Archive for Airlines

Sustainable Air Transportation

Wright Electric was founded by Jeffrey Mark Engler to solve the problem carbon emissions by airplanes.  Flying is an essential part of modern transportation, but it can triple a persons carbon footprint.  Wright Electric is working on developing an electric airplane that will have much lower carbon emissions than current passenger jets.  The Wright 1 airplane that is in development will be able to carry 186 passengers, and it will use batteries to power electric motors for propulsion.  Lower carbon emissions will be achieved by using electric power and a more aerodynamic design that reduces drag and makes the airplane more efficient.  Battery powered airplanes are becoming more realistic as a result of research by government agencies such as NASA and the Air Force Research Laboratory that are making batteries more efficient and lighter.  An electric airplane has some additional benefits.  Electric motors are much quieter than traditional jet engines, and the decreased use of fuel will make electric airplanes cheaper to fly.  Wright electric is also designing their airplane so that batteries can be quickly swapped at an airport to allow for a faster turnaround time.

Wright Electric has partnered with experienced airlines such as EasyJet, Jetex, and VivaAerobus to get commercial, operational, and maintenance insight during the design process.  The Wright 1 will not have a very large range at first with 500km or 311mi flights from London to Paris, but it will be able to get up a 1,280km or 800mi range.  The Wright 1 will also have slower cruising speeds than similarly sized passenger jets, but Wright Electric expects this to be fine for the short flights that they will be starting with.  Wright Electric is planning to perform ground tests of its motors in 2021 and flight tests in 2023.  They are hoping to have the airplane on the market by 2030.

Scott’s Cheap Flights

The service Scott’s Cheap Flights was created by Scott Keyes in 2013. The humble beginnings of this service started as Scott had found an incredibly cheap international flight online. He did not plan to buy the ticket but he didn’t want the incredible deal he found to go unused either, so he shared the details with collogues and friends, and pretty soon he built up an email list with amazing flight deals, marking the beginning of Scott’s Cheap Flights. From here, Scott built a business out of a seemingly random occurrence once he saw the potential market for a business of this caliber. Scott’s team has members all across the globe, with employees in various countries trying to find the best deals for their premium members. The real magic of the service is that they have generated millions in profit since the inception of the company and have only 500$ in marketing!


Scott was able to take something completely random and look for ways to turn a profit on it. He capitalized on a specific area of a market in a way that set his company apart from the crowd. What makes his service special is the sheer simplicity of it; all you need to do is select the airports you depart from, put in your email and it’s as simple as that. For a fee, you can upgrade to receive knowledge even more exclusive deals with better fares. Scott Keyes is a prime example of what an entrepreneur should be: one who takes an idea a sees how it can be used to solve a problem.




David Neeleman: How He Changed The Airline Industr

When you think about the most successful entrepreneurs and how high they have risen, it is hard to imagine yourself ever in that position. However, the inspiring story of David Neeleman’s makes success and reaching those heights tangible. Neeleman was born in Brazil, but moved to Salt Lake City. He did not do well in school because he suffered from A.D.D. When he was 19 years old he went on a missions trip to Brazil where he was born. When he got back from Brazil, he went to college and soon started his first entrepreneurial venture.

His first business idea was to rent out condos in Hawaii for people going on vacation. His business took off and he began to make a profit. At this point he began to develop his business. He decided that he would package the condos with plane tickets. He partnered with Pacific East Airlines, but later switched to Hawaiian Airlines. Unfortunately, Hawaiian Airlines ran out of money before Christmas and all the flight tickets Neeleman had bought were unrefundable. This put Neeleman out of business and all the money that he had earned was gone.

Nelleman’s road to success was littered with hardships. Although he lost everything he did not throw in the towel. He was determined to start an airline that would have discounted flights and would fly where nobody else did. When he finally founded JetBlue in 1998 there was still complications. He was required to wait 5 years to start the airline because of the Non-Compete Clause that was put into affect when he was fired from his previous job at Southwest Airlines. Furthermore, on Valentine’s day in 2008 there was a crisis, and JetBlue passengers where stuck on the runway in an ice storm for roughly 10 hours. After this incident Neeleman was asked to step down from the company he started from the ground.

Even after this crisis, Neeleman did not quit. He currently owns Azul Airlines in Brazil where he is extremely successful. Looking back on his road to success he offers some valuable information. He says that if you want a constant customer then your ambassadors must buy into the brand. Next, there must be flawless execution in procedures. Finally, if there are any issues you must make it right withe customer. These are high standards to live by, but it has lead to his success. At the end of the interview he leaves the listener with an important question: How many lives have you touched? Although he has gone through many hardships as well as successes, he always keeps the customer and his employees in mind. I believe that David Neeleman is an inspiring entrepreneur because he came from humble beginnings and fought through adversity to achieve his success with a servant-like attitude.