Author Archive for whiteae21

Stephanie Purcell – Founder of Redesigned Classics

Stephanie Purcell is a young entrepreneur who changed the game of interior design.  She worked in the field of Film and TV and began repurposing decor and furniture items on her own time.  When her husband started growing in the field of real estate, he would oftentimes ask for her help redecorating homes and repurposing the furniture before a showing.  This happened more and more often, so she decided to make a business out of it.  She specializes in eclectic, vintage, and colorful designs.  This sets her company apart from the rest.  Most repurposing companies stick to the basics to avoid anything too showy or colorful, but her company specifically seeks out unique items to repurpose, and she has found success in this!

Stephanie’s company is impressive and entrepreneurial for multiple reasons.  For one, she combined her skills with her husband’s to find success.  She also took a different approach than most, focusing on eclectic art to set her style apart from the rest.  The entire premise of her company is resourceful and creative, proving that beauty can come out of anything.  Stephanie is a great example of a young entrepreneur who uses their passions and resources to make a difference.

Calloway Cook – Founder of Illuminate Labs

Calloway Cook is truly an expert in his field.  He is a shining example of a young entrepreneur.  His company, Illuminate Labs, was invented for his own benefit, and he ended up profiting more than he could have imagined.  In his younger years, he had been taking dietary supplements.  As someone who was very mindful of clean eating and product transparency, he routinely reached out to the drug companies to ask for full lab reports of the contents of their supplements, as many of the ingredients and descriptions were very vague and raised concerns for him.  He found that no company was willing to disclose this information.  This rose red flags in his head, causing him to create a solution.  He made his own supplement company, Illuminate Labs, which incorporates complete product transparency and clean ingredients into its principles.

Calloway is a fantastic example of a young entrepreneur because of his method of solving this issue.  He saw a need that he knew would get attention from anyone interested in these types of products, created a solution, and found profit through this solution.  I think his story is very encouraging for any young entrepreneur, and it shows that there can be a success in personal stories.  His issue began as a personal preference, and he solved it to make his own life easier.  This is a great example of entrepreneurship because we all have annoyances and preferences that could be solved and result in profit.

To read more about Calloway’s story, please visit:

Braden Parker – CoFounder of Casca

Braden Parker, a young entrepreneur, is a star in his field, proving innovation and business skills in his own company.  He and a friend of his were analyzing the current market of footwear and realized a huge issue.  Every shoe that is popular, attractive, and exciting falls apart within a short period of time (if worn consistently).  This annoyed him because many of his favorite shoes offered great comfort and style, but lacked in durability.  He decided to change this issue.  He created a shoe that is not only attractive but also prioritizes comfort and durability over anything else.  He made this happen through 3D technology that works through an app, allowing you to scan your foot for the ideal shoe size, shape, and form.  Because of this perfect fit and the durability of this shoe, they believe that they have created the perfect solution to footwear issues.

Braden is a great example of a young entrepreneur because of the way in which he found an issue and used it to create a business.  He saw what the footwear industry was overlooking, and he solved it, setting him apart from the rest of his competitors in the industry.  He also was innovative in his use of technology.  In today’s world, who doesn’t want to try an app that scans their foot and designs the perfect shoe, custom to their own anatomy?  There is a huge market for technological customization and personalization right now, so this was a great use of resources and innovation.


To read more about Braden’s story, please visit:

Alisha Chocha – Co-Founder of Roam Often

Alisha Chocha, Co-Founder of Roam Often, has put a fantastic product on the market.  She has a history of impressive entrepreneurial ideas, and has been actively creating products and businesses for over ten years.  Her most recent (and most notable) product has been Roam Often – a brand that sells fashionable and convenient travel jewelry cases.

This idea was created when Alisha had been traveling herself.  She brought a few jewelry pieces with her, and when she arrived to her location, they were a tangled mess.  This is where she saw a problem and took the opportunity in front of her.  This solution has been very successful, as this is a very common problem for women who travel.  More specifically, there are very few brands which market fashionable jewelry cases.  This sets her brand apart.

Unfortunately, this company was established just before Covid began.  This caused some issues for the success of their sales, as nobody was able to travel for a very long period of time.  Nonetheless, people found themselves online shopping, and through hard work and good marketing, the company overcame.

