Author Archive for whiteea20

Madison Maxey

Fashion has been over done throughout the years. In fact, lots of styles from the past have made a comeback. Madison Maxey was not discouraged from finding an innovative fashion statement. At the age of 22 Maxey dropped out of college in order to follow her dream of becoming a designer for her own brand. Maxey transformed fashion. Smart Fabric helped her brand really take off. What makes smart fabric so creative and unique is that Maxey incorporated her designs and technology, that conducts electricity through circuits.

The company, The Crated (now known as, LOOMIA), Maxey founded is composed of engineers, designers, and innovators that deal with technology in some way or another. Based on how fast the growing interest rate consumers show in this concept leads me to believe that this 22 year old has changed the fashion world for the better. Maxey demonstrates her success by developing her product as prototypes for big name companies including: North Face, Google, PVH, Flextronics, Adidas, and Corning. This ambitious entrepreneur doesn’t stop there, she begins to lengthen her list of success by performing computational design as well as physical computing work at large companies and Maxey won the BF+DA Technology Innovation Award.

Maxey is a true entrepreneur and I can prove it to you. Maxey never let anything stop her from pursuing her dream, she found a distinct mashup (fashion and technology), she did not settle for less she continued to accomplish great things after she was greatly successful. Maxey is a very inspiring and motivating woman in the fact that she took two of her interests and made a sensational product out f it and became victorious. I learned that even after one major success there are still other opportunities for one to take advantage of. Maxey found a way to innovate a very difficult field, fashion.



How many of you have a financial plan for after college? How many of you even thought about personal finances at all? In all of my school experiences personal finance has never come up. Thankfully, Rebecca Liebman has created “an online learning tool”, known as LearnLux, all at the age of 22. Liebman’s goal was to help people execute their prime investment period, develop credit they will need later in their future, and in general make hefty financial decisions. Liebman wished she had the same kind of help when she was younger so she could understand her money and have access to financial expertise.

LearnLux provides lessons and intriguing, stimulating classes to assist anyone who is looking to further their knowledge on personal finance. Liebman geared this online tool towards anyone struggling with finances but had college students on the fore front of her mind when LearnLux was in the midst of being created. If you are worrisome about your finances LearnLux is the perfect tool for you; it teaches you the ins and outs of personal finance. LearnLux confirmed its success by being featured in CNBC, Forbes, HUFFPOST, and TechCrunch.

Liebman’s story may not be as crazy as others but, she still found a problem that many people face and innovated a solution to benefit them. Liebman demonstrates, problem solving, proactivity, and self motivation. LearnLux was created through personal experience because Liebman noticed how she did not know what to do when it came to finances. With this in mind, Liebman wondered if any college students had any financial plans thus, LearnLux came about. People can now turn their financial worries to Liebman and LearnLux to get the answers or information they need.


As a sophomore in high school, Jason Li, founded Li cares deeply for the environment which overall inspired his creation. iReTron basically encourages or rewards people to “go green”. Electronics are found to be one of the fastest growing portions of trash; Li’s goal is to help lessen the amount of trash found on the earth. The solution Li found is reusing and recycling old electronics. helps an individual sell, upgrade, or recycle their used gadget in the most convenient and efficient way possible. Most people have electronics and gadgets siting at home in a drawer, you might as well make some money off of it or make the world a greener place. At the age of seventeen iReTron made an impact on Mark Cuban and Barbara Corcoran when Li took his business idea to a famous TV show known as, Shark Tank. iReTron earned a $100,000 investment.

Li was not satisfied with his highly successful iReTron business so he decided to found his second social enterprise, UProspie. UProspie is a web platform that helps increase the accessibility to higher education. This goes to show how motivated Li is and how hard he works.

I admire the fact that Li was risky enough to put his effort into two separate businesses. I have learned a lot from Li for example, one needs to be willing to risk the RIGHT amount, one needs to believe in their idea, and one needs to be creative when thinking up a business idea. Li changed the idea of getting rid of electronics and made it into something that can help improve the earth. Li is a terrific example of just how successful a young entrepreneur can be.

Noa Mintz

New York Nanny Agency | Nannies By Noa: Find the Perfect Nanny for Your  Family

Most teenagers make their first earnings by babysitting on Friday nights much like Noa Mintz did. Mintz innovated the babysitting world, at twelve years old she founded the matchmaking childcare service Nannies by Noa.  This service provides extensive information on families and nannies ensuring that they are a good match. Nannies by Noa is still blossoming into the successful company it has the potential of becoming.

Mintz was raised on the West side of Manhattan this caused her to notice the disadvantages to finding babysitting gigs in such populated cities. Mintz strives to make babysitting a better and more efficient service for both the families and the nannies by being so creative and innovative. Mintz demonstrates entrepreneurial traits such as: driven, innovative, and creative. Nannies by Noa inspires me to not only focus on physical products but also on services that can be innovated or created. Thsi business also forces me to believe that there are lots more “everyday” goods and services that can be innovated and made better.

Me & the Bees

Me & the Bees Lemonade Variety Gift Pack

Mikaila Ulmer first showed interest in becoming a business owner at the age of nine when she sold lemonade in her front yard. Like most kids Ulmer was afraid of bees but, unlike most kids she wanted to overcome her fear by learning all about bees; this led to Ulmer’s break through. Ulmer, now at the age of thirteen created a unique lemonade brand called Me & the Bees. Ulmer’s business is booming as it struck an $11 million deal with US supermarket giants Whole Foods Market. Ulmer continues to exceed expectations by donating 10% of her profits to bee conservation charities.

Me & the Bees demonstrates innovative qualities by creating unique and delicious tasting lemonades and salad dressings. Ulmer is driven by bees and how they are important for our ecosystem, this business strives to save the bees and inform others of just how important they are. Me & the Bees inspires me to use my fears as motivation to innovate and improve various products and/or services.


Hannah Grace, a ten year old, started her own bath bomb business called BeYOUtiful. Grace first began this business because her father encouraged her to recreate some of her favorite products from her preferred health and beauty store. Around New Year’s Eve 2016 Grace was making her first bath bombs. BeYOUtiful bath bombs were selling in a local gift shop a few weeks later. The Grace family decided to continue selling this product; it is being sold in eight retail outlets in two states however, BeYOUtiful makes its largest impact online.

Grace’s business is called BeYOUtiful because Grace believes the being beautiful means to be yourself no matter the challenges you face.

Bath Bombs | Shower Cakes | Hannah Grace Beyoutiful

Grace was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at eleven months old. After this diagnosis Grace makes it her mission to donate 20% of all web sales to JDRF. Additionally, Grace has donated over $5,000 to multiple charities in hopes to leave an impact on the world.

At the age of ten Grace displays resilience, passion, and motivation. Grace inspires me to persevere through tough challenges and strive to pursue something I am passion about. This little business taught me that even just a small difference in innovations can be just enough to turn into a large successful company.