Archive for Bath

Da Bomb Bath Bombs – A Company Founded on Fizz and Fun

two women standing in front of confettiTeenage Sisterpreneurs with a love for bath bombs set out to make kids’ experience with bath bombs 10 times more fun! Little did they think the fun activity in their basement starting in 2015 would turn into a booming business. How Isabel and Caroline made their bath bombs stand out, is that each one contains a special surprise in the middle. They knew they got sad when their bomb dissolved, so now you aren’t sad because there’s something inside it in the end that almost compells you to want it to dissolve to see what special object you got! Toys, charms, messages, and jewelry are just a few of the treasures you’ll find inside their products. They also like to keep their bath bombs as natural as possible, making them with just a few high-quality ingredients in their hometown. As their business continued to grow, they now sell different scents, colors, and variations of the bath bombs. Also, other products like body scrubs, bath salts, and shower steamers.

I personally have not seen bath bombs like this, and it intrigues me. As the Christmas season is approaching, I think these would be great gifts for friends or younger siblings. I like how they really differentiated themselves from the normal simple colored bath bomb, making their products, scents, and packaging colorful and creative.


 On a casual trip to her favorite health and beauty store to buy bath bombs Hannah Grace, a ten year old girl, was challenged by her family to create a line of bath bombs of her very own. Hannah happily accepted the challenge and got straight to work formulating her own product and experimenting with fun and new ideas for bath bombs in her home. Hannah then began to sell her product to family and friends, but her product quickly took off.


Shortly after her bath bombs gained large success she expanded her product line to also include a plethora of health and beauty product. She went on to name her brand BeYOUtiful. Her mantra being you don’t have to be anyone else to be beautiful, you can just be YOU. When you buy a product from BeYOUtiful you can guarantee its hand made and with all natural ingredients. 

What makes Hanna’s product so special is that 20% of every sale goes to a Diabetes Research Fund, JDRF the leading global organization funding type 1 diabetes research as well as other amazing charities. Hannah has grown up with Type 1 Diabetes after being diagnosed as a baby at 11 months old and is passionate about T1D research. Hannah and her product have  been featured on the Today Show, This Is New England, Teen Boss Magazine, and Our Money-Snapchat. Hannah has already accomplished so many amazing things and is far from finished! 

Check out their media here!

25 year old Woman turns Fun Candle Side-Hustle into £10m Business.

Think you are too busy to start a side-hustle? It is not worth it right? It could be rewarding but it will never pay off may be the answer to that. What if I told you the side0hustler could turn into a £10million business. Oh the sticker shock may not be in pounds, so how about 13,115,500.00 in US Dollars! All this from a side-hustle that started in a family kitchen 2 years ago.

Hannah Chapman, 25, worked a job dealing with social media two years ago, started melting wax at the age of 23 and it just took off. She started advertising on Instagram her candles and before she knew it she quit her day job to focus solely on making these candles. Chapman credits social media for her success, as without it she would not have the customer base she has today. She says, “That’s the beauty of social media – there are ways of leveraging it that don’t necessarily require money and I think that’s what makes it so exciting for budding companies and young entrepreneurs, it really levels the playing field.”

On top of all that, she is able to employ her dad as a worker in her supply chain. The business itself does not just rely on candle sales, also having wax melts, bath bombs, room sprays and other handmade items. What an accomplishment by Hannah!all information was found at

ManCans! Manly scented candles


Another young entrepreneur out of Ohio is Hart Main. Hart Main is a 13-year old that came up with the idea of manly scented candles. “Why don’t people make candles with scents that everyone likes?” Hart Main asked, while smelling the overly perfumed candles his sister was selling for a school fundraiser, he thought about guys who did not want their bedrooms to smell like, lavender soap. Although his sister did not expect him to fully pursue the manly scented candles idea himself, he did, and the idea has turned into a nationwide success. But before this success, before the company started, Harts’ wheels began turning, and the entrepreneur in him began to come out. He saw the opportunity right under his nose, the young entrepreneur combined his passion for helping his community with his interest in making a different sect of candle by donating to local soup kitchens and using the empty cans to hold his extraordinary scents. Main put in an initial investment of $100, his parents put in $200, and they all worked together to develop the candles as a group. Hart and his family work together to craft these handmade soy-wax-blend candles that possess the kinds of familiar smells from around the house that no man (or woman) would turn their nose up at. Hart’s current candles includes scents like dirt, fresh cut grass, sawdust, campfire, pizza, and coffee, bacon, Grandpa’s Pipe, and more. Each comes individually packed in a gift box. Today, ManCans candles are in over 60 stores across the country and have sold about 9,000 units. Main looks forward to improving his business, as well as moving into other entrepreneurial ventures, “I like the fact that I have control over things and can make decisions and see what’s actually happening,” he says.


Hannah Grace, a ten year old, started her own bath bomb business called BeYOUtiful. Grace first began this business because her father encouraged her to recreate some of her favorite products from her preferred health and beauty store. Around New Year’s Eve 2016 Grace was making her first bath bombs. BeYOUtiful bath bombs were selling in a local gift shop a few weeks later. The Grace family decided to continue selling this product; it is being sold in eight retail outlets in two states however, BeYOUtiful makes its largest impact online.

Grace’s business is called BeYOUtiful because Grace believes the being beautiful means to be yourself no matter the challenges you face.

Bath Bombs | Shower Cakes | Hannah Grace Beyoutiful

Grace was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at eleven months old. After this diagnosis Grace makes it her mission to donate 20% of all web sales to JDRF. Additionally, Grace has donated over $5,000 to multiple charities in hopes to leave an impact on the world.

At the age of ten Grace displays resilience, passion, and motivation. Grace inspires me to persevere through tough challenges and strive to pursue something I am passion about. This little business taught me that even just a small difference in innovations can be just enough to turn into a large successful company.