Author Archive for zwolinskilk23

The Comfy

The idea for The Comfy® came one day when the co-founder, Michael, saw his nephew asleep on the couch with his arms and knees wrapped up in an old sweatshirt. Who wouldn’t want an oversized, fuzzy piece of clothing, that also functions as a blanket?!

In 2017, Michael and his brother, Brian started their company, The Comfy Bros, and shortly thereafter did an audition on Shark Tank in Denver. Following their success they were able to get their products into Costco, Macys, Target, and many other stores. Now, in 2023, The Comfy® is extremely popular online and often seen on social media!

My best friend, for my seventeenth birthday, bought me a Comfy, but living in the sweltering heat of Florida, there sadly were not all that many opportunities to wear it. Now, living in Pennsylvania, I can use it often as the temperatures are frequently low, and can attest to it, in fact, being very comfy!

Squatty Potty

Well, this is awkward.

Introducing… *insert drumroll here* … The Squatty Potty!

Judy Edwards is the Founder and Co-Creator of the Squatty Potty!

Edwards grew up Orem, Utah on a dairy farm where she says she learned the value of hard work. After graduating high-school, she attended the “school of hard knocks” and is now a wife, mom, innovator, and entrepreneur. After raising 7 children, Edwards created the Squatty Potty and has since become a “squat-on-the-pot evangelist.” She, her husband, and her son, Bobby, built the first Squatty Potty in their garage in 2010 and since then, her business has only grown along with her marketing of the squatting method on TV, radio, and other media.

Now, with 7 children, 22 grandchildren, and 5 great-grandchildren, a happy marriage, and a successful business, Judy is happy as can be!

Adriana Carrig, the CEO + founder of Little Words Project

Adriana Carrig is the CEO and founder of the Little Words Project. When she was younger, Carrig experienced bullying and wanted to find a way to encourage other young woman who might experience the same. It began as something she made for her and her sorority sisters but then she decided to taker her idea and share it with women all over the world.

The idea is simple. You are able to customize your own cute bracelet, wear it for as long as you need, and then pass it on to someone else you think might also be encouraged by it. Each bracelet has a code on the tag so you can register your bracelet and keep track of where all the kindness spreads!

Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift grew up in Pennsylvania and signed her first record deal at the young age of 15. Since then, she has only grown in popularity. From the beginning, Swift has been intentional in maintaining her image by keeping her social media posts relatable and authentic, and by often connecting/interacting with her fans.  She has also built, to quote the article here, “a successful merchandise empire.” With constant new merchandise drops and sneak peaks into her life on social media, she keeps her fans engaged and excited. Swift has also impressively touched the fashion industry with her very own clothing line and trademarked the lyrics to her songs on all sorts of merchandise. In addition to her music career, she has donated to causes  that promote education and assist with disaster relief. One only knows what the entrepreneur will do next!