Author Archive for Jade Welsh

Duck Dynasty Daughter designs Daddy-Approved Dresses

16-year-old Sadie Robertson, daughter of Willie Robertson, recently announced that she would be teaming up with Sherri Hill to release a new line of teenage targeted dresses that would be “Daddy-Approved”.

She says that she has two standards for her dresses, they have to fulfill the finger-tip rule in length, and they have to be “everything modest up above”.

Sadie declared that she had been working on the designs for the dresses for quite sometime, and even some of her designs are still under construction and is making alterations in order to fit the Robertson family stamp of approval.

The idea for the dress designs began when the Robertson daughters went searching for dresses that were approved by their parents, and realized how minimal of dresses made the cut.


I am excited to see what designs and dresses surface, and I am even more excited to start seeing younger teens realize how valuable their image and their bodies are. This is a great way to get teen girls back onto the right path. Way to go, Sadie.

Miss O and Friends

At ten years old, Juliette Brindak began getting her think tank going.

As a young girl, she often spent most of her time, like all young girls, playing with dolls. Along the way, she decided that she no longer liked the dolls she was playing with, and decided that she was going to create the dolls that she wanted to play with, watch movies about, and play games that included those dolls as well.

‘Miss O’ was one of the character from a series of drawing-based characters called the ‘Cool Girls’ aimed to be a positive role model for young girls and teens.

Brindak created these characters herself, and used the help of her parents to help her boost her idea. Her mother, a graphic designer, drew the characters, while her father, a man deep into business, dug into the logistics of creating a business from his daughter’s creation.

Brindak’s company was launched in 2005, which began as a website deemed, “for girls, by girls”, where girls can seek advice from a supportive community and play  flash games that included the characters.

Shortly after, Bridak began a book series that included the characters, and had since sold over 100,00 copies!

In 2011, the site was ranked 3rd largest girls-only website. Today, the website generates 10 million monthyl visits – which is over 20 times what the website generated when it began.

Brindak, now 23, remains the CEO of the company, but continues to pursue different business methods in order to keep on top of what young girls and teens are looking for today, and she is also making it possible for young girls to be able to see their favorite musicians live, while being in a safe environment!



Men : Would you “Man Can”?

mancanCalling all men, this ones for you. You may be thinking, what exactly is a man can? Well, it has nothing to do with “kicking the can” or using the bathroom. Instead, it’s actually a scented candle that is meant to appeal to a market of men.

At age 13, Hart Main decided that he was going to take a stand against the fund raiser his selling was selling almost directly to women, candles. He began thinking, “Why don’t people sell candles with scents that men would like? Men don’t want fruity foo-foo flower power candle scents.” Little did Hart know, this little notion that he had would turn into an opportunity to feed many hungry people.



How it works:

Hart’s company purchases his soup cans from a local grocery store, donates that can of soup to someone in need, and then he takes the can, removes the label, puts the can through thorough cleaning, and then produces the candle. Ultimately, when you make a purchase from “Man Can” you’re buying a candle that is sure to satisfy your man’s sniffer’s desire, and also you are helping feed someone who needs a little help.

In 2013, Man Cans decided that you just can’t thrive without women. As a result, man can’s created a sister product, the “she-can’. These cans are made within the same types of cans as the man cans, with a similar label, and made with the same wax, however it’s simply more appealing to women. The only rule with the She Cans? They are not allowed to have girly scents or girly names.


You can now purchase Man Cans, or She cans online at for the starting price of $9.50, or you can visit over 50 stores around the nation.


What I personally love about this business is that Hart simply took a product that he had lying around his house, a soup can. He used that, and created genius, all while serving those in need. What a great example of up-cycling this business is!

The Holidays are coming, get your man cans now!


BirchBox remodels the beauty world

Selling beauty products isn’t easy. Especially when there are so many options, with very little differences. How do you differentiate your product to make it more desirable than the 14,000 other products of the same purpose? How do you present your product in such a way that makes it appealing enough for a consumer to change their usual make up routine?

The answer : Birch  Box. The company was founded in 2010 by Katia Beauchamp and Hayley Barna, two Harvard graduates. They believe that instead of going around the corner to your local department store and selecting products to sample, allow Birch Box to do it for you.

How it works:

– You go online to , answer some questions regarding your cosmetic preferences, and as a result birch box provides you with a beauty profile suited to your needs and desires. Then you enter your credit card information, and then every month you will receive a very chic looking recycled package, that encloses your perfectly selected sample products.

