Archive for Australia

Scaling Medical Technology with Dr. Aengus Tran

In the world of medicine, very often to hospitals and medical care facilities find themselves unable to treat and prevent diseases because of short-staffed operations. Radiologists can be swamped with work because of the sheer volume of scans they need to review as well as people they need to meet with. Aengus Tran saw this problem arise when he was visiting his home in Vietnam while studying for his degree at the University of New South Whales in Sydney, Australia. The problem of healthcare in the modern world isn’t recognizing and treating diseases, it’s finding a doctor who has enough time on their hands to do both.

Thats why after finishing his degree and postgrad, Dr Tren and his brother Dimitri began developing a way to expand medical diagnosis up to modern needs.

Using A.I. technology and knowledge of medical science, the two developed programs that scan and identify points of interest in chest and CT results. This allows radiologists and other physicians to essentially have a fully functional assistant that finds the most important scans on the most critical patients, placing their cases on the top of the physician’s bucket list so they can manage the crushing workload just a little faster and easier.

What they created, they called, a machine that is capable identifying, inspecting, highlighting, and learning diseases. Dr. Tren went to school to become a cardiologist but has now found himself running a company as an entrepreneur with his brother and cofounder Dimitri. With eyes looking to the future, they look to expand on the ways their A.I. can assist medical professionals in their work in the most trustworthy and effective way possible. Their expandable and multimodal model is now helping people around the world, and they aim to even transform the way the healthcare system spots and diagnoses disease.

Developing new systems and partnering with healthcare companies and officials (such as Sonic Healthcare), Aengus and Dimitri Tren provide their service to over a million clinicians around the world. To check out their website, click here and read more about it for yourself.


Bella Tipping- Child Founder of Kidzcationz

The young Australian, Bella Tipping, was only 12 years old when she had the idea to create Kidzcationz. After going on a vacation that her parents enjoyed but she did not, she wanted to find a way that allowed kids to have an input on the activities and plans throughout a vacation as well. The idea is very similar to the well-known apps, Trip Advisor and Expedia, except it is intended for kids. Kids could now rate hotels, restaurants, vacation destinations etc., for other children their ages to see. It was clear Bella was very thoughtful in creating her company; she made a way for kids to review and rate destinations without having to provide any personal information and for their accounts to show avatars instead of profile photos. Her parents helped support their daughter, Bella, by investing 80,000 Australian dollars (roughly 55,000 US dollars) in her business. However, Bella would have to prove her dedication to not just her parents who were providing a generous amount of money but to other investors as well. One of the main concerns with Kidzcationz was security for the young users on this app. She had to make sure this would be a safe and enjoyable experience for kids. Bella attended many meetings which required a great deal of traveling but with the support of her parents and the persistence in reaching her goal, her business became a success. Her words were, “If you can think it, you can do it.” That is exactly was Bella did. Since then, Bella has been named in 18 under 18 of Fortune Magazine, earned the Won Young Citizen of the Year, and was even invited to a dinner with Present Obama in 2018 in Sydney, Australia. Bella is an inspiration to both young and old entrepreneurs. Her passion and persistence serve as a good reminder that success does not happen overnight but with hard work and dedication, it is always attainable.

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