Author Archive for WilcoxJE21

Alexander Kulitski

Alexander Kuklinski is the founder and owner of SmartIT is a software company for online ticket sales. Also SmartIT provides services for small-medium sized businesses. Alexander got his start by teaming up with some of his close friends in college. Alexander is truly an innovator as he brought the first online tickets sales service to his home country. Interestingly Alex’s business also has another twist. SmartIT not only sells tickets online but also in vending machines which serve well for local events. Alex has had much success with his business and scaling the business has been successful. Alex however did not achieve these incredible successes without hard work. Alex has been involved in computer programming since he was 15 years old. Alex made the effort to learn skills in programming the few others knew at the time. To begin practicing his skills more he began free lancing work and by the time he reached freshman year of college he already had a stable income and a maxed resume. Alex’s handwork gave him the know how to take his skills fully commercial. Alex met a few friends at college with his same level of passion and together they built a successful platform. Alex’s story is a great example of the importance of handwork and network to the entrepreneur. Only through team work and hard work can great ideas become reality.

Ryan Hickman

Ryan is a young entrepreneur who had a passion for changing the world around him. One thing young Ryan noticed in his day to day life there was troubling amount of trash lying around. One day Ryan took his families receivables to the recycling plant and made $5 for the job. Ryan enjoyed the job so much he decided to start collecting his neighbors recycles and eventually he turned the whole idea into a business- Ryan’s Recycling Company. This young man has been featured on many major programs including “CNN Kid Wonder” in 2017, “Ellen”, and the “Today”  show. Ryan’s story doesn’t end there. Now 13 year old Ryan Hickman has made efforts to clean the ocean and remove trash from the world’s oceans. Ryan sells “Make the Sea Trash Free” T-shirts to help fund the Pacific Mammal Animal Rescue Hospital. Hickman has also started a new non-profit called Project 3R which is designed to educate on the importance of recycling. Ryan’s business provides an wonderful example of how a person with a concern in the well being of the world and took imitative to make a difference. Furthermore what is interesting about Ryan’s business is that it was for-profit business with a very not-for-profit cause. Ryan’s business should serve as an inspiration to potential business owners that for profit business can have just as a positive impact on the world as non-profits.

Whitney Herd

Whitney Herd is an entrepreneur who was inspired to make a big impact following a difficult life situation. In 2014 Whitney left both Tinder the online dating app company and also an abusive dating relationship she was engaged. Whitney wanted to create an online dating experience that would be more empowering to women by creating an app where woman would make the first move. The website has gained over 100 thousand users and provides opportunities to create friends as well as relationships. Whitney Herd says that her number one goal at Bumble is to provide happy and healthy relationships. As a survivor of abuse Herd is extremely motivated to provide a better dating platform than what she left at Tinder. Even in a heavily saturated market heard was able to find success and make an impact in an industry she is passionate about. There are many industries today that can feel unbreakable or unattainable to reach. Herd’s dating platform provides a clear example that a person with a new take on industry can make it big time. Today bumble is the second largest online dating platform and rivals the very company heard left back in 2014. Herd is continues to work on hear platform and makes improvements everyday.

Sabine Sipunova

Sabine Sipunova is a young entrepreneur who has truly created a one-of-a-kind service. Her company, Sorry as a Service, provides condolences from companies to customers in the form of handmade gifts. Rather than a dull, automated email, Sabine’s company helps companies give a genuine human touch to communicate with their customer, whether it be an apology, congratulation, or some other message. Sabine is driven by a desire to help companies, big and small, improve their customer service experiences. Sorry as a Service is innovating the customer service industry and will likely cause many companies to step up their customer service game as the company grows. Sabine’s business model is attractive simply because it is so unique. I have never seen a business like this before, and it is inspiring to see such an unconventional business model. Sabine’s business is a great example of a entrepreneur identifying an everyday pain and effectively solving that pain. It is also goes to show that identification of the problem can be just as creative the solution itself. If there is one thing to take away from this entrepreneur it is that there are opportunities everywhere, even in something as mundane as automated customer service messages regarding apologies to customers.

Henry Burner

Henry Burner is an aspiring and inspiring entrepreneur who owns and runs his own business. Henry Burner’s company Buttonsmith Inc. which sells T-Shirts, bobby pin buttons, and other accessories like dog collars. Young Henry was only in fourth grade when he came with the idea to start a business. Henry was initially inspired by a fourth grade elementary school project but was driven by the desire to make his small project into something even bigger. With the help of his parents and friends Henry was able to make his dream to start of starting a business a very real reality. Henry displayed many entrepreneurial traits including creativity and ability to see a bigger picture for his products. Since then Henry’s business has grown drastically procuring dozens of products and accessories raking in millions dollars of revenue  Henry is inspiring because his him and his business proves small and simple ideas can quickly turn into a major business the has a real impact on the world. After reading about Henry I have learned that no idea is too small and with enough effort and ability to adjust anything can be accomplished. Even an idea as small as one that involves a tiny shirt button.

Jonathan French

Jonathan French is young entrepreneur who took his passion for micro-mobility  and turned it in to a scooter business right here at Grove City College. Jonathan is driven by a desire to improve peoples lives and to give back to those who gave so much to him. After interviewing with him personally, I learned that improvement of people’s lives is his top priority and the excitement he had for this goal was nothing short of inspiring. His business model is strikingly simple and is interesting because it brings a growing industry directly to campus. The rental model he uses reflects models commonly found in major cities’ ride share programs. Jonathan’s business Scootie seeks to provide fast and fun transportation services to the campus through the use of electric scooters. Jonathan is hardworking, open minded, and opportunity seeking. Through his hardwork Jonathan is innovating leisure and transportation on campus. Jonathan inspires me because he is a fellow Grove City College student who pursued a passion and made his passion a working business. It is safe to say that there is a great deal of anticipation for the opening of Jonatan’s business here on campus and that we look forward to scooting about in the Grove.