If you receive products that you are unsure of how to use, or what the purpose of using the product is, you can visit the website and read about each product, how to use it, and so on. If you decide that you love the product, you can purchase it right on the birchbox site, and then will have it shipped directly to you.


Birchbox is an incredible idea for a business. First of all, the beauty industry is huge, and is continually growing and changing. It is not a dying breed, nor will it be anytime soon. Women are always looking for new products that make their eyes pop more, a new face wash that makes their skin glow a little brighter, and nail polish that fits their constantly changing taste. The market they are appealing to, is an incredibly large and ever-changing market. It is also a really great place for start- up businesses to give their products a test run. It is also a great opportunity for big-name brands to continue to get their name out and present their new products on a platform.

The final thing that I really appreciate about these entrepreneurs is that when they first began generating ideas for the business, the first and most important question they continued to ask was, “How did the business proposition make sense to the customer, and what value propositions can we give to this brand?” They continued to seek the consumer first, and since then, it’s been successful.

Mo wants ‘Mo Money’ and Better Bows

Meet Mo (Moziah Bridges), a now 12- year old boy with a passion for bow-ties. Three years ago, at age 9 little Mo was unsatisfied with the products that the bow-tie market was producing. He decided to take matters into his own hands, and create a solution to his pestering problem. So obviously, like most young boys, he asked his grandmother to teach him how to make bow-ties of his own. Being a wise grandmother, she taught young Mo how to sew by hand, and also by machine.

After much dedication to the sewing machine, he was finally becoming successful at producing bow’s that suited his desire. Little did he know, people began noticing his handmade bows, and the demand for Mo’s bow’s grew. He decided to do what any business man or woman would do, he penetrated the market that demanded his bows and began to make a profit in his business that is now called, “Mo’s Bows”.

Mo’s business has expanded, and he now offers unique and fun self-adjustable bow ties for all ages, even including infants. The structure of the most standard bow that Mo offers includes snap on buttons, which he markets as his ” on the go bow”. If you are have an idea for a bow tie you’d like to own, but don’t know how to create it yourself, don’t worry, Mo even accepts custom orders! On top of that, Mo can even satisfy those of you who are into true vintage, as he continues to use vintage fabrics that once belonged to his great sewing teacher, his grandmother!

When it comes to Mo’s selling style, he is definitely a one-of-a-kind salesman. He takes a suitcase, and totes around all of his merchandise, he has sold on Etsy, and many boutiques have purchased his products in the southeastern states.

So far, Bridge has earned over $30,000 on his bow ties, and he has plans to open up a children’s clothing company.

I personally first heard of Mo on the famous TV show, Shark Tank. mo'sbows He proposed his business to the sharks, who all soon fell in love with the little guy with the big smile and even bigger dreams. While Kevin O’Leary made him a counter offer to what he was asking, it was Daymond John that won the heart of Mo. While John would not offer Mo money, he offered something much more valuable, a mentor-ship.  Daymond had much experience with clothing as he owns the FUBU clothing company. When he was first beginning his business, he was offered $10,000 for 40% in his company. He turned down the offer, and he has not regretted it for a moment ever since.


Mo is an incredible young man, with a passion and desire that we all need to strive for. He had a need for something, he saw a way to fix it, and he made it happen. Now, he’s making money and building a business that will likely continue to grow as he also, continues to grow.

You go, Mo.

High School Drop out ; Design diva

In 2004 Ashley Qualls turned just 14 years old when her business began. She also turned into a young entrepreneur who found herself fulfilling consumer demand. In 2004, ten years ago, Myspace was the social media site of choice. Qualls began designing and displaying her personal page designs, and soon friends began asking her to design for their pages. Determined to complete good work, she invested many hours to each design, making sure they were unlike any of her previous designs, and specific to the customer.

There are a slim amount of people who have an eye for online design, but Ashley was one of the few. She posted some designs online, and within days people began purchasing. Before she knew it, she was making $70,000 per month in revenue with over 7 million monthly visitors. After a while, Qualls decided she was making enough money to drop out of school and devote her time to her business. According to she was offered $1.5 million for her business, but turned down the offer.

Ashley’s idea is a wonderful idea, and very useful to those who are willing to pay for awesome designs. Web design is a diminishing art, and it is wise for her to use the talents she has to benefit others. Her determination and devotion to her business is very admirable. She pursued a passion, and it has lead her farther than she imagined.