Author Archive for WisniewskiAT17

Jack’s Stands

Instead of having your own lemonade stand as a kid, what if you managed thousands of other kids’ lemonade stands. This is exactly what Jack Bonneau created his company off of. At age 12 Jack was not satisfied by just having his own lemonade stand. He created a business that allows other kids to start their own businesses by selling various things. He came up with the idea that if he could help other kids who wanted to make a business he could then get a cut of their profit and would help supply and overshadow their company. Jack appeared on Shark Tank and the Sharks loved his idea and that he was so innovative at such a young age. Jack is an inspiration because we see that no matter your age you can think of an outside the box idea as well as take that idea to larger funding platforms and come away with more resources. Jack performs Ted Talks to talk to people about his success and helps other kids personally on how to make their business more successful.

Yes, You Candle!

Can you make people more positive with just candles? Nic Bianchi from Nebraska was able to find a way to do just that at age 12. When Nic got his first candle-making kit at age 12 he found a passion of his in making candles. He combined his love of science and candles together to make the best soy candles and created the Bianchi Candle Company. In 2019 Nic appeared on Shark Tank and would soon begin selling his candles on amazon.

Here we see a mashup of interests, Nic puts his passion for science and candles together to try and make the best soy candles. We also see two major ways he is separating his candles from the competition. He first has a catchy slogan is “Yes, You Candle” in which all his candles are named after positive things which are Nic’s main goal is to help spread positivity. Nic also has a line of candles to support first responders and some of the proceeds go back towards each of the first responders to help fund them. A new candle he has is for health care workers and some proceeds go towards helping hospitals combat Covid-19.

Gus’s Ice Cream Boat

Gus Schoenbucher at the age of 14 has a licensed food business, it’s not like most food businesses though. This one is on a boat where he drives around his local lake selling ice cream, hotdogs, and drinks. The company is called “Gus’s Eats & Treats”, he originally got the idea from his father who would do the same thing when he was younger. With this idea, Gus started using the same boat his father used which was 40 years old. After seeing how much revenue he brought in he decided to get a new boat and to get a license for the business. He would soon gain attention from bigger corporations and is now getting his donuts provided by Krispy Kreme.

Even though Gus’s idea originated from his father he found a market in his area that nobody else was trying to profit off of. Gus lives near a state park that has a huge lake where many people go fishing and relax on the water. While many people try to plan to bring things when they are spending the day on the water Gus thought it would be nice for them to have a little treat or in case they run out of  water he can be there. Not many people have thought to sell things off a boat on a lake. Gus is inspiring because we see that he is willing at a young age to try and create a business from his surroundings that nobody has made.

Gabe Blanchet and Grover Labs

Gabe Blanchet is the co-founder of the grove ecosystem which is a device that allows you to grown plants inside in a way that also decorates your house. Gabe designed this while finishing school at MIT. His inspiration for this was to allow for people to be able to have a garden no matter where they live. Gabe looked into the idea that certain areas can only grow crops for a certain duration of the year, however people in those areas still want to have gardens. So, Gabe decided to construct an indoor garden for himself. After collaborating with fellow students, he found that this idea could be profitable. Although after talking with people he found that his idea needs to be more appealing to people to want them to put it into their homes. After much redesign, Gabe and his fellow students were able to make a fashionable design to put into your home and from there Grove Labs was created.

Gabe took the idea of gardening and found a problem that people in certain areas had and was able to create a product to meet those needs. Along with just solving the problem and using the left side of his brain after talking with fellow students, he found that the idea does not only need to perform but be appealing to the customers more. Here we see Gabe had to exercise the right side of his brain and open up to the idea of interior designing and allowing a product not only to function but to look the part as well. I find Gabe inspirational because he has shown that in the world today to be innovative you cannot just have something that works it needs to work and appeal to customers. He shows how a young entrepreneur needs to be able to adapt and learn new things to allow his idea to grow and flourish.

Ben Francis’s GymShark Clothing

Quickfire questions with Ben Francis | Fresh Business Thinking

Ben Francis started a company called GymShark at the age of 19. He did this while being a full-time student and working nights as a pizza delivery driver in the UK to help fund his project. His business idea started when he could not find any workout clothes that he liked wearing. So, he decided to design his own line of workout clothes. After two years of him grinding it out between school, a part-time job, and starting a business, his business made over 250 000 pounds in one year which is equal to making over $300,000 in the US.

What drove Ben Francis was to achieve a workout clothing line that was comfortable and functional to allow for optimal performance and customer satisfaction. I found Ben’s inspiring because he was trying to start a business while also going to school and working a part-time job. He shows how the idea of hard work and persistence can help you achieve anything. Ben’s story shows us that if you really want something and you go after that will everything you have even if it means working a part-time job to help fund your idea that its worth it and that it can be done. He also shows that it can be done at such a young age, many people think that balancing school and work is hard enough at the age of 19 but Ben has shown otherwise. Ben’s idea is innovative because he found out that in the UK there were not many places that specialized in workout equipment. He found that many of the products that were sold that many users found uncomfortable or too expensive specifically for weight lifters, so he attacked this target market and was able to come up with a product that the customers enjoyed.

George Matus founder of Teal Drones

George Matus, who launched Teal Drones as a teenager in 2014, pilots one of his drones outside the company’s offices in Murray on Monday, May 13, 2019. The company is set to unveil a just-inked deal with the U.S. Army to develop a short-range reconnaissan

George Matus is the founder of Teal Drones which is the first company to mass-produce drones that are entirely made in the United States. George started this business in 2014 when he was a sophomore in high school. George Matus’s drones are heavily used by the US Army for surveillance and information recovery. George was driven to make drones user-friendly to allow for new applications and learning with the drones. In April of 2019, the US Army selected six companies to compete to manufacture light-weight drones for them to use. After just five years of being in business George’s team won a bid in the competition and would soon win the manufacturing contract.

George’s company has innovated the drone by taking the technology that is used in large drones and has been able to compress this technology into a smaller and lighter weight. George’s company has also implemented multiple measuring devices to make it easier for researchers to collect data from the surrounding area. The Golden Eagle has been innovated to have situational awareness while in flight, this was specifically made for the US Army but has since been implemented into other drones that have been manufactured by Teal Drones.

Co-workers have commented that George is willing to listen to other ideas and embraces other people’s thoughts. Since he is the CEO of his company this shows a good character trait to have as an entrepreneur that you should be open to new ideas and listen to all thoughts. George demonstrated many skills of an entrepreneur which has allowed him to succeed at such a young age. He followed a passion of his in drones and flight equipment and it ultimately leads to allowing him to have a very successful company.