Hart Main’s entrepreneurial career started with a sibling rivalry. Hart used to tease his sister’s highly feminine and flowery smelling candles. Then Hart found a bike he really wanted but he ran into one small problem: the bicycle cost a whopping $1500. Inspiration grew in Hart’s middle-school brain, and he set out to design a manly-scented candle, tapping into an unreached market with creativity and intuition. Combining ingeniously repurposed soup cans, diligently crafted scents, and a creative brand name, ManCans was born.
The young teen sells strongly nostalgic, relaxing, and masculine candles. His scents include Campfire, Bacon, Sawdust, Fresh Cut Grass, and Grandpa’s Pipe. Hart’s candles are handmade in Lisbon, Ohio by a workforce largely comprised of people with special needs. His business has grown greatly exponentially, bringing his candles to every state and regularly makes six figures annually. Hart’s dedication and passion in his entrepreneurial venture is displayed in the compassionate aspects of his business. Committed to his local communities and the unmet needs of the poor, Hart donates part of his revenue to soup kitchens in Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Michigan. You can learn more about his impressive business here.