness in America, John Smithbaker and his team set out to start “Fathers in the Field” which seeks to mentor the boys in a one on one fashion through outdoor activities and by sharing a Christian understanding of the Heavenly Father.

One of the really neat things about this ministry is their “enroll church” option. As one’s who are seeking to build up the local church with faithful fathers, the option of “enroll church” enables different churches to enroll their members in need of this ministry so that boys in the church can receive a positive experience.

I really love the approach of this ministry as it uses story to convey a level of personal meaning with those involved. The story of John Smithbaker, while heartbreaking, truly sets a grand story of redemption which captivates the hearts of all humans coming in contact with the ministry. Furthermore, Smithbaker showed much determination and entrepreneurial spirit as he contemplated (for years) how to best effect the next generation of America.


John Smithbaker on Forgiveness, Fatherless Boys, and What That Has to Do  With the Fate of the NationJohn Smithbaker


Legacybox, which originally started as an e-commerce company named Southtree, was started in 2013 by Adam Boeselager (left) and Nick Macco (right). These two were former roommates at Lee university in Tennessee and orginially started Southtree out of their garage. Southtree served as a foundation for what is now known as their second company: Legacybox. Legacybox digitizes, that is puts old media such as VCR and tapes, onto a digital platform such as a flashdrive. While the two are compelled to digitize media well, their foundational desire is to preserve family memories so that family history may be maintained. What a neat, creative way to preserve family life! Legacybox IS the “largest and most trusted home movie digitizer”; over 850,000 families in America trust use or have used Legacybox.

The success of this company can largely be attributed to its founders. The two roommates have a unique passion and drive for this company’s success. They started the company with a very successful Kickstarter campaign and in 2017 were named one of the fastest growing companies in America by Inc. Magazine. Based out of Chattanooga Tennessee, Legacybox has a staff of about 200 professionals which digitize the different forms of older media by hand and communicate with customers while the digitizing process is occurring so they stay up to date.

Pictured below is a current option for one wishing to digitize their media. Typically, the most popular forms of digitizing are thumb drives, digital(phone), and DVD. Legacybox makes the process of digizting quite easy; after the customer picks what format of digitizing he/she would like, Legacybox sends the desired box size to the customer with a barcode sheet and prepared shipping label located inside. This makes the process of sending in old media much more convenient for the customer. If this was not already enough, Legacybox also sends a welcome guide with instructions indicating the proper steps to take for customers. I love the simplicity and directness of this company. They surely thought from different angles and perspectives as they have made the consumer’s experience quite friendly.

20 Item Closet


Legacybox Warehouse (Chattanooga, Tennessee)

How It Works – Legacybox



Are You Kidding Socks

video thumbnail

For Brandon Martinez (14 years old) and his brother Sebastian (12 years old), age is simply a number when it comes to business. The two brothers started their sock company in 2014 as they sought to start a non-profit to live out their passion: designing and selling socks while supporting national and local charities. Hence, the mantra of these boy’s non-profit: “kids helping kids.” The boys are quite intentional about shaping their business so that communities are impacted by their model of charity. With each pair of socks that one buys, one sock is donated to a charity. The business partners with a list of nine non-profits.


One of the parts I love most about this business is the design of the socks. They consist of youthful patterns which are certainly attractive to kids. Furthermore, some of the socks have designs of certain charities printed on them which create awareness of the charity when worn and 30% of the sock profit is donated to that charity. The picture below illustrates and example of these charitable socks.





“You’re never too old or too young to start a business… you can be 7 or 70.”
– Sebastian Martinez

“If we’re not learning to give back then what are we really doing for the world.”
– Brandon Martinez


As the quote of Brandon Martinez suggests, the two business kids are all about improving the world. Christian or not, these boys are serving others through ingenuity. In addition, they did not let their youthful status stop them from pursuing their dreams. What an entrepreneurial spirit the two possess! The two boys have contributed over $300,000 in charitable contributions; located on their website, they claim the main focus of the business to be donating socks to kids in foster care, the homeless, and those affected by natural disasters.

The business does a great job at marketing their product well too; they know the desires of their audience. For example, the business acknowledges that more than nine in ten millennials would purchase a product associated with a cause. I admire these kids as they obviously discerned a common passion and implemented a business that first and foremost focuses on others.

Allbirds: Eco-Friendly, Minimalist Shoes


Allbirds co-founder Tim

As Americans, most of us can say we own one, if not multiple pairs of shoes. For Tim Brown, founder of Allbirds shoe company and former professional soccer player, an over-abundance of shoes prompted his desire for a change in the shoe industry. As Brown progressed in his soccer career, he realized that the numerous shoes he received from his sponsor were “completely unnecessary.” Due to Brown’s experience with an over-abundance of shoes as a soccer player, he let this drive his vision for the Allbirds shoe company. Brown envisioned a shoe that would innovate in reverse. Instead of choosing to add to already technical and detailed shoe designs, he chose to “strip back the shoe and create something simple and natural.” The foundation for Brown’s Allbirds company was one that innovated in reverse. Not only did Brown aim to create a minimalist shoe, but he furthered his efforts by committing to sustainability. Brown continued this vision of minimalism as he chose to use renewable, sustainable resources to build his shoes. For example, Brown and Zwillinger (engineer and renewables expert), crafted a shoe which incorporates eucalyptus fibers containing cooling properties. This creates a running shoe which naturally cools your sweaty feet. Below is a picture of these shoes made from eucalyptus trees.

Men's Tree Runners - Wheat (Dark Beige Sole)“Allbirds: Tree Runners”


EVERY part of these shoes are comprised from renewable resources. The laces are crafted from consumer plastics, the insole of the shoe is made from castor bean oil which emits less carbon than petroleum based foam, the mid-sole is made of sugarcane from Brazil, and the upper is made from the eucalyptus tree fiber.


The royal crown of Allbirds consists of their use of marino wool shoe material. In continuing with their mantra of sustainability, Allbirds uses marino sheep wool as the majority of their shoe material. In New Zealand, where the company is based and Brown’s home, sheep outnumber humans 6:1. Using sheep wool reduces the use of energy by 60% compared to that of most shoes on the market.

One of the entrepreneurial traits that Brown exudes is passion. It was quite evident through my research of this company that Brown has a profound passion for protecting our earth yet providing style in a simple way. I love how he thought creatively about the simplifying of shoes rather than trying to add to an already very complex shoe industry. By stripping down the shoe to its basic function and fashion, Brown was able to create a product which people thoroughly enjoy due to its performance and contribution to our plant.

“Mother Nature is our muse. Building on her handiwork, we’re finding new uses for materials that exist right in front of us. Like wool from merino sheep, who have the best hair in nature.” – Tim Brown