Alisha is a great example of a successful, young entrepreneur.  She found a problem, and she made a solution that appeals to many with the same common issue.  When faced with a setback, she overcame and found success through her pivoting and devotion to making her idea a success.


If you are interested in learning more about Alisha and her company, please read more at:

Adelle Archer – Co-Founder of Eterneva

Adelle Archer, co-founder of Eterneva, began a heartwarming company to help those who are mourning the loss of a loved one.  Eterneva is a company that turns the ashes of your lost pets or loved ones into diamonds.  This company has been honored in so many ways, receiving partnerships and recognition from companies such as Shark Tank, Amazon, Facebook, Forbes, and so many more!

Adelle graduated with an MBA and as valedictorian of her class as an entrepreneurship major at The Acton School of Business (considered the most notable program available for entrepreneurs).  She took the skills she learned from this program, and made them into something amazing.

This all began when Adelle lost a close friend to cancer.  As she was mourning her death, she realized that there are little to no good options for retaining the memory of a loved one.  She acknowledges cremation, as it is a common process and allows you to keep the ashes of the loved one, but she makes the point that ashes don’t stick around over time.  Many times, they are lost through generations, and the urns tend to feel somewhat morbid.  They wanted to honor loved ones in a way that would last forever and keep their memory safe.  They make the diamonds out of the carbon ashes, allowing loved ones to have this keepsake.

Adelle showed great skills of entrepreneurship through her attention to a need, and action to satisfy it.  For aspiring entrepreneurs, she recommends journaling.  Because a good entrepreneur’s mind moves so quickly and is full of so many ideas, this allows her to stay organized and document all of her thoughts.  It is a wonderful thing that something so heartwarming came from a loss she had in her life, and now it has blossomed into a successful business that honors people’s loved ones forever.


If you are interested in Adelle’s story, you can read her full interview here:


Coral Vita – Gator Halpern and Sam Teicher

The rate at which our oceans’ coral reefs are being damaged is heartbreaking.  The reefs do more for people than we might realize.  They support 25% of all life in the ocean.  They also protect coastlines, they are used in medicines, they provide jobs and other benefits to businesses that involve oceanic services and products, and so much more. Coral reefs even boost the economy.  Through sales, tourism, food businesses, etc., they generate $30 billion per YEAR!   However, there is currently a great need to protect these creatures.  It is predicted that 90% of the coral reefs left in the oceans will be dead by 2050.  Young entrepreneurs, Gator Halpern and Sam Teicher, saw this issue… and they took action!  They established Coral Vita, a company that restores these reefs and helps to replenish the ecosystems.  They have established a system that allows them to grow these reefs in non-oceanic farms at insane rates (50x faster than natural growth in the ocean).  They can then place these corals in the ocean to thrive in their natural habitat.  The way in which they grow these corals also benefits the coral itself by boosting its resilience to what it might face in the ocean (warming, acidified water, etc.).  Their replenishment system goes as follows:  assess, create, raise, install, and monitor.  This system ensures the best production and success rates possible.  The best part is that you can personally be involved in saving these reefs through Coral Vita!  They offer a service called “Adopt a Coral”.  This allows you to donate money and purchase products to adopt your very own coral, which they will raise and install in the ocean so that you can personally make a difference.  Being a part of this program also gives you access to many exclusive opportunities such as merchandise, educational resources, tracking systems of the reefs that Coral Vita is pursuing, and more!  These entrepreneurs are taking an issue with huge effects, and they are using a mode of action to make a huge difference!  This is very inspiring because they took an issue that is not easily solved, but they found a way to make a significant difference.  They took action and did scientific research to come up with a solution that is highly innovative and scientific, which most people wouldn’t care to do.  It is important to notice how they set themselves apart and find solutions that aren’t obvious at the beginning.  When presented with an issue regarding the vitality of ocean life, many people would assume the basic ways to help (paper straws, limit single-use plastics, etc.).  These entrepreneurs went far above these basic techniques, figuring out a way to regrow the system fully outside of the aquatic setting.  They are a stellar example of what an entrepreneur really is.


You can further explore what Gator and Sam are doing at