Archive for Comedy – Page 2


Pewdiepie, or more formally known as Felix Kjellberg, is the second most subscribed account on Youtube with 101 million subscribers. He has been the face of Youtube for around seven or eight years. Felix is unique because he decided to combine video games and humor in a way that people had never seen before. He is driven by his desire to make people laugh and laugh until they can’t laugh anymore. His idea of producing content of games of all kinds is his brand. This idea is great because it caused people of all backgrounds, of all cultures, despite all of their differences to come together and enjoy a laugh from someone who seeks to unite everyone over the power of laughter. Felix demonstrates passion for his field. He works incredibly hard to create enjoyable content with great editing in order to create the most interesting videos possible. He’s motivated, he has a vision and he will do nothing until he’s reached his goal of bringing joy to all people across the world. He’s decisive: he knows what he has to do and he does it. Felix inspires me because he connected this need of unity between all different types of people and used his talent to create a common denominator between people of all different types: laughter. This principle amazes me beyond belief that Felix was able to pull off such a basic concept in such a supernatural way. 101 million people all coming together just to laugh. Felix’s story has taught me how simple it can be to be an entrepreneur. All he did was take two things, video games and humor, in order to solve one problem: division between people of different kinds. If a person is really invested in something and sees a problem that he or she can solve with this skill then they can make it happen. Who knows, maybe 101 million will get behind your back as well.