Renting bikes in large cities is becoming increasingly popular, but riding without a helmet can be dangerous. I personally wouldn’t want to bike around a major city on roads without a helmet. To solve this problem, Iris Shiffer, a New York design student, has created a recycled, disposable, and foldable helmet. The EcoHelmet will be sold for $5 next to bike rental stations. Now there is an easy and affordable way to keep yourself safe when biking in large cities without having to carry your own helmet. According to an article by Forbes, she recently won £30,000 from the International James Dyson Award to fund her idea.
This idea is so simple, yet unique in its own way. Having readily available disposable helmets will help save people from serious injuries when biking in crowded cities. Her EcoHelments are supposed to be in large cities around the world next year, and I can imagine that they will have a large impact on city bikers. The helmets are supposed to last about 3-5 bike rides, and can soften a blow to the head. After watching a video of impact tests being run on the helmet, they actually do a pretty good job of protecting your head for being paper!